{Last Updated: 4/11/21, 11:25 PM}
These are all the voters of 2020!
[Started: 10/16/20]
[Ended: 1/1/21]
{Total Votes~217}
{Flump1 Voted!}
{Luvzkym Voted!}
{Lonnie_Barrar Voted!}
{Luvzkym Voted!}
{Luvzkym Voted!}
{Andrew_Hohenstein_8404 Voted!}
{Luvzkym Voted!}
{bookCat Voted!}
{bookCat Voted!}
{Luvzkym Voted!}
{bookCat Voted!}
{Luvzkym Voted!}
{Luvzkym Voted!}
{CallMeltchy Voted!}
{CallMeltchy Voted!}
{bookCat Voted!}
{CallMeltchy Voted!}
{CallMeltchy Voted!}
{ultigamers Voted!}
{ultigamers Voted!}
{CallMeltchy Voted!}
{bookCat Voted!}
{haedr Voted!}
{nerces Voted!}
{nerces Voted!}
{nerces Voted!}
{CallMeltchy Voted!}
{CallMeltchy Voted!}
{bookCat Voted!}
{CallMeltchy Voted!}
{bookCat Voted!}
{CallMeltchy Voted!}
{CallMeltchy Voted!}
{Nick_te_Velde Voted!}
{bookCat Voted!}
{Stalemartyr Voted!}
{ShibaTatsuya786 Voted!}
{ShibaTatsuya786 Voted!}
{ShibaTatsuya786 Voted!}
{bookCat Voted!}
{CallMeltchy Voted!}
{Hazes_daoiste Voted!}
{nerces Voted!}
{bookCat Voted!}
{Juny_letswaart Voted!}
{Juny_letswaart Voted!}
{Juny_letswaart Voted!}
{CallMeltchy Voted!}
{Kaung_San_Tun Voted!}
{Kaung_San_Tun Voted!}
{bookCat Voted!}
{Inferno873 Voted!}
{Inferno873 Voted!}
{IvyC Voted!}
{CallMeltchy Voted!}
{Hazes_daoiste Voted!}
{Juny_letswaart Voted!}
{Juny_letswaart Voted!}
{bookCat Voted!}
{nerces Voted!}
{nerces Voted!}
{nerces Voted!}
{Logan_Drake_0451 Voted!}
{bookCat Voted!}
{Spiker23 Voted!}
{Thoughtfullnight Voted!}
{CallMeltchy Voted!}
{CallMeltchy Voted!}
{nerces Voted!}
{nerces Voted!}
{nerces Voted!}
{Xiztance Voted!}
{bookCat Voted!}
{Juny_letswaart Voted!}
{IvyC Voted!}
{CallMeltchy Voted!}
{nerces Voted!}
{nerces Voted!}
{nerces Voted!}
{Kisara_Tokisaki Voted!}
{nerces Voted!}
{nerces Voted!}
{nerces Voted!}
{CallMeltchy Voted!}
{CallMeltchy Voted!}
{nerces Voted!}
{nerces Voted!}
{nerces Voted!}
{Hazes_daoiste Voted!}
{Juny_letswaart Voted!}
{bookCat Voted!}
{Reekids Voted!}
{kameron_gates Voted!}
{kameron_gates Voted!}
{Yanggod252 Voted!}
{{kameron_gates Voted!}
{Izaan_Zahid Voted!}
{Little00 Voted!}
{Little00 Voted!}
{kameron_gates Voted!}
{CallMeltchy Voted!}
{CallMeltchy Voted!}
{CallMeltchy Voted!}
{CallMeltchy Voted!}
{nerces Voted!}
{nerces Voted!}
{nerces Voted!}
{Izaan_Zahid Voted!}
{nerces Voted!}
{nerces Voted!}
{nerces Voted!}
{bookCat Voted!}
{Joe_Bob_4070 Voted!}
{Justus_Epstein Voted!}
{Justus_Epstein Voted!}
{Meh22 Voted!}
{Marge_Krumpings Voted!}
{Marge_Krumpings Voted!}
{CallMeltchy Voted!}
{Little00 Voted!}
{Little00 Voted!}
{bookCat Voted!}
{IvyC Voted!}
{nerces Voted!}
{nerces Voted!}
{nerces Voted!}
{DaoistvJ0WXg Voted!}
{Joe_Bob_4070 Voted!}
{Wojownik02 Voted!}
{Little00 Voted!}
{Joe_Bob_4070 Voted!}
{nerces Voted!}
{nerces Voted!}
{nerces Voted!}
{IvyC Voted!}
{Joe_Bob_4070 Voted!}
{CallMeltchy Voted!}
{Joe_Bob_4070 Voted!}
{nerces Voted!}
{nerces Voted!}
{nerces Voted!}
{CallMeltchy Voted!}
{CallMeltchy Voted!}
{LordGrim_2204 Voted!}
{Joe_Bob_4070 Voted!}
{bookCat Voted!}
{nerces Voted!}
{CallMeltchy Voted!}
{CallMeltchy Voted!}
{Joe_Bob_4070 Voted!}
{Riyan_Saputra_0588 Voted!}
{Saysy Voted!}
{Paul_Jacks Voted!}
{Paul_Jacks Voted!}
{Paul_Jacks Voted!}
{Joe_Bob_4070 Voted!}
{bookCat Voted!}
{nerces Voted!}
{nerces Voted!}
{kieth_else Voted!}
{kieth_else Voted!}
{nerces Voted!}
{nerces Voted!}
{nerces Voted!}
{Spiker23 Voted!}
{Joe_Bob_4070 Voted!}
{bookCat Voted!}
{Andreas_Reich Voted!}
{nerces Voted!}
{nerces Voted!}
{nerces Voted!}
{Joe_Bob_4070 Voted!}
{nerces Voted!}
{Shirazi_Hashmi Voted!}
{Joe_Bob_4070 Voted!}
{Spiker Voted!}
{nerces Voted!}
{nerces Voted!}
{nerces Voted!}
{makenros08 Voted!}
{makenros08 Voted!}
{makenros08 Voted!}
{bookCat Voted!}
{Kostya_Dolgushev Voted!}
{nerces Voted!}
{nerces Voted!}
{nerces Voted!}
{Tom_Soto Voted!}
{Joe_Bob_4070 Voted!}
{Colby_Trafton Voted!}
{bookCat Voted!}
{nerces Voted!}
{nerces Voted!}
{nerces Voted!}
{Revenge_Knightess Voted!}
{Spiker23 Voted!}
{kameron_gates Voted!}
{kameron_gates Voted!}
{nerces Voted!}
{nerces Voted!}
{nerces Voted!}
{TaFlash_1 Voted!}
{nerces Voted!}
{nerces Voted!}
{nerces Voted!}
{kameron_gates Voted!}
{kameron_gates Voted!}
{Joe_Bob_4070 Voted!}
{Guilherme_Ferreira_8588 Voted!}
{nerces Voted!}
{nerces Voted!}
{nerces Voted!}
{jacethale Voted!}
{Lonely_Wendigo Voted!}
{Lonely_Wendigo Voted!}
{nerces Voted!}
{nerces Voted!}
{nerces Voted!}