Emma had never grasped the concept of love, thinking of it as more of an obstacle than something she ever dreamed of feeling. Living in the palace walls had erased any hope of it a long time ago, but this was a new chance.
Monsieur Gabriel looked at the pairs, grading each one of his students, writing each of their scores on what seemed like a scroll of paper, before clapping his hands in the air.
The music stopped. And every pair, except Courtney - who hadn't been asked by anyone, which was no shock, and Winnie - who had stayed behind to accompany her friend, made their way to where Monsieur Gabriel stood.
"I see this class of free-style waltzing have proved you all to be quite the dancers. For this class, some of you excelled better than others, while some, didn't make an effort to try," he said, staring at Winnie and Courtney as he said the last part.