Medium Harem or Tiny Harem??? plz vote.
Should this be a mixed AU? As in should this world be mixed with other ones? my ideas of mixing it are with maybe a mix of: 1. Twilight, 2. Percy Jackson, 3. Marvel, 4. Assassin's Creed, 5. Bleach. The Likely mixes are: Twilight, Percy Jackson, and AC. Or Marvel and Bleach. Or simply Twilight and AC. Plz Vote, I will focus on these other Ideas after his 2nd year of Hogwarts.
*My cat Arwen meows in background*
If there is any other Ideas plz lemme know! There will be Blood Lines, Inheritance tests, R-18 scenes (when old enough!), and Overpowered Plot Armor! LoL. but only when he gets older. Oh and he will start gaming when he becomes an Adult.