Chereads / Demi’s Journey / Chapter 5 - Chapter 4

Chapter 5 - Chapter 4

~Val's P.O.V~

It's been a day since the underworld incident, and I had beaten the others home from school. I changed into my riding clothes, headed to the stables, and stroke Sugar's neck as I saddled up and led her towards the stable doors. I get on her back and lead her to the beach. I put her into a gallop, and start the 6 mile trek.


~Phoenix's Third Person P.O.V~

Phoenix sighed and threw a rubber band ball at the barn wall and caught it with ease. All of her chores were done, and Valentina still wasn't back yet. Neither was Gaia, but her job as Mother Nature could often take most of the night, especially when helping the world shift from one season to the next. Seraphina was home though...

Phoenix caught the ball one last time and looked up at her sister's window thoughtful. They had always loved playing Monopoly together when they were little; maybe she'd want to play now? It certainly beat homework. It still counted as math right? She put the ball in her pocket and jogged inside, kicking off her muddy cowgirl boots on the front porch and heading upstairs. Never having needed to knock before, the thought hadn't even crossed her mind that she needed to now. She barged right in and stumbled to a stop.

Seraphina was most definitely there- and so was Garrett. He was lying on her bed in only his boxers and she was straddling him. She wasn't wearing a shirt and her jeans were unbuttoned. They both looked up in surprise and Phoenix slapped her hands over her eyes dramatically.

"AHHH! My virgin eyes!!!" she cried.

"What are you doing!?!" Seraphina screeched.

"Uh, covering my eyes from possibly the most disturbing thing I've ever seen. What do you think you're doing? That's Valentina's boyfriend."

"That's none of your business fire-brat, so go back to what you were doing and zip your lips before I zip them for you!" The venom in her voice was unlike anything Pheonix had ever heard from her sister, and it was directed at her.

She slowly uncovered her amber gold eyes, a snarl decorating her Cupid's bow lips.

"Excuse me? Was that a threat, dear sister?" Suddenly, her fingers felt really hot; a sure sign that she seriously needed to calm down before she burned the house down- again.

Instead of answering her, Seraphina leapt up from the bed, caught Phoenix off guard with a swift blow to the back of her knee, and pulled her to the door, dragging her by her hair.

"Seraphina let me go! I'm gonna tell mom, and then I'll tell Valentina and Mark and-" The wind Demi-God yanked open a closet in the hall and pulled the smaller fire wielder up short.

"You're not telling anyone, because when I'm done having my fun, I'll come back here and make sure you don't even remember it!" Phoenix squeaked and her taller sister shoved her into the closet and locked the door.

"Let me out!" She shouted, pounding on the door. "Let me out or I swear to Zeus I'll burn all your clothes to ashes and incinerate your laptop! Sera!"


~Val's P.O.V~

Sugar and I had finally finished our trek, and I had just got her to the stables. As I was walking inside, I didn't see Phoenix waiting for me. Which was odd, because she always waited up for me. I walk up the stairs and stop mid stride as I heard... um... odd noises coming from Seraphina's room. I roll my eyes and open the door only to see her with...Garrett??

"Sera!!! How could you! Garrett I trusted you! We're through!" I screamed running out the door before they could even realize what just happened.

My heart beat faster as I kept running, trying to keep the image out of my mind. 'How could he? How could she?' I thought as I pushed harder, gritting my teeth as rain started trickling down into my face. My lungs burned due to lack of oxygen. My foot catches a bump in the sidewalk and I stumble to the ground in a clumsy heap. I just laid there in a ball on the ground, crying like a child.

I hadn't even realized someone was standing over me until my tattoo began to warm up more and more, and they cleared their throat getting my attention. I peek around my hand and my breath catches in my throat. The person standing in front of me was gorgeous. His dark hair had the messy but fixed look to it. His eyes were a beautiful turquoise blue color and I couldn't seem to look away from them. He seemed to tower over me from my position on the ground. He gives me a small reassuring smile as he holds his hand out to me. I give him a small weak smile in return as I place a trembling hand in his big, comforting, one. As he pulls me to my feet and I can't help but notice his muscular arms tremble and flex with the lack of effort he put into pulling me to my feet.

"May I ask why such a beautiful girl like you is curled up in a ball in tears?" He asks his voice as velvety as chocolate. I slide my bottom lip across my teeth and look at my hand still in his. He slowly lets go of my hand, and small sparks of electricity shoot through my fingertips.

"I...I walked in on my now ex-boyfriend and my twin sister," I murmur as more tears silently slip down my cheeks. He gently slides his thumbs from underneath my eyes. I look into his gorgeous turquoise blue eyes.

"I'm Eros by the way." He smiles holding his hand out to me again. That's when everything clicked. I was talking to Cupid! Well Cupid's son. I shake his hand and smile.

"I'm Valentina." I respond as recognition glitters his eyes.

"As in Gaia's daughter?" He asks. I smile even bigger.

"One of the three yes," I reply putting a strand of my wavy brown hair behind my ear. His smile falters a bit.

"You're not the one Oulixes wants are you?" He asks realization gleaming in his blue gaze. I bite my lip looking at my feet as I shift from foot to foot.

"That'd be me," I murmur my voice coming out thick. He gives me a comforting hug. At the contact of his hug I feel something jab into my back.

"Ouch!" I squeak in surprise and Eros pulls away pulling something out of his arm. I reach behind me and pull out what jabbed my back. They were matching arrows with hearts as the points. They hurt more than I thought they would, but then again, love hurts.