Sky's POV
I walk out of the bathroom with Luke's sweatshirt on and pull the hood over my head. I start walking but not to the cafeteria, instead I go the opposite direction and sit in the grass under a big, shady tree. I always come over here after getting harassed or abused, as it helps calm my nerves with its peacefulness and calmness. Sometimes I wish I could just be like this tree, calm and just sway in the wind.
I hear the bell ring signaling for us to go back to our treacherous classes for the next 3 hours, which mind you, consisted of my three least favorite classes: Math, Physics, and PE. What a great day to end the day right?
When I return back into the halls of this ratchet school, everyone stops talking and gaps at me. At first, I thought I still hand yogurt or something on me until I remember that Luke gave me his sweatshirt to wear over the yogurt stains. My friend Jennifer comes up behind me and whispers into my ear, "Why the HELL are you wearing Luke's sweatshirt?!" I mentally cringe knowing what she's gonna say if I tell her, so I mutter that I'll tell her later. Right as those words left my mouth, I see her turn around, widen her eyes, and turn back towards me saying "Queen Bit*chy is mad and mad she is at you"
"Jen, I love you, but when I'm about to get beat up, don't bring up the Yoda fetish please, it really dampens the mood."
She gives me a weird look but nods anyway. Suddenly, I see the locker coming at my face with incredible speed, so I put hands in front of me so I don't head jam the locker, and just in time too.
I push off the locker and dust myself off before turning around to see an angry Beatrice. I look her in the eye with a blank expression on my face. I guess she doesn't feel like talking today cause she got straight to the point by giving me a solid punch in the jaw. My head slams into the lockers and I feel my legs go out and I fall to the floor. I feel Beatrice kick her knock-off Gucci shoes into my side repeatedly before I hear a deep voice call out.
"HEY! What the FUCK do you THINK YOUR DOING?" The voice called out. I look up to see none other than Luke. He's probably just mad that his sweatshirt is getting all dirty. He and Beatrice are talking but I can't hear them. It looks like Luke is about to explode and Beatrice is scared out of her mind. without saying anything to anyone, I stand up, take Luke's hoddie off, put it on his shoulder, which earned me a confused look from him, which I just shrugged at, and signaled for Jen to come with me and we left.
Once Jen and I are outside I tell her about how after I got yogurt dumped on me and left, Luke came over and offered his sweatshirt for me to wear since I had yogurt on my shirt. She starting going crazy saying he likes me and stuff, which is IMPOSSIBLE. I mean, look at me.
"That's why he came over and saved you! Cause he lovesssssssss youuuuuuu" Jenniffer said, jumping up and down like a little kid getting ice cream.
"Jennifer Love, have you hit your head? He doesn't "Love me" and he only "saved me" because his precious sweatshirt was getting dirty. So, I gave it back to him, that way he wouldn't have to worry about it getting all dirty and messed up. Simple." I said, moving my hands around to prove the point.
"Whatever Sky, Imma bet $50 bucks that you guys will get together by the end of the year," Jennifer said winking at me.
"HA ok whatever I'll think about it..."
Jennifer gasped and said, "You'll think about it!? That means you think it might happen! AH, it already all coming together!!"
"No you douche, I just don't like making bets, you should know this."
"Haha yeah right...' Jennifer said while looking at the floor in a sheepish manner.
The bell rand indicating us to go back for the last couple of classes of the day.
"I'll text you later ok?" Jen nodded. "Aight, Imma head out."
Throughout the rest of the day, I was thinking about Jenniffer's bet. I mean, what's the worst that can happen? Actually, nothing can happen cause he would never go for a girl like me. He probably goes for girls that would be willing to sleep with him, which isn't me.
The bell rings twice, signaling the end of the school day and I begin the treacherous journey home. As I'm walking home I pull out my phone and text Jennifer.
SKY: Hey Girlie! <3
JENNIFFER: Heyyyyyy <3
SKY: I'm down for the bet, but there's no way in heck that your gonna win ;)
JENNIFFER: HA We'll see about that ;)
JENNIFFER: Well I gtg ttyl bby
SKY: Adios mi Amor <3 ;)
Well. This is going to be one hell of a year.