Chereads / The Extraordinary Circus / Chapter 8 - Part 8

Chapter 8 - Part 8

The crew, again, were assembled in Sebastian's room. The latter groaned, ordering:

Sebastian: Guys, we've tried everything. My life is not important as the train: you will no longer be able to perform shows in the entire world. So, we have one and last solution: We need to work hard, to raise at least the train's money.

Cat: What about you, uncle?

Sebastian: Catherine my darling (he coughed), I'm trying to believe with all my efforts that medicines will be enough to cure me and destroy the tumor. But the train, which accompanied us in all our adventures, we can't lose it; because if we lost it now, the new train will cost us more than the million dollars that we had to collect before. And so, I really need you, my loves, to work, and to perform shows only in London, because I don't want you to be far away from me. Ok?

The crew nodded its head, deeply sad. While Smith continued:

Sebastian: Now, I want you to announce that this month will be plenty of shows of The Extraordinary Circus. And I need you to work hard for that. Ok?

After this conversation, the crew left Sebastian. The smile we used to see in their faces disappeared, the hopeful light in their eyes went away; as they died inside...

The circus did exactly what Sebastian asked them to. While Cat, who tried to be kind with her team and to be hard-working, never stopped thinking about Seb. At the contrary, her uncle's life was more precious than the train. But she didn't want to refuse his orders to not bother him.

Two days later, our Cat went to a coffee shop and stood there, always depressed and sad. She didn't even realize that there was just a middle-aged woman sitting a bit away from her, drinking a hot coffee silently. And that woman was the only costumer in the shop...

Cat asked for a hot chocolate cup and waited for it. Suddenly, the weird woman spoke, and she was still looking at her cup of coffee:

- How's Seb?

Catherine, completely surprised by this unexpected question, answered:

- Pardon me?

- Your uncle... is he going better?

- (completely shocked) What uncle? ... How do you know about my uncle? Ma'am... you're scaring me...

- Oh dear Catherine... I know everything about circuses...

- Who are you?

Finally, the woman turned her head toward Cat and we discovered that this woman was orange-haired, green-eyed, and large-mouthed. She smiled and continued her speech:

- Don't you know me? Catherine?

- No... Sorry, I don't.

- I was one of the biggest circuses owners once.

- ... (she got close to her, walking slowly) Who are you?

The stranger stood up and walked to Smith - she was wearing elegantly and she had a beautiful hairstyle. Then, she smiled again and tided her hand to shake Cat's:

- Carter, Scarlett Carter. Nice to meet you, Ms. Cat.

- (very confused) Who? Huh?

- I know that you may not be able to understand what's happening now, especially in this period of time... I was the owner of the "Lightening Star" circus.

- "I was"?

- Well, dear Catherine... The circus didn't go well... Anyway... how's the circus?

- Good but... after all of this... what do you want to do?

- Excuse me?

- What do you want?

- Ok... I'll forgive your rudeness now cause of these circumstances. Now, I'm suggesting taking me to the hospital where Sebastian is sleeping. Can you?

- Why? What do you want from my uncle?

- I need to talk to him now.

- He's not in a good situation to.

- Why are you angry?

- Why do I feel scared and worried?

- Maybe because I'm new...

- Maybe because I don't know you...

- Just take me there and let me talk to your uncle...

Obliged, Catherine took Scarlett to the hospital, after she called Magnus of course to accompany her. And once Seb saw Scarlett, he got very confused.

Sebastian: Catherine... who is this woman?

Scarlett: Hey Mr. Smith. My name is Scarlett Carter. I was the owner of the "lightening star" circus.

Magnus: The Italian circus which got burned?

Scarlett: Yes, Mr. Scottchand.

Magnus: How do you know me?

Scarlett: Believe me, Mr. Scottchand, I know everything about circuses.

Sebastian: So, Ms. Carter... Why are you here? Can I help you?

Scarlett: Sorry Mr. Smith but... it's you who needs help... I know the troubles you're in... and with my experience in circuses, I may help you, if... we had a deal...

Cat: So you're here to take our money? Are you sure that you know about all the troubles we have?

Sebastian: (shocked of his niece's rude reaction) Cat! Why are talking like that? That's rude!

Scarlett: It's ok, Mr. Smith. Don't blame her; shocks she got might affected her negatively.

Sebastian: Thanks for your tolerance, Ms. Carter. What is the deal?

Cat: (she interrupted the conversation) Boss! Will you let her have a deal with you? We don't know her!

Sebastian: (angry) Catherine, stop that!

Scarlett: I want 20% of wins of every show.

Cat: What?

Magnus: Sorry Ms. Carter but... for us, 20% is too much.

Cat: What about 5%?

Scarlett: No, it's too little: 15%.

Sebastian: Let it 10%.

Scarlett: Mm... Ok.

Sebastian: Deal?

Scarlett: Deal.

Sebastian: Now... How will you help us?

Scarlett: You have less than a month to collect 2 million dollars and...

Sebastian: Just one million; no need to have the surgery, we need the train.

Scarlett: But... Anyway, so, let us change a bit of your shows.

Cat: What?! No, you won't.

Sebastian: Cat! Stop that! ... Why should we change our shows? What the wrong with them?

Magnus: Our shows are the best, Ms. Carter.

Cat: Actually, we've changed them when I joined them, if you know.

Scarlett: We'd better change them for two reasons: One; the public loves changes, in everything, so, more we change, more people come. Two, everybody knows your shows: there are no magicians, no funny pieces of theater with clowns, no animation... The real circus depends on what I have mentioned. Thus, through me, Londoners will discover a completely new different show from The Extraordinary Circus...
