Chereads / My babysitters are 5sos and 1D / Chapter 12 - That night

Chapter 12 - That night

The store was up and running again Ashton and Luke are doing great on the headset and register, Louis, Liam, and Calum were doing great in the kitchen, Louis is doing grill, Calum is doing the table with Amber and Liam is doing back line which is fry products.

Luke is upfront with me he's running front counter which is taking the lobby orders and giving them their food, I'm doing drive-thru, which is bagging the food for the drive-thru getting the drinks and handing the stuff out the window.

It's now 11 p.m. And things are slowing down enough to give breaks out, yes I'm a minor but I'm also a GM so I don't get a break even though I'm supposed to have one.

Liam was the first person you sent on break after he came back Louis got sent on break, then Calum now it's 12:30 a.m. And you send Ashton and Luke on break since the lobby is closed, Crystal is running back drive while you're doing the front still.

They come back from break and it's 1 a.m. Now.

"Hey I'm going to do shutdown early, so Crystal you and Ashton go ahead and come up front." You said through the headset.

"Okay." Crystal replied back.

You had a meeting up front with everyone.

"Okay I'm doing shutdown early, the shutdown is where we take the orders by hand and we're on cash only, this is where we get the rudest customer's, Ashton I'm going to have you do lobby that means wipe the tables down sweep mop and change the trash cans."

"Okay, I can go do that now."

"Okay, thanks."

"Welcome," Ashton said as he headed out and started to do lobby.

"Amber I'm going to have you take the orders and Crystal you can go in the kitchen to give Amber a break and to give you a break, Louis, Liam and Calum will stay in kitchen Luke will stay up here to hand out the orders and get the drinks."

"Sounds like a plan."

"I will be counting the money and stuff, remember the McCafe and ice cream machine are down during shutdown also we will start serving breakfast at 4 a.m. So Crystal show Liam, Louis, and Calum breakfast, oh shit! Wait we need someone to do dishes."

"I'll do dishes."

"You sure about that Louis? It's a lot plus more will be coming back too because we still need to break grill and everything down."

"Yeah, it'll be fine."

"Okay, I'll show you how to get it started in a minute."


"Now let's go, everyone's doing a wonderful job so far let's try and make it to 5 a.m."

"That's a 12-hour shift, Tara."

"I know Luke but think of it $10 an hour for 12 hours that's $120 double what you make in 1 day of watching my brother."


"Speaking of which how did y'all arrange that?"

"Oh Michael, Niall, Harry, and Zayn agreed to watch them nights and we'll watch the mornings and sleep the afternoons since things are okay after 10 at night they get to kick back and relax."

"Smart idea Calum."


"Yep, okay now let's get this done." You said as you took Louis back to the dish room and showed him how to run everything.

"Now if you need help with anything ask Amber, Crystal or me and we'll do our best to help."

"Okay," Louis said as he started washing the dishes, Crystal was showing the boys and helping them break down the kitchen while Crystal showed Luke how to break down front.

You made sure the back dive window was locked as you took the money drawer out with everything underneath it, you gather the other drawers around the store as well.

Everything came out right.

(30 minutes later.)

The shutdown was done so you took the drawer they were using and counted that, everything turned out right too, you put money into the drawers and put them back, You put the back drive drawer into Ashton's name since he'll still be doing back drive, you put the front counter into Lukes name.

The lobby was done all the trash was taken to the dumpster, the kitchen was broken down and cleaned, grills were taken apart and cleaned grease traps were done front counter was broken down and cleaned, dishes were almost done.

"Okay, now we can start putting the dishes up before 4 a.m. Dishes."

"Okay, but I don't know where most of this stuff goes."

"Just ask if you don't know where it goes okay Calum?"


"Ashton can go back into back drive and make the teas I'm sure Crystal showed you."

"Yeah, she said we're supposed to make them."

"And she was right, Um, I'm Luke is back up front and Crystal, you Calum and Liam are in kitchen but make sure to be putting these dishes up in between doing your jobs, I'll be looking through applications so I can get some new hires so we can leave on time."

"Sounds great!" Ashton said

Everyone went to do what they were supposed to do, you started looking through applications and calling people in for interviews.

8 people came in for interviews after you called them, 10 people said they wouldn't come in right that second.

Crystal took 4 people and you took 4 people while Amber managed the boys and made sure everything was alright.

You both decided who to hire, 6 people got hired and were showed how to do the breakfast food up into lunch food.

The 4 a.m. Dishes were done and put away, it was now 6 a.m. You told the boys they could've left at 5 a.m. But they stayed an extra hour to help out more.

"Tara aren't you coming home too?" Ashton asked as he was the last to clock out.

