Dear life,
Can you please go easy on good men? There are enough assholes in the world that do deserve your injustice and cruelty.
Yours sincerely.
Dear child,
I am not about what they do deserve. You have to open your mind much more than that, if you are trying so hard to make sense of my aspects. You must see with your mind, not your blind eyes, naïve child.
Mine forever.
I'm praying heavens so that the ground split in half and swallow me whole. I refuse to absorb what Jess just said, but I'm trying so hard to not show her any reaction, because I can't face it. I just can't.
I don't want to know what she has to say about it, and by 'it' I don't refer just to that name, I also am talking about the way she said it and the passion she must feel for that guy. But mostly I mean the name, though I don't want to know to whom it belongs to.