Chereads / Drowned Anarchy / Chapter 8 - Chapter 8: Battle for Spring Hills A..

Chapter 8 - Chapter 8: Battle for Spring Hills A..

~Spring Hills Battlefield~

The Red Snow covered the dead bodies, and those still fighting just alike. The tension was so thick steam could be seen swirling around the parties involved.. The Snow and combination of blood and dirt was staining Spring Hills deep to the core. But the battlefield is hungry for more slaughter...

Drigom, Hureglom , & Oligwom jumped into the fray closing the distance between themselves and the Sensory Master & War Master.

(War Master) Tuh... You Dwarves try to reach farther than your stubby legs can take you. For some reason you think that you're the only ones with great blacksmiths. Today, your hands are full and i'm much heavier than you can carry...

-He removes his cloak, wraps it around his staff and tosses it away from the battlefield-

He reaches behind his back and pulls out two serrated Battle Blades , bronze coils wrapped around the Ivory handles leading up to 18 inch onyx blades. He took a deep inhale and exhale, set his weapons to match his stance...

He then circled his left foot and placed his right arm & blade behind his back, leaving the left blade out in front he twiddled his fingers impressively spinning the blade on the edges of his fingers. The War Master had no fear instead he seemed to just be waking up...

(Sensory Master) You've really come to show out today... You boast by bringing out your Spine Tusks, but only Atlas Stance....

Looking all three of the Dwarves in their eyes, he smirked and said

"This is a mere child's play, but I'll tag a baby"...

The War Master exuded so much confidence that it was enough provocation to force Hureglom to rush in carelessly...

Hureglom wielded a GreatSword; he closed the distance with a great hop ahead of Oligwom. As he came down he locked eyes with those of War Master, and with a boost of speed he tried to bury his sword in the top of the Druid's skull..


War Master put up his left Blade sliding it downward in the continuous path it was already following. Jamming it into the ground, then swiftly countering with his rear Blade by twisting his body and swiping across the neck of Hureglom. He jumped back in the nick of time, so the wound was shallow, BUT...

A burning sensation accompanied the sting of having your flesh split open, but it seeped through down to his core. He was uncontrollably shaking like he had a twitch. -Ccccrrrffffpppffttt- Hureglom grabbed his throat but it was too late. A grave error made by Hureglom...

His body fell to the ground as his eyes bulged out, his fingertips started to leak blood, along with his nose and even under his legs began to leak out upon the ground. He no longer took breathes he panted for a bit...


Drigom & Oligwom moved to check on their brother.. -Tatatat- War Master & Resilience Master moved in between the body and the brothers...

-One baby down. Which one of you shall I tag next?? Huuuaaahhh Hhhuuuaaahhh!!! I'm the WAR MASTER!!! This is MY BATTLEFIELD!!! This is MY HOME!!!!

The Dwarves were truly stunned, as others around them fell throughout this war and many before none ever hit so close. They are fourth generation Om and all of those elders died from great monsters during dungeon raids or natural causes but none in battle. Never, the notion never arose in their minds. They prided themselves on being the Forces of the Battlefield...

Before the brothers could react, the Druids jumped to the offensive while the shock was still in full effect, Sensory Master took the lead and quickly formed a thin synthetic layer of magic over their bodies for protection...

-Tttttttttoooooonnnnnnnggggg- Tttttttooooooonnnnnggggg-

They remembered what Drigom did with his Hammer and didn't want to fall victim to that again. So the Cloaks of magic would be good enough for corrosive attacks but they'd have to block it or dodge physical attacks... However, instead of Drigom jumping at the bit, the stoic brother Oligwom wanted next...

Oligwom pulled out his heavy battle ax, as the taller of the three he was also the thickest, shoulders spread broad, across a thickly built neck. Among his kind he was considered a freak. (just under the size of a normal humanoid 5'5) His arms bursting with veins and vigor of a youth but he was well into his years as the three brothers were triplets...

He walked up to Sensory Master and soon as he reached striking distance, he sprung forward but at a high rate of speed, swinging at the mid section of the Sensory Master with his battle ax..

-Tttttthhhhoooooommmm- Dust and rocks kicked up out of the ground. The dust cloud faded away and only Oligwom stood with his Ax plunged into the ground. Sensory Master was standing beside of him and countered...

-Wwwwwwhhhhhooooottttttttthhhhh- -Tttttthhhooooonnngggg-

A kick from Sensory Master followed by an energy blast right to the face of Oligwom. Sending him flying back a ways, and his body hitting the ground kicking up dust, a powerful combination landed squarely.

"He too had made a grave mistake like the brother before".

That's exactly what the Sensory Master said to himself but that was not the case at all...

Oligwom took the kick square in the midsection but bent his body to absorb the impact of the blow, then quickly lifted his battle ax in front of his face in order to block the energy blast down into the ground with his ax blade. Causing the dust to give him time...

Oligwom stopped himself within the dust cloud, rocked his Ax back behind his head and flung it over his head with both hands.


A crackling sound zipped towards Sensory Master but he couldn't pinpoint what it was. Then he noticed a yellow flash of lightning flowing from the ground at a speed he wouldn't be able to dodge...

(Sensory Master) This won't do much damage, a lightening attack even though he watched me use my protection. I'll get my counter attack off after my magic neutralizes his attack. Wait.... Wha....

A moment right before the attack landed Sensory Master noticed not only was it a lightning attack but also the battle ax that belonged to Oligwom. The Sensory Master couldn't move in time. Instead his brain tried to process what took place...


-Oligwom threw the Ax, I looked up once I heard the power activate...

I barely caught a glimpse of the lightning until it was milliseconds away from contact...

He threw the ax so hard that it moved electrical charges along its path...

My attention was focused on the lightning then I noticed the Ax as it passed me but I don't remember weaving to either side...

It's pattern was behind me, then in front of me, then I fell lazily to my knees, then on my chest...

He actually k... k.... k....

The body of the Sensory Master lay on the ground, as his head had been sliced into two parts. The first slice from the ax slid through center mass in his forehead. As it exited the back of Sensory Master's skull it boomeranged and sliced severed his head at the base of the neck...

Now the War Master has to overcome unfavorable odds...

To be continued...

Part B coming soon…