Chapter 40 - Chapter 40

'Bring, Bring, Bring, Bring!' I groan into my pillow, hoping the noise will turn off by itself. But of course it continues to screech in my ear. I am half tempted to break my damn phone, but ignore my aggressive tendencies and grab the damn thing.

I growl into the receiver, 'Hello?' 

'Joj bre!! You finally answered Jas!' 

'Please Stev, what was so urgent that you needed to call me at 2am in the morning, for fuck sake?!' 

I hear his indignant snort over the phone, 'Well excuse me for worrying about my cousin!!'

I sigh loudly into the receiver. 

'Gospode boze, you didn't even tell me that someone broke into your apartment! I had to find out from Nikolai, for fuck sake!'

I let him finish his tirade, knowing I won't be getting a word in until he's done, 'Why didn't you call me as soon as it happened? Who the hell was it, I'll bloody kill them!!' 

He's panting by the time he finishes asking the last question. 'Calm down Stev, it's all under control.' He chokes on his spit, 'It's all und---' I cut him off, ' I didn't tell you because I knew you would overreact like this and I also didn't want you blabbing about it to the whole family, especially my parents. They're judgemental about my life choices as it is. I don't need you giving them more ammunition.'

He raises his voice, 'This isn't about your parents!! This is serious Jas. You could have been kidnapped or worse. Do you understand that?' I flashback to my ransacked apartment which causes a shiver to snake down my spine at the disturbing thought. 

'Ok, ok i get it!! I'm not dumb I know it was a serious situation!' 

'Good!' He says.

His voice drops a few octaves, taking on a dangerous edge, 'Do you have any idea who the hell it was?'

'I honestly have no idea, it could have been anyone.' 

'Well think harder!' he demands.

'Look , I don't know. For all I know it could've been one of our competitors, but it's weird because they didn't find the safe where I kept our new concept files.'

'God, Jas why the hell were you keeping them at your house instead of at the company safe?!'

'Well you know I like to work on stuff at home sometimes, so I decided to keep some files in my safe for easy access! What's so wrong with that?' 

He groans, 'This! This is exactly the type of stuff that can happen when you keep company files. From now on, leave it at the company safe, jesus!!' 

'Fine! Geez!' I yell out, frustrated that he's getting annoyed with me when I'm the one that almost got kidnapped. 'If there's nothing else I'm going back to sleep!'

'Ok ok, Jas i'm sorry for getting annoyed with you. How are you doing?' he asks concern thick in his voice. 

'Oh so now you care i feel?' I say exasperated with his ass.


I roll my eyes, 'Stev, I'm honestly fine. I'm not going to lie and say that it wasn't scary but i'm fine. Apparently, Nik is taking care of the situation. So you don't need to worry.'

He chuckles, 'Jas you are the only female cousin i have. Of course I am going to worry.'

'God you are annoying. I'm hanging up now!' 

He laughs, 'Fine, goodnight. I'm going to go and harass Nik instead.'

'Fine. And Stev--'


'Please don't do anything stupid.'

'I won't, but I will make the person who did this pay!' 

'What did i just s--'

'Ok goodnight cuz!' he disconnects the line. I sigh, shaking my head at my phone. He can be really impulsive at times. I just hope he doesn't get himself into any trouble.

I lay back in bed, tossing and turning trying to get comfortable again. 

Eventually I give up and see that the clock now reads 3am. Great!! I yell into my pillow in frustration. Work is going to be so much fun tomorrow.

I roll out of bed and put my dressing gown on over my nightie. I silently pad out of my room, in search of the kitchen. 

As I am walking down the long white corridor, past the other rooms, I try to remember where the kitchen is. It's not like I got a proper tour of this bloody massive house. As I continue to explore I stumble in an area of the house that I've never seen before. There's glass all around a garden in the centre of the room. Literally just out of nowhere. I am fascinated by it, it looks like one of those Japanese gardens.

I notice that there is a door to the right of the garden that seems to be the entrance, so I head through it. The bright light in the room blinds me, when my eyes finally adjust to the brightness I realise I am in a massive indoor gym. State of the art, if you ask me. It's like one of those gyms you would be paying a hefty sum per month for exclusive access. With all the fancy machines you could dream of, with the exception of a massive boxing ring in the corner. That's different, I don't think I have ever seen one of those at a gym. 

I continue to wander deeper, as I make my way through the gym I start to hear rock music coming from the left, to what looks like another section of the gym. Wondering who could be up this late, I peer into the room where the music is coming from and my breath stops. 

In the middle of the room is a dojo mat, and Nik is fighting someone on that mat. His muscles are rippling as he goes after this guy, who looks to be just as professional. They both strike at each other with lethal precision, and then dance around the mat. Back and forth striking when they see an opening. 

Then in one swoop Nik gets the upper hand and hammers the other guy into the mat. Both of their sweaty bodies hit the mat hard. He locks the guys head in between his arms and elbows, effectively cutting the guys oxygen supply off. The other guy tries to out manoeuvre him, but Nik anticipates it and slams him back on the mat. The other guy finally taps out. Nik is staring at the guy with a look of murder but lets him go.