Music blasted jn the chopper as we flew to the border, crazy shits goin down around there and now we have to clean up on orders from the general. "Gen says the troops on the ground down there are saying its a nightmare, saying zombies, villains, psychos and disease and such. Think these guns any good against all that?" I look to the soldier who spoke, Simpson. "All things die when shot enough times" Hogan leans forward, "Yea but we gotta live to shoot those bullets don't we?" "We will"
The chopper lands smoothly a half mile away from our objective and two or three more choppers drop off troops. We start jogging up to the front line when we hear the explosions, gunfire and screams. We charge forward ready for anything or so we thought. A gasoline tanker stoo blown up next to where about 5 soldiers would have been positioned. A man leaped through the sky at thr troops in front of us spinning to kick his heel into the helmet of the furthest right soldier knocking him through the line up of soldiers. We each pull out our rifles and fire at him before he seemingly blasted off again backwards and pushing off with his heels and then he backflipped away into a destroyed building for cover.
Multiple people who looked like rioters charged forward from behind the building and others, all had sharp objects or weapons and most had armor of some sort. We had to fire into their lines dropping numerous civies but they kept running so we kept shooting. This went on for hours of chaotic characters showing up like a man with 4 arms firing shotuguns at us and then more crowds and then more reinforcement choppers and we just kept holding the line.
After it all we finally got the command and reinforcements to move forward, i find Hogan and Simpson at the back of the line. Simpson is hurt in the leg by a bullet wound and Hogan is watching the perimeter near Simpson and him which provided defense against a flank. "Hogan, me you and a few others have commands to sabotage the enemy and provide a flanking attack on the western side and then move south east to cut off retreat so we can clear this area up. Hogan speaks with a slightly panicked voice "Tyrone, why haven't we seen any friendly civilians yet? We have gone multiple miles into the country, there should have been numerous refugees. Those people what were they?" "Doesn't matter we can shoot them and they die and thats what matters most" "This situation is a freakshow beyond science and you are just casually gonna shrug it off?" "Listen we both knew there would be weird shit and I just want to get this overwith, you can process it later now lets go already."
A few minutes later, "look across the street thats the building" we rush across the street in silence without attracting attention when suddenly, the door ahead blew open and off its hinges directly at me. Hogan pushes me out of the way only to be hit and knocked unconscious. Another freak man walks through the doorway with a sick grin. He had blue wavy hair and brown eyes and he wore a slim black leather uniform. He looked sharply at another soldier who began fumbling with his weapon but it was too late as not even a second later his neck was cracked and he began to fall. The same thing happened to a few more soldiers before he had to use someone as a human bullet shield which he threw onto me and then he quickly threw two daggers into the remaining two soldiers leaving just me and him.
His foot rested on my throat...
I can't breathe...
Is this blood...
Its cold...
Its dark...