The man was luck he got a second chance he went to to work and finished his work on time. The later he got the more he felt sluggish so he called it a night. The man said there's time so he took a day off and then the next and the next the work started pilling up and he screwed up he went back to his old ways he went to his brother the brother help him but then he started to stop the brother left. He stopped because he told the man you need to do it by your self the man said ok the man did fine for the couple of days but then it stared again he missed his chance he felt desperate he tried so hard to finish all the the work he missed but no use he failed he felt horrible he blamed everything on himself and he was right it was his fault he felt like that it there is no point he can't change but he tried again and again but to no use he kept on missing his work and procrastinating. He got one more chance he told his brother please help me this is my last chance, the brother said ok the man messed up but he finished the work in time but his brother had to go all the man had to do is finish the work and turn it in all his work in 2 weeks the man completed most of his work but the man had a week left and just need to complete one more and then he's done so he said I have time so I'll finish it when it's a day before it's due so he played games and watched tv the day before it was due the man said I can complete this tomorrow so it was the day it was due he failed he didn't do it he wasted his chance this chance he knew that this was it this was The End