New York, 5:41A.M, Tuesday, year 2037.
Ayle was walking down the street listening to his favorite music on his newly bought headphones while riding on his hoverboard he made in school. He would raise his right arm up, looking at his watch that would show the time. by swiping left, it showed his contacts of friends and family.
after which, he'd press on a friend's contact that was named riori mito when he called it wasn't a second later that riori answered his call. they chatted for 2 hours talking about games and other stuff they then hung up. Still riding on his hoverboard he went to his favorite fast food place. Getting off the hoverboard, raised his left hand then the board automatically changed to a wristband. As he Walked in the building ayle would look at the menu before ordering his food. eating slowly for a few minutes then left.
Ayle was full so he would take off the wristband and tossed it down but before it hit the ground it had transformed back to it's skateboard like appearance and was hovering. he stepped on it and by leaning forward it accelerated at a jogging pace as he rode his hoverboard dodging every obstacle in way but would wave at some people who'd wave or say hello.
As he rode his hoverboard down the sidewalk looking at everything there was all sorts of technology like hover cars, people using jet packs, and trains that would have its rails replaced with electromagnetic railing. Building's that float using ion weights that can levitate and another gadget ayle wasn't familiar with and had to ask his father about since he was the person who made them.
he started to get a seething pain on the back of his hand which made him fall off his hoverboard people took glances while some were worried about him even if they were strangers. but ayle had waved them off saying he was fine.
He checked the back of his hand and there it was, a really strange tattoo he'd never seen before but recognized barely.
"Wait when did I get a tattoo? No...I never had one and I didn't remember getting one shits weird man but it does look something like a hammer i suppose. Calm down Ayle...I'll just ask someone" he while thought while muttering to himself calming and down.
He looked around then saw his dad's partner by the side of the building. He went over, greeted him then showed him the tattoo.
"What? I don't see anything Ayle you feeling alright there" He said and looked at the back of his hand seeing nothing.
The next four hours he went around town asking people the very same question and all he got was the very same answer from everyone he had asked everyone he even asked his best friends but even they had said no. (" "Are his thoughts)
uǝɾnɹo park 8:57pm
"okay I asked everyone I know but all they said was no, so I'll have to check out what the hell this means. Ugh it hurts a bit though let's wait until tomorrow I'll have to ask more people again for the sake of my sanity."
Ayle got up then began walking home from the park he sat at before he got home he had to cross a street that was the main intersection of a four way street that. Ayle felt the seething pain again on his hand which made him continue to walk as his eyes was unfocused for a flat 5 seconds before he could see the headlights of a truck that was speeding down the road hitting alye 7 meters in the air his blood coming from his mouth, nose and head . After he rolled about 5 to 9 times he stopped. His body was scraped and bruised, his head cracked open to where a piece of brain and skull can be seen.
He wanted to yell in pain, he wanted to shot for his mom, dad sister, brother anybody but he couldn't cause his body was shutting down him. He didn't wanna die he tried staying awake by thinking of sweet things like kittens or even puppies, yet it was just hopeless because of whatever he tried to think it would be in an instant
Ayle had one of his eyes closed and the other half way opened just wishing someone anyone would help!. Suddenly as his world was growing dark he heard...
Crying and screams of anguish, sorrow, helplessness... dread but also pure hatred. Ayle can hear the hatred in father's voice belittling the truck driver for his what he's done to ayle. The ambulance was already called but ayle couldn't hold on any longer he whispered as loud as he can blood and tears ran down his face as he said his last words to his family.
" Ayrto..., you all"
dying on the spot. as his father held is now cold corpse crying in agony.