NEMU is very cold, but knows that if it stays there nothing will win, it has a hard time moving.

You hardly feel your fingers or your face, you don't want to die in this place, so go down the mountain as you can.

She believes it would be easier to advance along the slopes of the mountains rather than crossing over them.

Avoiding climbing as much as possible.

NEMU doesn't know if it will be able to make it.

The lack of heat numbs your senses, just hope to pass these mountains and find a shelter you have been desperately looking for and not found.

The cold is very raw, he has almost lost his ability to walk, his gazing is very clumsy.

She has not realized that, since she went down to the foothills of the mountain she has been being watched, someone is watching her from a distance.

Drafts have stronger force down there.

The subject is getting closer and closer to her, NEMU is too bad to notice.

The spy is covered by a large thick fur coat, he looks like a bear.

The subject watches as NEMU falls on one leg, rushes over, but stops to see that she gets up with a lot of effort.

He follows her for a moment, NEMU advances about 10 steps and falls unconscious in the cold.

OKE is in trouble, no more than he tries to move forward, the ground sinks and breaks under his feet, the environment is suffocating, he runs, jumps and stumbles when his fulcing point, OKE, breaks, he can't help but fall into the lava, giving a terrible cry of pain.

Its sinking is slow and painful, little by little its clothes are set on fire, engulfed in flames, until it sinks.

ESU, has regained consciousness, when you open your eyes, you see that it is inside a small room, the ceiling is a little low.

Startled, she straightens herself to look better, she gets up quickly when she sees that she is alone, she peeks out the window stealthily.

With amazement, you can realize that, outside your room, there are many people outside, by appearance, it is dwarves, it is a village of dwarves and the stems of the trees are next to the cabins, you can see that the cabins are linked by suspension bridges.

Amazed, she opens the door of the cabin.

All those who notice her presence, stop doing their jobs and look at each other, panic a little, those who are nearby, take some sticks and threaten ESU, order her not to move, make her back inside the little house.

ESU, is not afraid, but, out of prudence, obeys.

Soon after, 4 women enter the cabin, 2 of them are armed with spears, 2 of them, carrying flowers and a white suit.

They warn her that her ruler wants to know her. He has been watching that she is well.

They also apologize, they don't know the reasons that led her to this place, so, she should be guarded.

ESU has no choice, it knows that, for the moment it must follow the game.

You need information and help if possible.

Also, if they had wanted to harm her, they would have done it when she wasn't conscious, she's not afraid of them.

ESU agrees to be helped to bathe, it was surprising that, inside the cabin, there was a bathroom and a second room, since the cabins seemed small.

Women comb her hair by placing the flowers in her braided hair.

When dressing her, they realize that, the beautiful white dress, is a little above the knee, ESU apologizes, the women too, although, some of them, they are proud to have made the dress, hairstyle and highlighted the beauty of ESU.

They think that, their ruler is of marriage age.

They smile at each other, accomplices.

ESU didn't realize it.

When they leave the cabin, they escort her, they have to cross some suspension bridges.

ESU can appreciate the construction of the village from the ESU, you may notice that a rib attached to a pulley serves as a counterweight for a small man, with long hair, young, serious and handsome, to climb up to the suspension bridge of the hut.

ESU, stunned, reacts when the young man speaks to her.

His voice is soft.

The young man says he's glad ESU woke up.

She's curious how beautiful she is...

Realizing his mistake, the young man corrects himself (notably blushing).

ESU smiles.

He changes his sentence: he's curious how human he is.

She asks if she was taken care of well?

ESU is grateful that they took care of her and saved her life.

She feels enormously grateful.


When they get outside a shack, they stop.

The guards who are nearby, tell them that OGLAE left early and has not returned.

Somewhat disappointed, the women turn around and tell ESU that they should return.

As soon as they have made a little progress back, another villager catches up with them.

He warns them that OGLAE is coming up.

The young man introduces himself, his name is OGLAE, ESU is surprised, he knew he would go to see OGLAE, but he did not expect it to be that young man who received it.

OGLAE asks you to enter the hut, they must talk about your situation within the village.

The atmosphere gets a little serious.

The women rush her into the hut, ESU looks at their faces worried.

This makes her suspicious of that young man.