Chereads / A Dead Girl / Chapter 18 - Chapter 18 Secrets 2

Chapter 18 - Chapter 18 Secrets 2

"This is unacceptable!! I can't help you girls if I don't know the full side of things. Amy what is it??"


"So your just gonna keep lying to them???"

"At least I'm not a self harming alcoholic suicide extremist!!!"

I look at her with disgust and stood up and tripped over the chair but stood up again.

"She's a slut. She sleeps with at least one guy every two-ish days."


"What?? Is this true Amy??" Stan asks"

"NO SHES A FUCKING LIAR!!!" And Amy charges at me knocking me down and starts punching the floor next to my head.

"Amy get off of her!!!" And Stan pulled her off of me. I laughed as I got up.

"Your not perfect at all Amy. Your a sick twisted bitch."

"You fucking sociopath"

"Sex addict!" And Amy lunges at me again but Stan pulls her back.

"I'm calling the social worker" Adam says as he leaves to get his phone.

"Look what you've done! Your so self destructive and ignorant!"

"At least my favorite hobby isn't sucking-

"That's enough you two! Amy sit on the couch Scarlett sit at the table" We both sit glaring at each other and wait for our Social worker to come.


Knock knock knock

"She's here" Stan says. Adam walks over to the door and opens it. He lets her in and I think asked to talk to her privately. Well this can't be good.


Adams POV

"Mary I think it'd be best if these two were put in a different home, well two different homes"

"What's been going on?"

"We just had an incident where Scarlett got upset about having to stay inside or take someone with her to go outside and the girls just got into a fight the other day and they were still mad at each other but Scarlett wanted to go somewhere and Amy had to go with her. Long story short at dinner they were still mad at each other and Scarlett grabbed a knife and threatened to try and kill herself again. Afterwards she got drunk and told us Amy has sex with at least one guy every two days. I just think it would be better if the two separated."

"I understand, I think we can move them by tomorrow."


Then their social worker left and it was just us. I didn't want this to be a surprise so I decided to tell them after she was gone. I talked to Stan about it and he agreed.

"Girls, there's something we need to tell you"

"Yeah I know we're grounded" Scarlett said.

"No it's not that."

"Really? What is it then?" Amy asked.

"You guys are moving to two separate homes tomorrow. I don't know where each of you will be staying"

"Ok." Scarlett says as if she's completely unaffected by this.

Amy gets up and leaves.


Scarlett's POV

"Don't trip and fall on some guys dick while your up there better yet don't choke on it!"

And I start giggling.

"Scarlett that is the exact reason you two are splitting up"

"Is this supposed to make me upset?"

"I'm sorry but we can't keep you two anymore" Stan says

"You may not show it, but we know your upset by this Scarlett. And if you want to talk about it we're still here"

"For once, I genuinely don't care about something so important. I'm not gonna freak out or anything. I'll just go through it as I do everything else"

Then I get up and go upstairs. On my way to my room I hear Amy crying. I sighed

"Amy, I'm sorry I messed this up for you"

"Go away. You've done enough Scarlett"

I open the door to see her on the ground with her pants rolled up. There was a deep gash on her lower legs. She was bleeding a lot but she just sat there and let it happen.

"What are you doing" I say it but the feeling just isn't there.

"What does it look like asshole. I'm doing what you love, cutting myself"


"Because of you. Everything you do just makes everyone's life hard"

"Well thanks for letting me know that. I will try harder to pretend to be happy in my next home"


"Your gonna need stitches"

"I'll just ask Avery to take me"

"Ok I'll call her"

"What's your deal today? One second your flipping shit the next your all zen and crap"

"Who cares, just enjoy it"


I call Avery and she comes over and picks up Amy who can't walk at this point.


Avery's POV

I get to Amy and Scarlett's foster house and pick up Amy. Literally and figuratively. I talked to their foster parents and they agreed to let me take her.

"What happened?"

"Isn't it obvious"

"I mean why, what happened that made you cut yourself? I thought you were done with self harm"

"I don't want to talk about it"

"Doesn't matter. I want to know now"

"I don't have to tell you anything"

"This isn't like you Amy. What happened in there?"

"Scarlett happened. As always"

"What did she do this time that made you cut yourself?"

