Infamous precipice
Gloomy fortress isolated
Main room
A cloud of butterflies arrived, coming through the closed window.
Grouped together in a human silhouette, gradually taking the form of a strange man, butterflies gradually lose their individuality to become one.
The people already present in the room, three men and four women seated around a table accompanied by a woman standing next to a central throne, were mostly irritated by this sudden intrusion.
The person sitting in the seat closest to the throne, a young man of unusual charisma and conspicuous calm, spoke in reaction to the appearance of the strange figure.
"Request an audience and come late in such an... exotic way. Is it a lack of civility or a lack of respect?"
The mysterious man, having finished his transformation, had a rather youthful face, runic tattoos were visible under his eyes.
His clothes were quite chic, a brown waistcoat with white sleeves accompanied by a white shirt, a black tie and similar pants.
His answer was not long in coming, playing with the cards in his hands, he retorted uninterestedly
"What about having an audition with a man who isn't here?"
The young man, losing his calm face in favor of half-hidden annoyance, took a few seconds to calm down before responding politely.
"Such a busy man cannot solve all of Mad Hope's problems, which is why the council was created."
The strange man, continuing his strange games with his strange cards, didn't bother to lift his head to answer, acting as if he was talking to himself.
"There is probably one hearing per decade, don't make me think it's too much for him. Anyway I have no choice but to speak to Him in person. Bring Him to me or tell me where he is."
The odd man's ability to irritate others was felt in the lingering tension of the room.
As the young man was about to respond, the woman standing next to the throne spoke before him.
The woman's voice was as cold as it was powerful, and the young man immediately closed his mouth to stand more calm.
"Go to the nearest town and take the convoy to the far north, you should be able to find Him by doing this."
After these words, the strange man transformed back into a butterfly and left as quickly as he appeared, leaving a silent room in a silent fortress above a deep and silent canyon immersed in a silent night.