Moon walks up in a test tube. When woken up he hears a scientist saying some about the King Familia project. Moon thinks to himself "Why am I here again?" Then some male scientist says "Inject him with it" Then something gets injected in Moon. Moon's left eye wound starts to heal. Five minutes later, Moon falls into the dream he walks up to Astro. Moon says "Make me stronger but first get me out of here." Astro says "Are you sure?" Moon says "Yes!" Astro says "You are now a half-God but at a price." Moon says "What do you mean by a price?" Astro explains "You have to become mine and your fate that is your price." Moon says "I'm a king remember? You submit to me. And to hell with fate" Astro says "That sounds fun but one day you will submit your fate to me. For the time being, I will submit to you." Moon says "Now get me out of this test tube." Astro says "Already underway." Moon wakes up to the sound of the word breach.