December 2019 China, Wuhan
The corona virus spread in a very disastrous rate. 2020 the virus was spread world wide even though the death rate of this virus is just below 5% it is still deadly.
Year 2021 different vaccine was created by various countries, and in the year 2022 the virus was controlled world wide.
Or so it seams.
Year 2025 an absurd event happend in the world. Few people started to act violently. Racism in America rise to an uncontrollable rate. Killings in Africa by mercenaries went up. China goes more bold in using military powers to invade seas in Asia. Dictators sprouted all over the world. Cults and bizare organizations were a trend. Serial killers and psychotic people do crime openly not bothering to cover their tracks. In short what the fuck is going on with the world.
Many religious group said it's the start of the apocalypse, the second coming is near, the great jihad is starting, gods start to punished mortal. Etc etc.
But according to the scientific studies made late in the year 2026 prove that the cause of this behaviour is caused by a specific mutated parasite that has infected half of the populace of earth.
Have you heard about a parasite called TOXOPLASMA GONDII? Neither do i. Until it was announced in the news all over the world.
Apparently this parasite has been overlooked far to long by humans. Before 2020. This specific one celled parasite had been living in more than half of the human population and also the animal kingdom more specially on animals living in the human cities.
It was first observed in rats. Rats were very easily scared in nature. But this parasite, when inside a host in this case rats, makes them defy their nature.
In the internet we can see many videos of a rat figthing a cat bigger than their size. Its funny to a normal person to watch because rationally cats hunts rats. But they ignore the fact that it changes the nature of the rats.
The most surprising and scary thing is that humans were also infected by this parasite and it was ignorance on the part of humans that leads to an event that changed the world as we know it.
In the 21sr century 1 billion humans have this parasite in their bodies. It causes minor symptoms that was negligible like head aches and soar throaths but the on thing researchers did not focus more on was it causes schizophrenia. Yes that it right it produce a substance that affects the brain to make the person crazy.
In the year 2026 an unexpected discovery of a neurologist while checking a liquid sample of a patient before a surgery was found. A substance none like other that affects human behaviour that explained the changes in the world. Why people act so violent, so broad, so inexplicable.
A new mutated variation of the TOXO parasite was found. It was affected by the corona virus to mutate from a single cell independent organism to a colonial organism. As scientists found out that the TOXO parasite now creates a colony to form a new multi celled organism that produce a more potent substance that affects people personality and make them irrational to their nature.
That was the first part. The second part was in the year 2028 a medicine was produce to kill the parasite in humans so life goes on. What they neglected was the parasites that was on animals.
In the year 2031 it was to late. What at first was thought as a zombie apocalypse happend. It started somewhere in America in early march within 24 hours it was spread almost half of the earth's country.
A study was broadcasted in all media around the world. The parasite that was supposed to be cure last 2029 mutated further with the help of a virus very well known to man. The rabies.
Now the parasite was not a single celled organism nor a colony, but a whole new spicies of a worm that directly enter and control the human or animal brain to survive and propagate through saliva where their eggs are. With an incubation of 4 days to hatch and another 3 days to enter the brain of the host. When it reaches the brain it will only took 1 hour or less to control it fully.
A rabid parasite. Not a virus, but a parasite affected by 2 virus. Corona and rabies.
That was the start of a new civilization of a new symbiotic species we called now as Toxobies. Toxo and zombie.
My name is Meshac, and this is how i survive this realistic zombie apocalypse.