Chereads / Shadowhunter The Mortal Instruments / Chapter 16 - IT ALL STARTED WITH HIM part 2

Chapter 16 - IT ALL STARTED WITH HIM part 2

This is a fanfiction using the character from the mortal instruments which are trademarked by Cassandra Clare. I do not claim ownership of the character in the world.

Clary, "ask can I test this stele." "Sue I will even give you some sheets of parchment." She shuffled to the desk and put out two sheets of parchment and come back setting them in the of Clary, Clary, grab the stele input the end to the parchment and she starts drawing five rues all different shapes and size. She draws them with graceful and comfort along being beautiful. As she drawing the rune some smoke begins to rise up from the end of the stele. The crystal glow and shining like a Christmas tree green light reflecting bright light went the stele was in use. The first rune was endurance with a long black thin line contrasting with overlapping and a balanced black thick- line. The second rune was the returnee one a mixer of thick, with thin, line some of them was uneven, irregular, but it comes together to creating something unique. The third one was the opportunity with this rune bold thick black lane smooth blended with shape detailed. The four one recalled a rune of thin with a hard-edged, black line. Aggressive and irregular patterned around the rune. The fifth and final one was the talent rune heavy black line with a Layered, flat, and straight, line chilling, dark, though with proving and self-control thick line. They were all so perfect beautiful full of grace. Carly, turn around to her mom in say "quote " The codex while we are warriors and as such, conflict is part of our lives." "We also make use of many marks that speak in gentler tones." "Then are marks for funerals, that tell of healing, grief, and comfort, and there are for a celebration that tells of joy and gratitude." Jocelyn responded "your not the once one that can quote the codex." "The manes of the mark are meaning they are in the language of heaven." "we have ever been permitted to know they are our most direct communication with the angel who gave us our live sand our mission." "Wow" the own thing Clary, could up. Clary, say "I've taken this one the green crystal stele" and can you throw in a withligh runestone? along with the sterling silver pendant in the shape of angle." The angel pendant has a prayer on it. The prayer says " Angel of God my guardian dear, love commits me here, ever this day, be at my side to light, to guard to rule and guide amen." The women ask "Do you want it to wrap along with the witch light in a box." "yes" Clary responded. The box was blue and the wrapping paper was white in the witch light was the wrap in a red box. The second was a black stainless steel dog tag "the dog tag can be personal Clary, asked "can you put Christian light wood/Fair child his date of birth Aug-12-1991 in two angel wings on the opposite bank of the tag it was the other angel, prayer. Guardian angel, guard me against harm, protect me, and my sleep without cause for alarm. keep me safe through gently with God's morning light. The fifteen-minute later the women come back with the tag is done. she also put it in wrapping paper and put it in a gold box. She also gives a silver case to carry the stele Clary, put it in the case. She gives them a little bag. "That will be two hundred and twenty-five, please she turns the computer screen over to Clary, Clary put out her stele in with the clean pieces of her after the clean pieces touch the screen the purchase when thought. "Thank you all purchase are final no refunds thank you." "your welcome" clary replied in walkout if the stolen.