Chereads / Ink Ivory / Chapter 4 - "Jokes on you"

Chapter 4 - "Jokes on you"

I didn't have time to answer him, when we heard yelling across the football field. I could see the coach, he looked like he was arguing with someone, but I couldn't tell who. I saw the chance to save myself right in front of me, and I used it.

Frantically waving I yelled. "Coach Bailey! Coach Bailey! Please I need help!"

I was trying to be as loud as possible, and I heard Green curse as the good Coach actually stopped what he was doing, to look around.

"This isn't over yet Inky. There will always be another chance." He got up close in my face. "In your car. In your home. In your school. In the goddamn library. Just wait till your alone and I'll be there." He pressed his finger against my lips. "And no one can protect you then."

Green flipped me around, and placed me safely on my feet. I didn't get to see his face, before he disappeared. One second he had been there and the next he was just air. I felt my breathing quicken. He let me go! He let me go! He let me go! I felt such joy as I ran with my feet beneath me.

As I was racing towards the Coach, the ringing in my ears got louder and louder. The Coach was looking at me as I came at him. It was less then halfway, that I noticed he was leaning sideways. Why was he leaning? My vision darkened and I laughed at myself. No wonder he'd been leaving me hanging upside down for so long. He was waiting for me to pass out! Jokes on you, I thought my last real clear sight being the Coach, and his companion running towards me. Because I'm still here.

When I awoke I was in the schools infirmary. The nurse, Mrs. Hadley, or Gwen as she preferred to be called, was smiling worriedly down at me.

"Morning sleepy head." Her smile became less anxious and more relieved.

Her green eyes had me feeling a little cold, until I discovered she had flecks of honey within them. It made me feel warm and it matched her long blonde wavy locks. She gave off a very home-y feeling, which must help with her job being a school nurse and all.

"How long was I out for?" I asked.

"Not too long, Coach Bailey and the Principal himself brought you in about two minutes ago. Boy did you have them freaked out. The Coach thought you had been stabbed, by how loud you were screaming. Then when you collapsed..." I felt a little foolish when she explained what happened after I feinted.

"I'm sorry for worrying him and you. I don't know what happened." I lied.

It was easier to lie and tell her I couldn't remember, then to tell her the truth. How could I tell her a guy with weird magical powers had stolen my lunch? How would I explain that he'd saved me from a bad fall, threatened me, told me he would kidnap me, and was likely angrier then a football player who'd missed his big break, because I escaped? He could even be stalking me right now, was all I could think of. I felt a shiver go up my spine.

"...Will be here in a few minutes to get you." Nurse Gwen said.

I caught only the end of the conversation. I forgot that Nurse Gwen had been talking. "What was that?" I asked sheepishly.

"I said your Aunt Nana is coming to get you. I used your contacts to call your Aunt to inform her you'd had an incident at school, and you should go home for the rest of the day. She should be here in a few minutes."

Great, I bet Nana was freaking out with worry. Even if it had been years since I'd been in the hospital, she still worried that something could be off and one day I'd be found dead. Then again, she also worried I'd get the flu if I let my belly button show while I slept. I love Nana.

"Oh, okay, thank you Nurse Gwen." I said.

"I'm not too sure why you passed out like you did, but I'd go get checked if I were you dear, maybe your anemic? Anyway your already signed out, so you can leave as soon as she gets here." She said.

I became aware of the fact that, if she left, I'd be alone. Without knowing where Green was or what kind of powers he had, I felt another chill. Before I could think better of it, my hand shot out and grabbed the nurses arm.

"Could you wait with me, please?" I begged.

I felt like a small child asking an adult to save me from the Boogeyman. But for all I knew the Green it-person-thing could be, and he was perhaps watching my every move. Even now in the infirmary. The nurse looked like she was going to say no then looking me in the eye, she adjusted herself in her seat more comfortably, and stayed.

"Thank you ma'am." I said quietly.

"It's not unusual to be a little scared after passing out and not knowing the reason why. I'll stay with you until your Aunt arrives, unless I get another patient." She said.

I felt like the earth was sturdy again. It was like I'd found my steady feet after a big meteor had hit, causing mass hysteria and earthquakes. I could picture people screaming, running around like chickens with their heads cut off, begging for reassurance and explanations. I had been standing in the middle, but, I'd found my way out of the crowd. I discovered that it had been a small earthquake, and the meteor was over exaggerated. By the time Nana came and picked me up, I was exhausted. She had inspected my head before we got in the car, searching for cuts or bumps and bruises. Finding nothing, she clicked her tongue and held the car door open for me. I got in quickly, relieved to be heading home.

I stared out the window lost in thought. I felt my stomach rumble and wondered why? Then I saw the flash image of my poor Doritos and ham with cheese sandwich going down the foul trap, of that psychotic guys throat. I could almost cry. It had been my dang lunch! Who the heck did he think he was? He was such a good for nothing, lunch stealing, air floating bully! I'll just have to look for something when I got home, I thought angrily.

I continued on ranting in my mind the whole way, flinging insult after insult. If it had been winter, I would have fogged up the glass and drawn me stabbing the letch to his early grave. Then I'd draw me stabbing his grave. Lucky for the window, I couldn't. Lucky for Green, I didn't find prison appealing. Nana, blissfully, didn't ask me any questions and I didn't put forth any explanations. The car ride was silent.