"She exposes me right in front of our foster dads. She got drunk, and exposed me. She also held a knife up to her wrist and cut herself right in front of them"

"Jeez, that's pretty bad"

"No shit"

"What exactly did Scarlett expose about you?"

"You don't need to know"

"Yes, I do"

"Well you should just ask our fucked up little sister"

"Hey, talking about Scarlett like that isn't going to fix anything"

"You should've heard what she said about me. That little bitc-

"That's enough. We're here"

We arrived at the hospital and after she got all patched up the doctor said he needed a guardian to sign off on the paper and our insurance number. I pretended to be her guardian and signed off on the paper and our insurance was on her record.

We left the hospital and on the ride back Amy started rambling about how she hated Scarlett and how much she wanted to punch her face in. Then out of the blue she told me this.

"We're being separated because of her. Their putting us in two different foster homes. We'll both probably be in a group home or something"

"Wait what?!? When??"


"I'll think of something"

"Just let it be. Your not an adult"

I started thinking hard about what I could do to help them.

"That's it I got it!"

"Ugh, what do you have in mind"

"I'm 17 right now"


"I turn 18 in 3 months"

"I'm not seeing where this is going"

"I could get emancipated! I'm able to take care of myself, I have a job, and I have a house where I live with my boyfriend who is the nicest guy on earth"

"Our social worker would never let us stay with you"

"We'll see about that. You just gotta hang in there while I work this all out"

"Yeah yeah"

We get to their house and Amy gets out the car

"Tell Scarlett I wanna talk to her"

"What like right now?"



A few minutes later Scarlett comes out obviously drunk and with bandages on one of her wrist.

"Get in"

"Are we going somewhere?"

"No. I need to talk to you"

"Is this about what happened with me and Amy? More specifically Amy."

"What did you do"

"Me? I didn't do anything"

"Scarlett your drunk and your hurt"

"Pfft I'm not drunk"

"Are we seriously gonna do this?"

"Fine. I may have told our foster dads Amy's little secret"

"What are you talking about"

"Amy's a slut"

"Why the hell would you say that!?!"

"Because it's true. She's obsessed with sex. She's constantly sneaking out to go fuck some guy she met"

"What do I even say to that? I didn't t even know Amy wasn't a virgin"

"Don't act so surprised. I mean I'm not a virgin"

"Wait what??"

"Sure I've had sex a few times. But Amy, she has a problem"

"With who??"

"Matthew. We're petty good at hiding it"

"What the fuck.. how.. what?"

"Calm down, you do it too. But back to the point"

"Scarlett your 13 years old. I'm not happy with Amy cause she's only 15 but still"

"How long are we gonna talk about me? Cause we have more important things to talk about"

"Are you two at least being safe?"

"Ew, why are you asking me that? Yes we're fine. Now please can we get back to Amy"

"Ok fine. But this conversation isn't over"

"It is. But anyway I'm guessing she told you we're being moved to two separate homes"

"Yeah, I'm gonna get emancipated so you guys won't have to deal with that for too long"

"You realize how hard it is to get emancipated? And how much money it'll cost? You don't even have a lawyer, which by the way are expensive if you want a decent one"

"I'll figure it out"

"Your better off just waiting for your birthday. It's only 3 months away"

"Yeah 3 months of you two not having each other. You guys may be fighting now but you two need each other"

"Doesn't seem like Amy needs me. She probably needs to get as far away from me as possible"

"That's not true, you guys are just going through a rough patch"

"I said some pretty awful things about her, and she said some pretty awful thing about me. I feel so bad about calling her a slut. But In all fairness what she said to me was way worse"

"What did she say?"

"She said that I'm a self harming alcoholic suicide extremist."

"I am so sorry she said that. It wasn't right"

"Yeah I know, I'll get over it"

"I'm gonna get you guys out of this"


"I'll see you later. And you need to stop drinking so much"

"Yeah yeah" She says as she's getting out the car.

"I'm serious. And also be safe with Matt!!"

She turns bright red, face palms and goes into the house.

I start my trip back home to tell Jamie about what's going on. He's already 18 and his parents weren't really around like mine so we just kinda clicked. He's the only person I can talk to about my sisters. I love him.


Hope you guys enjoyed this one I will be finishing this book up so that I can continue it on another one soon so stay tuned for that😄