It was at this point that the Reverend Frampton posed an important question.
"Do you think we can get into a regular direct conversation with the Right Hon Jake Horatio Higginbottom?"
Yes, it was also at this point that the Chief Detective Inspector woke up.
He looked across at Lina and ordered yet another pint. His third or fourth, fifth? He had a hard week, although successful. Several cases had been satisfactorily concluded. No doubt he would get some 'grief' from his wife when he eventually stumbled out of a taxi later. She was well used to this. However, alcohol was not the best solution for stress.
He looked across at the gathering and repeated his experiences of actually having Old Slippery' inside 'his head'. A few others have had this as a passing experience. He knew this was the case with Sid the landlord and his sister Dr. Amelia Smith as well along with Professor Hudson.
All four could converse directly with the Ghost telepathically as they were direct descendants of Old Slippery. With most other people it was more a matter of having their mind 'probed' by Old Slippery.
The Detective Chief Inspector then outlined his shared ancestry along with Sid and his sister, stretching back to Old Slippery'. The name Higginbottom changing to Higgins. This really fascinated those that heard this for the first time.
"He sees me, my sister, Professor Hudson, and Sid the landlord as part of his family, that is why he 'visits our heads'. There could be a way of communicating with him. Maybe via us three, maybe more directly."
The meeting then came to an end. The Lounge Bar and the pub, in general, was starting to get very full. We all made our adieus and set off home.