"No, I have to stay so does Amber and Crystal."

"But why? Aren't you tired?"

"Yes, but we need at least two managers since we have so many new people on, if it were people who've been here for a while then we could trust the store with one manager."

"Well if you're staying clock me back on I'll stay."

"Ashton go home you need to get the boys up and on the bus plus you need to sleep." You said as you put everyone's clothes sizes on the computer.

"No I'm being serious clock me back on I'll stay."

"Ashton it's breakfast time we have plenty of people my labor will be too high if you want to help come back in at 3 p.m. Or after."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, my labor would be too high and I'd have to start sending people home."

"Okay, I'll be back later."

"Okay, make sure to sleep I don't need a grouchy Ashton for nightshift."

"Will do."

The boys left the place, you finally got something to eat for the first time since yesterday afternoon you had pancakes, a Sausage and egg McGriddle, with a large ice tea.

You started giving out breaks at 10 a.m.

It was 12 p.m. Now and lunch rush came pouring in like crazy, you went into the kitchen to help them up front to help.

You did the daily afternoon count after that, Amber came into the office to grab her chapstick.

"Amber we just had a $2,000 hour."

"Oh my god, Tara that's why we were so busy."

"I know right?"


"I'm so tired."

"I know so am I."

"I bet."

"I'm 24 hours into my shift."

"Amber go home and sleep come back tomorrow evening at 5 p.m."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure."

"Okay, if you say so." Amber hugged you then clocked out, she grabbed her things and left.

(It's now 4 p.m.)

You were 24 hours into your shift when Crystal came into the office, "Hey some guy is arguing up front demanding to speak with the store manager."

"Ugh, okay, watch my stuff on the computer so no one messes with it."


You go up front and the guy starts yelling at you.

"Okay, sir, you wanted to speak with the store manager that's me I will not except that tone of voice here if you cannot respect me or my crew then leave."

"I wanted a McDouble no pickle they gave me a McDouble extra onion and extra pickle I want my whole order replaced!"

"Can I see your receipt?"

"Yes! Take care of it!" The rude customer said slamming the receipt down on the counter.

You grabbed the receipt and the guy had a McDouble no pickle, 5 large fries, and 20 McChicken.

"I'm sorry sir but I cannot replace all of this I can replace your McDouble no pickle."

"I want my whole order replaced you stupid cunt!"

"Okay that's it, sir I need you to leave right now."

"I'm not fucking leaving."

"I I need you to leave right now before I call the cops you have no right to be cussing at me you have no right to be calling me names do you know I am a miner?"

"I don't give a fuck whore now give me my food!"

"Leave now."

"No fucking cunt!" The guy screamed.

You called the cops, while you were on the phone with them the man reached over the counter and started choking you.

You managed to get out of his grip and started hitting the man, he hit you back and shoved you onto the ground, he started choking you again.

Crystal heard all the commotion and screams from customers and crew members so she went up front and screamed.

She leaped across the counter and yanked the man off of you, she shoved him out of the store after hitting him a few good times and locked all of the doors.

You stood up as Crystal walked back to you, everyone met up front in the lobby.

"As of right now the doors are locked and windows for drive-thru are not to be opened, under no circumstances does anybody let that man in we are not unlocking these doors until the police get here, everyone is to stay inside to stay safe, if you need a note for work for being late I'm sure the police will write you one, understood?"

Everyone said "Yes." even the customers.

It took a total of 5 minutes for the cops to get there, the man was still standing outside, the police arrested him, unfortunately, they had to call Ashton and tell him what happened because as of right now since he is your babysitter he's technically your parental Guardian.

Ashton was worried on the phone, the police said they had to take you to the hospital to get you checked out and Ashton said that he would be there.

"Do I really have to go to the hospital?"

"Yes ma'am you do, the ambulance is on their way to take you now."

"Well let me go clock out and grab my things."

You were freaking exhausted, Amber decided to come back into work so she could give Crystal a break since she had got some sleep.

The ambulance took you to the hospital Crystal said she would meet you there but you told her just to go home and sleep so she did.

You were at the hospital now, your face was already bruising some, your eye started becoming a black eye, oh, your lip was split and started to swell up.

Ashton and Luke walked into your room, Ashton looked worried so did Luke.

"What did the doctors say?" Ashton asked as he trailed on with a million other questions.

"I'm fine Ashton, the doctor said it's only going to bruise a little bit I will be fine."

Luke hugged you along with Ashton.

Your neck was bruised from how hard the man was choking you.

You turned the TV on the music channel and Breaking Benjamin was on they were singing 'The Dark Of You'

Which is one of your top favorite songs of them, You started singing along to it, Luke started singing with You.

