After a long journey, NEMU and FALCOR have managed to reach the grounds surrounding the castle.
It is said that the castle is a fortress to which spells do not make a dent.
FALCOR is amazed, when seeing from a hill near the castle, it is totally different from the castle you once saw.
It was gloomy, full of darkness.
Upon observing carefully, he realizes that it is actually the same castle, with a totally different aura.
NEMU is grateful to FALCOR, they are close to rescuing their niece.
They prepare to go down the hill.
On the way, FALCOR says that, at first, when he met her, he thought of only helping her get to the castle.
He confesses that he has fallen in love, he cannot abandon her, less so, if he has such a low chance of rescuing his niece or just getting out alive.
If I were a sensible person.
He would kidnap her and take her far away from there.
NEMU looks at him smiling.
FALCOR tells him how it isn't.
He asks her to decide right now whether they should go risk their lives with the high probability that it will end in self-suicide.
Or that he goes with him and they form a home.
NEMU looks at him in surprise, blushes and gets serious.
He knows FALCOR is being honest.
He approaches NEMU, taking her shoulders.
He reminds her that, he won't force her to do something she doesn't want to do.
NEMU, in a low but firm voice, tells FALCOR, that it must go.
FALCOR with a smile, tells him that then she must kiss him once again.
FALCOR kisses NEMU, in this kiss, she felt like it was a goodbye.
Upon separating, FALCOR invites NEMU to continue his journey to the castle.
Both move forward.
Arriving near the castle wall. FALCOR, you may notice that there are no guards anywhere.
Not surprisingly, no one in EL CIELO is able to challenge CHONT-SU's mandate.
Arriving outside the walls, FALCOR leans over for her to climb over him.
When she turns to hear NEMU's voice, she is on the edge of the top of the wall, FALCOR questions her how did she get there?
NEMU, uses his power in his hair to help him climb.
They realize that, the wall is wide, a path no doubt for soldiers to walk over it.
You see, it's deserted.
FALCOR reminds him that, on that occasion, it would have been very useful to climb the cliff.
NEMU, he apologizes, the weather was extremely cold, he tried, only, his hair became brittle as soon as he came out of the cap.
This power has its weak point.
She knows her wrist is still hurting.
It only asks you not to try too hard.
They both go down the wall quickly and hide.
On the other side of the castle, outside the wall, have come TOIRRE, ESU, NAIFU and OGLAE, spare parts, begin to climb.
While they do, TOIRE questions about KEKI's safety, it's been more than two months since she was kidnapped, she doesn't know, she just prays to find her alive.
The two groups have crept through the castle, among the trees outside, they are lurking, watching.
It is a huge meadow with crops, trees and a lake, they are not aware of the existence of the group of NEMU and FALCOR.
The headwind is blowing, they keep moving forward.
Soon after, while they were crossing the courtyard, before reaching the inner castle, ESU, perceives the aroma of NEMU, surprised, turns to look at NAIFU, tells him what he has perceived, it is NEMU, blushing, informs him that, it is already madam.
NAIFU blushed too, bewildered how? with whom? Why?
NEMU is very selective with all the guys she's met and those who have wanted her, it's almost impossible for this to happen.
TOIRE and OGLAE ask them to concentrate on their progress, they will have to be silent.
The girls, they know, apologize, is that, this was... unique.
They are amazed with the castle, as they approach, they can see the majesty, with a beautiful garden, there is so much light that they did not realize that the day is falling.
CHONT-SU has taken AMELIA through some dungeons, they reach a large vault, accompanied by INKU.
AMELIA had never gone to this part of the castle, as, since they lived together, CHONT-SU had almost completely abandoned the blacksmith shop.
But, she knew that, all the pieces exhibited by the castle, had been made by him.
CHONT-SU, opens the vault.
AMELIA is amazed, with thousands of weapons inside.
There are everything from darted to cannons.
AMELIA, it is funny to meet her rival of loves, touches some of the weapons, the work of carveing is enviable, the forging made in detail.
AMELIA said she is very proud of her beloved.
CHONT-SU is glad, in her mind, he thinks that, if necessary, it is good for her to know the place.
It's only a matter of time.
CHONT-SU goes to her and shows her one of the crossbows.
After a while, they come out of the vault.
INKU concentrated on memorizing the location of the vault, it is an unknown wing to him.
They return to CHONT-SU's room, he leaves AMELIA because she has something to check on.
INKU is by his side, CHONT-SU gives him the order to go with the ladies in case they need anything.
Mr. CHONT-SU withdrew.
AMELIA closes the door, INKU retires.
Soon after, he re-enters without warning.
AMELIA, confused, asks what are you doing there?
Seeing the attitude of INKU who is somewhat rushed and upset, he observes that, he brings OKE by the hand, without giving time for her to scream, throws OKE on KEKI.
Both fall.
OKE gets up and attacks INKU, demands to attack the lady, she will protect the lady and her baby.
OKE lunges at INKU, he struggles to dodge his daggers, he is certainly very quick, he battles each of them.
On one occasion, INKU hits OKE's stomach, she falls suffocated.
AMELIA attacks INKU with the power of the wind and throws him against the door, getting a little closer to him.
He orders OKE to destroy INKU.
INKU can't believe what he hears, KEKI would never be able to order something like that.