They walk through the forest, it has been dark for a few hours,

TOIRE and the girl walk, the young man, takes her up with one arm on his shoulder as support.

His backpack on one side and he climbs it continuously so that he does not get off anymore, it is very heavy because, he carries the book and scrolls.

As they pass through a very thick tree, they see a fissure in one of them.

TOIRE and the girl approach, he leaves her on the side of the tree, leaves his backpack on the ground and takes his sword, he looks inside, he is checking that there are no animals inside, then they proceed to use it as a camp.

The first thing is to settle in, TOIRE knows that for her it will not be easy, such a small space, you will have to sleep sitting.

The young lady tells her not to worry, she has already helped her a lot.

There are air currents that sneak through cracks inside the tree.

Between a smile somewhat forced by tiredness.

TOIRE covered the entrance with branches and shrub, it is not appreciated where the entrance is.

He apologizes for not making a campfire, it's a little fresh, so the young man takes out of his backpack the blanket he'd covered it with before, they'll use it to cover himself up a little bit of the cold.

TOIRE and sits next to her, as she extends the blanket on her side, tells her that she is glad her fever went down, as it was dangerous to be very feverish.

He ends up extending the blanket on his side.

He says, that he lives in a town that unfortunately is not nearby, as soon as they get home in the morning he will change the bandage, he worries, he has not found water to wash the bandages, and since it is time for apology, he also apologizes for tearing his cape.

He says it in a funny way.

She can't help but get a slight smile.

TOIRE mentions, that he had not had a chance to talk to her before.

As she already knows, he's TOIRE, it would be nice to be able to call her somehow, because, girl or girl is a little strange.

Can she tell you what her name is?

The young man is left waiting for her to say something, yet she looks away, as if a memory came to her.

They're silent.

TOIRE thinks she won't tell you, this discourages him a little.

He closes his eyes and settles down like he's going to sleep.

She takes a break and quietly tells her that she will tell her the story for which he asked.

TOIRE pays attention.

She narrates that 10,000 years ago the story of INFRAMUNDO began to be written and that book that he had in his hands that day, contains secrets that for others who do not belong to the CHOSEN clan, are forbidden, (TOIRE's face reflects some shame, remember that she surprised him by seeing the power of the book) she really regrets not being able to tell her much because , the vital power of this world would be in danger, only something can tell you for sure.

Everyone knows about the strength of NANEKI.

TOIRE interrupts her and apologizes for doing so, he comments that, an old man told them once 1,000 years ago the underworld princess was captured by the envoy of hell ISSA, who was imprisoned in the city of NANEKI, which is surrounded by an immense desert full of dangerous animals and beasts that do not exist anywhere else In addition, it is sheltered by eternal ices, if they were to pass through the desert, the ice tomb would be what they would find... But... it's just a myth.

She bitterly tells him no, it is not, for centuries the CHOSEN have sent their brothers, the best sorcerers to NANEKI, in order to destroy him and manage to rescue the princess of a thousand years.

CHOSEN, this world is slowly dying over time without the power of PRINCESS SATORI.

TOIRE, somewhat skeptical, comments that maybe they're just stories.

What causes anger in the girl, which responds that ignorance leads to happiness, the inhabitants have lived so carelessly, without even questioning, why do their crops dry up?

You'd say it's because of the bad weather.

Why have so many monsters been born in the world?

Only the elderly have coherent answers.

Her tone of voice becomes more aggressive.

No one in the world but us saw so many and none of them come back.

All going to their sacrifice, based on attempts.

TOIRE apologizes, it is true, everyone has seen the changes, although in reality few people care about the origin of this.

Then in a moment of silence.

TOIRE asks that if a thousand years have passed (he imagines the old Princess, but does not say so) how do you think she is still alive? the young woman explains that, the PRINCESS is eternal, as long as people believe it, she is still alive, even if only one person keeps her faith she will still be alive (she gets excited tenderly and some sadness), she is the life of the planet and as long as there are beautiful birds, plants, water and flowers, she lives, it is a sign that she is still alive , however, look around, she (her voice breaks) is withering and needs help, now that I'm the last CHOSEN, it's my duty to try (TOIRE turns to look at her in disbelief, this half-dead and dares to say something so adventurous), the young woman tells her not to see her as if she were crazy, she will do it even if it costs her her life even if it costs her her life , but, the treasure must be protected.

They're both looking at TOIRE's backpack.

TOIRE mentions that it is only a matter of time before they find her and should not please them, (the ambush a smile) will depart very early.

TOIRE recommends sleeping, they have not been able to do it in this time and do not know, when they will have the opportunity.

The young woman tells her that she has rested enough, the one who must rest is him, because he is the one who has been taking care of her all this time.

The young man, a little sorry, comments that, if he is going to take the floor for a couple of hours, but first, he would like to know his name, he will not always tell you girl or woman or if, she smiles broadly resigned, he is glad to see his first smile.

She thinks about it a little and mentions that, perhaps it's better for not knowing, she sketches a smile, defeated, and with that smile it's still her lips, closes her eyes, falls asleep almost instantly.

She understands that this young man is very, very tired, has not slept, they are hungry, the young man, she could not leave her alone all that time, besides taking care of her and charge much of the time.

Not only her, but her treasure.

In his heart he feels that he must trust him fully, his head tells him no.

It will certainly keep putting you at risk.

Does she have that right?

She's still lost in her thoughts.

After a few hours he wakes up, the first thing he does is turn to where she is, he's very glad she hasn't run away, tells him that now she should get some sleep.

She sees him more confidently and closes her eyes, TOIRE likes her to feel safe with him.

end of chapter 7