-----Mike's POV Shuttle to The Space Ring-----
The shuttle took off within 5 minutes of us boarding the ship. The atmosphere inside the ship was heavy as I just leaned my head against the wall and looked at the ceiling, pretending like I didn't just place an epic ranked dagger on the jugular of someone. Alex was looking at me carefully, I could feel his eyes scanning everything about me before browsing through his watch.
'Hmmm...probably checking the background information about me.' Looking around the room a unique pattern appeared before me, almost everyone with a suit was probably checking some information in the database about my ability.
I checked out Alex. Alex was a redhead, almost ginger, and had a natural tan skin. He had some Asian features which went perfectly with his glasses. He had solid black eyes and a tough built covered by a suit. He stood 6'2'' and that is the only thing that stood out about him because of his Asian features. 'Although everyone seems to be wearing those glasses or some form of visual aid...and I bet 100 credits that it is not due to the organizations skewed fashion sense.'
'Let them sweat a little bit...yeah yeah, you may try to hide it but I can see you are happy with your move Alex. Most probably the people here with the suits are team leaders and there is a severe competition even within the organization regarding resources and tasks.' I waited in my corner of the room as I looked at the vast starry sky outside the window.
'What speed are we moving at?'
[We are currently traveling at half the speed of light. This is the cap for most of the public transport ships.]
'...the stars outside almost seem stationary, even though we are moving so fast. Although they twinkle a little bit more and that is probably caused because we are moving soo fast. I don't know what would happen when we finally enter the wormhole. What would it feel like? I mean will it be like a shivering chill like most people define? Or will it be a space where energies standstill because of the rift in time and space? Will it cause my ability to fail?...'
As I was deep in thought an announcement woke me up from my standby mode…
[We are entering the wormhole to The Space Ring. ETA to The Space Ring is estimated to be 15mins...]
'...15 mins? Wait Zoey how far apart are the Narvid Planet and The Space Ring?'
[According to the data on the internet anywhere between 250-300 Light years.]
'...That's rather slow...right I am not traveling on military-grade ships anymore...'
As the planet that my family occupied was shared with a lot of other aristocrat families, and as it is quite close to Earth I never needed to travel through wormholes so this was going to be a new experience.
[We are entering a wormhole...ETA...3...2...1...]
I felt a little weird as all of a sudden chill went through my body and the energies inside my bodies went unstable. I concentrated on trying to maintain an image and as soon as I was going to bite my lip to increase my concentration the energies stabilized and the chill went away.
'...yup definitely lucky that as wormhole are literally punched holes through space and time the time required to travel is short, otherwise it would not have taken long for me to lose control over my abilities...just let me land back on solid ground and I'll be happy. Although the experience is not something that I am keen to go through again, I know the job I just non-verbally agreed to, and there is a lot of traveling to be done in near future.'
As we approached The Silver Ring, I could see a planet in the shape of a sphere except for the missing portion as if the whole planet was sliced off by someone with a sharp sword. The shuttle slowed down and approached the planet as people inside the cabin began to organize themselves according to their groups.
I walked and stood together with Alex and 3 other people. The team behind Alex looked smaller than the other teams around, which contained an average of 8 members. 'Okay, the most likely reason for reduced members is that they encountered some accident and thus Alex tried to recruit me, or some members are resting back at the base.'
Alex said nothing as we waited for the shuttle to properly dock. While waiting as I had nothing to do I started spamming Inspect on everyone in my team.
[Name: Alex Black]
[Ability: Assassin Vision (B+): Pinpoint the weak points of an opponent and have a reflex time of 0.01s]
[Level: 49]
[HP: 4900/4900]
[Str: 45]
[Int: 85]
'...Okay, Alex is strong...although if I can get a sneak attack I can kill him...ut that reaction time...ugh...I need more strength...'
[Name: Jenny Morgan]
[Ability: Bullet Time (B+): slows down the perception of attacks by 10x times for 10s.Cooldown 20s]
[Level: 45]
[HP: 4500/4500]
[Str: 65]
[Int: 45]
'...damn that's a handy ability...Zoey how much will that ability cost in the shop'
[3,200,000 coins]
'...That's daylight robbery...'
'...' *sigh*
[Name: Jack Morgan]
[Ability: Zip-Zap (B+): Ability to control and manipulate Lightning.]
[Level: 35]
[HP: 3500/3500]
[Str: 40]
[Int: 25]
'Right...they do look a little bit alike...but damn, first going into the world of crime and then dragging your brother into it as a bonus...That's some solid family morals, maybe they need counseling. Yup, I am a hypocrite...piss off!'
[Name: Stan meters]
[Ability: Speed Burst (B+): For a short time of 3s increase your speed to about 15x times. Cooldown 25s.]
[Level: 39]
[HP: 3900/3900]
[Str: 20]
[Int: 85]
'That guy's faster than me, or at least can be for some time...man that 15x bonus is unreal though. Thank God people can not increase their stats on a click otherwise that guy would be a lot harder to deal with...'
'This is a pretty sick lineup of abilities...and this team has a lot of potential.'
As the ship finally docked, we moved to follow Alex who led our group out of the ship and I finally stepped foot on the lawless land of The Space Ring. 'Although saying this place is lawless is pretty harsh, but most of the people here only indeed respect the strong and thus if you are weak, welcome to the lawless land, the birthplace of most of the crime in modern 32nd century.'
[The Space Ring Planet discovered...Danger level-High…+1000 EXP awarded]
'...Well, Nah let's just look around before commenting that this should be interesting...'