The boy was afraid of simply of the unknown. He didn't know this woman but he felt like he did. But he still feared her. The woman grabs a tool from next to the boy. These tools were all different and bloody. The boy starts to breathe heavily. This causes more fear to blossom. After looking at the many tools she grabs a boxcutter.
She grabs the boy's hand and pokes his finger with the tip of the boxcutter. Blood starts pouring from his finger. Then she begins forcefully pushing it in deeper. The boy starts to jump in the chair in pain. As she continues to go deeper, he starts to scream. She turns then grab another boxcutter and starts to cut his body over and over again. The screams of the boy could be heard from outside the door. The boy hoped and hoped that she would either stop or someone would hear and save him. But as time continued he began to give up. In immense pain, he decides to ask her "Why… Why are you doing this?" She then smiles and says "Because I hate you more than you will ever know. What I hate about you is how life revolves around you and only you. I hate everything about you from your hair, eyes, nose, and mouth, to every cell in your body. I hated and will continue to hate you. I started hating you way before you were born." The boy thought to himself "How can you hate someone before they are even born? What did I do wrong? Why me? Is it because I was born? What is it?"
The boy continued "What is it? What is it? What is it? What is it that makes you hate me on instinct? I am scared and sick and tired. I just want to live in peace. No, maybe it would be better if I did die." As the boy continued to drift into despair. He was reminded of that girl that was born with him earlier.
A few hours earlier, the girl that was with the boy blinked and was faced with a person that she felt like she knew well but couldn't guess who that person was. The girl unlike the boy was happy-go-lucky and didn't fear anything. The girl looks into the person's eyes and says "Who are you?" The person responds with "I am Astro. I am your god." The girl asks "What is god?" Astro responds with "I guess you did forget everything as planned." Astro laughs abit then smiles. She takes a deep breath and says "A god is a being that defies the laws of this world. This is the short answer." The girl says "what should I call you?"
Astro replies with "God is what you can call me." The girl says "Hmm ok mother." Astro says "Why mother?" The girl says "Because I think it fits you." Astro says "Whatever human!" The girl asks "Mother, what is my name?" Astro says "Lunis is your new name." Lunis asks "Where are we?" Astro says "On our way back to your home, Earth." Astro and Lunis are drifting in the plane connecting Earth, Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory. This plane is like a strong gust of wind. Only certain people can use the plane. Astro can control this plane to some extent because of her magic over space.