"You like Breaking Benjamin too?"

"Yes, I do! I love them!"

"So do I, Luke!"

"This is great!"

"I know right!"


"Terry, why didn't you tell me you had a tattoo?"

"Ashton I've had this." You said as you pulled your arm away.

"Wait let me read it," Ashton said while pulling your arm back to him.

Luke looked too as Ashton read.

"Everybody's got their demons even wide awake or dreaming, You have a tattoo of our song lyrics?"

(I actually have that tattooed on)

"Well duh, you just read it," Tara said while laughing

"No that meant you were a fan of us and you also got a semicolon tattoo too."

"Correction, I still am a fan."

"I never knew."

"Yeah, oh I have more tattoos too," Tara said as she moved the blanket since they had you in a gown.

"This one is a koala and I did it then I have Crystals name which is my cat and off, over here I have the quote it says 'I love everyone but I can disown anyone' than on my arm I have a bird that my friend did and I did the same one on him and my middle finger is an ex which I did all my tattoos but 3."

(I really did all my tattoos but 3, I have 14 tattoos and counting.)

"That's amazing but how did you do them yourself?"

Tara rolled her eyes as she said: "I have my own tattoo gun Luke."

"I didn't know that either."

"Ashton I have it put up right now."

"Okay, cool"

"So when do I get to go home? I just worked 24 hours I want to sleep, Crystals at home sleeping."

"I can go ask the doctor in the meantime try and sleep here," Ashton said as he walked out of your hospital room.

"Why does Ashton act like a dad I never had?"

"What do you mean Tara?"

"What I mean Luke is my dad wasn't there for me I had to do everything and it sucked, he would always go out and you know I've told you before, then Y'all showed up and Ashton's been acting like a dad I've never had, it is just weird."

"How is it weird?"

"Because, no one's ever cared for me other than, JoJo, Crystal, and Amber."

"Oh, now I get it."

"Yeah, finally," Tara said while laughing.

Ashton came back into the room, "The doctor's said they're going to keep you overnight just to make sure everything's okay, also they want you to take a week off from work."

"Awe man, I need to go back to work tomorrow night though."

"Well doctors orders, he said the guy had a pretty good grip on you and if your friend wouldn't have gotten him off of you when she did he would've crushed your windpipe."

"Well damn, this sucks."

"Hey no curing, Tara!"

"Okay fine, sorry Ashton."

"It's okay, just try to sleep," Ashton said sitting back down.

It took about two hours but you finally fell asleep, Ashton had already fallen asleep and Luke was watching TV, the Doctor came in trying to disturb Tara and Ashton from sleeping.

"Are you Luke?"

"Yes I am, why?"

"Because we were just looking over Tara's charts and tests, she hasn't been taking her medication there is none in her system at all."

"What medication doctor?"

"She is supposed to be taking medication for her frequent headaches and for her depression as well as her bipolar."

"I had no idea, her father didn't tell us."

"I don't doubt that Tara, her father and I go way back she use to be in here every week or every other week."

"But why Doc?"

"Because of her father and brother's, they were always rough with her supposedly wrestling but we knew they were beating onto her also she came in for a miscarriage before so we knew they had to of raped her but CPS did nothing about it."

"That's horrible!" Luke said a little too loud which woke Ashton up, Tara was still asleep.

The Doctor told Ashton what he told Luke and Ashton was angry at how someone could do that to someone.

"I will refill her medication it'll be at the pharmacy she always goes to but right now we can start her back onto it." The doctor said as he put the needle to her Ivy and injected her with the medicine.

"Thank you, doctor," Ashton said as the doctor left.

"I can't believe that those bastards did that to her, after everything she did for them, they treated her like that?"

"I know Ashton, it isn't right for anyone to go through that, it's horrible, especially for that to happen all the person's life."

"I know Luke but still it isn't right and it should've been taken to court, CPS should've done something not shove it away they should've investigated into it, by law they have to."

"I know but apparently they didn't so she was stuck with them unless her dad knew people in high places."

"He probably did, knowing him he probably could get away with anything he wants to."


Tara started to stir then went back to sleep.

"It's just a shame someone would do anything wrong to anyone especially their own flesh and blood, it's just dumb."

"I know it is."

The nurse came in to take Tara's Vidal's as she was still asleep.

"I'm hungry."

"So am I Luke."

"I don't have any money though."

"Same here."

"Oh I can get you two free meal cards, you both are staying with her so I can do that."

"That would be great," Luke said

"Okay, I will be back."

The nurse came back with some meal cards and the boys went down to the cafeteria to eat.


Done, Over 3k words Y'all.