Chereads / Tales of Eden / Chapter 91 - Bitter taste

Chapter 91 - Bitter taste

Spare kept a close watch on Lumina but at midnight he would appear then reappear at the same spot he left at 3 am on the dot. Spare would study Lumina's disappearance for weeks. He had the thought "this might be bad. This vampire might be one with royalty. To save him I will have to attach myself to him."

One night at 11:30 Spare greets Lumina. He talks to him. Lumina has little to no care about what he says. Spare bring up the word "Vampire" and then Lumina's body begins to tense up. Lumina's dark purple eyes begin to have a hint of red. Spare grabs Lumina and says "You are just a slave to the beast! You must free yourself!" Lumina had neither the willpower nor care to free himself from the vampire's grasp. It also didn't help that he didn't know what was going on. Lumina grabs Spare's hand that is on him and throws it off him.

The time is now 11:59. Spare looks at the time and says "Now is not the time for this." Spare wants to save Lumina but Lumina doesn't want to be saved. Spare slaps Lumina in the face as time changes to midnight.

Lumina and Spare are transported outside Toko's house. Toko shouts "Hello Lumina!" The door opens and Lumina walks in. Spare questions the name "Lumina". Spare goes to follow him. After walking into the house he instantly knows where he is. Spare looks Toko in the eyes and laughs. He says "Your trying to use the kid to escape." Toko says "What are you talking about?" Spare says "And what's with the fake name? You trying to use this kid is pissing me off!" Toko says "What fake name?" Spare explains to Lumina "Her name is not Toko at all. Her name is Angel Von Bliss. She is a Monarch vampire." Lumina asks "What's a vampire?"

Spare says "Vampires are demons that drink blood to survive. Vampires are a high-class type of demon. They are very powerful and each one is different but they all have something in common besides their love for blood and that's silver. Silver is one of their many weaknesses." Lumina asks "Then what makes Monarch vampires special?" Spare says "Monarch vampires are vampires with royal blood. They are born as natural vampires and they have the special ability to turn blood into weapons and influence people's minds." Lumina asks "How come you're not influenced by her?" Spare says "I am an Abishai remember? I am half dragon. Dragons can't be hit with mind attacks. I can also sense if someone is hit with a mind attack." Lumina starts to question everything. He starts to doubt Toko. Lumina looks Toko in the eyes and says "Why did you lie to me?" She starts laughing and then says "I am Angel Von Bliss and you are nothing but a tool to help me escape from this prison. That foolish put me in here but refuses to submit to my almighty power. I am from the most royal and esteemed bloodline of vampires around." Lumina slaps her and then says "I thought you were my first friend but I guess I will continue to be alone." Lumina starts to walk away then turns around and asks "Why did you name me Lumina?" Angel didn't respond. Lumina continued to walk away and ponders if he should keep using the name given to him by her. Spare follows Lumina out then the doors close and the house disappears. Spare says "I wanted to save you so you wouldn't get hurt." Lumina shouts "Why do you care?" Spare says "I was the one who saved you when you were being tortured by The Doctor." Lumina says "The Doctor?" Spare says "I don't know his real name nor who he works for but he is known for playing with demons for fun." Lumina starts to boil up in a rage and asks "I will pay that bastard back in full." Spare seeing all this passion says "I will train you but you must keep your desire burning to get stronger. Desires fuel demons." The night ends with that.

Astro is watching all of this in a glass ball and says "They are progressing so far but what about that him." Astro tries to peer at someone else in her glass ball and a spark of electricity hits Astro. This electricity came from the ball. Astro says "Even when you're spilt, you always find a way to destroy my plans. I rewrote this story so many times because of you. Just let us reach the ending." Astro hears a voice come out of her glass ball and it says "Sister, I have told sister Satana about her part." Astro responds with "Very good, sister. And How is mother Mary doing?" The voice says "Mother Mary is still trying to track Pandora. Mother is very mad especially after Pandora interfered with purgatory." Astro says "Tell mother that Father Christ will find out if you keep leaving heaven." The voice says "Mother knows". The voice leaves.