Lily Washer is the daughter of a Lawyer and an actor both are famous for extraordinary talent and being super cooperative people. In school, Lily is popular for her parents and her grades and that no matter where she goes everyone smiles and greets her. She always felt like it was too much but couldn't do anything about it since if she did anything bad it would affect her parents reputation. She was always popular and polite but some people didn't like her since they think she sponges off of her parents money and power.
Then when she finally got out of high school she got into the most high level university and said goodbye since no one was high level enough to go to the same school.
Then after going home went to tell her parents but they weren't there. She then called them and told them to come home for a big surprise. The surprise Lily had was prepared beforehand and it was a congratulations party for her parents finishing their biggest projects. Then when they came home she yelled hooray with her brother who came home a while after her. They stayed up till 9 and went to bed and then when Lily woke up they were gone and saw a note that said they will be gone for 3 days.
Then Lily went to hangout with some friends since its summer vacation and saw a suspicious man with a blackhood but let it go for now. Then when they went to the arts and craft store that suspicious man went right by her and whispered something in her ear and said "Guess where your parents are? I locked them up."
Lily wondered about it and thought about it,to Lily he said he locked them up
but even if he said he did it, I'm not sure because her parents said they had an urgent work issue.
Then Lily thought of something even if they did have a big project,her mom always had one and that the note said they both had an urgent issue, but also that it's too coincidental since both their jobs are pretty different and most of the time no interference with each other.
She gave her brother some money her parents mysteriously transferred and told him what she's gonna do and if she sends the letter to him in any way, call the police.From that point on is her adventure to rescue her parents.