Chereads / Path of Redemption: Book 1 / Chapter 1 - Chapter 1: The New Generation

Path of Redemption: Book 1

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Chapter 1 - Chapter 1: The New Generation

In the northern part of the Tanelic forest, a battle was heard. Clashes of steel and screams of death resounded in the air. Arrows, spears and magic flew in every direction as the Canaleodon's forces and the Night Wolves waged war into one another. All form of battle formation was lost hours ago and the battlefield became chaotic as every man was fighting for himself. The Canaleodon forces in their dark green uniforms raising their shields and swinging their swords against the Night Wolves in black garb brandishing spears and clubs.

In the midst of the fight, Johann the Hero of Light, the Battle Commander of the Canaleodon forces, was swinging his might long sword, Sword of Heaven, left and right: cutting a path for his men he was leading. Besides him was Matthias Alston, 1st Brigadier General of the Canaleodon's Forces, slicing and dicing any Night Wolves that were within reach of his twin swords: Strength & Loyalty. Throwing Night Wolves around with a swing of his spear, Boar Killer, was Eric Hodenc, 4th Brigadier General of the Canaleodon's forces. Together, they pushed back the Night Wolves.

As the Night Wolves retreated, robed figures approached the battle and waving their staffs or stretching out their hands: Avencus' warlocks conjured up flames and lightning bolts. The battlefield now filled with agonized screams and the air smell of burning flesh.

Matthias sliced off a Night Wolf's head and looked at the warlocks. 'Damn warlocks! I'm really starting to hate those guys.'

Johann looked at where Matthias was looking at and grinned. 'No worries.' He stabbed a Night Wolf in the chest and pulled out his sword. 'Our soon-to-be Archmage will deal with them.'

Just as soon as he said that, lightning bolts flew over their heads and struck each warlock in the chest and they all fell onto the ground: dead with electricity crackling from their lifeless bodies. They all looked up and standing on a small hill was Lia Moonreaver, apprentice to Archmage Aaron Wentworth. Her hands were stretched out with her palms glowing with magic. Strapped onto her left wrist was a mounted crossbow Lia christened Graceful Angel. Along with normal bolts, Graceful Angel could also fires magical bolts filled with powerful elements: either fire or lightning based.

Lia then unleashed volleys of bolts into the Night Wolves' rank: making it thinner. With the warlocks gone, the Tanelic's soldiers' morale rose and fought valiantly against the Night Wolves. Johann, Matthias, Eric and Lia fought alongside with the soldiers: pushing the Night Wolves back once more. However, despite the momentum, more Night Wolves were pouring into the battlefield: armed with great swords and spiked maces.

Eric grunted as he impaled a Night Wolf with Boar Killer and flung the body into three approaching enemies. 'I'm not too sure whether we can hold on much longer.'

'We must!' Johann said with determination although he saw his men's fatigue and some of them were too tired to defend themselves: leaving them as easy pickings for the Night Wolves. 'We're Tanelic's last lines of defence! We cannot allow Avencus and his ilk to get anywhere near Canaleodon!'

Matthias deflected a spear thrust and slashed his enemy with two swords strikes. 'Unless they slaughter the whole lot of us first!'

'Guys!' They all turned to Lia who shouted from the hill she was standing on. She was smiling. 'The cavalry has arrived!'

They all looked at where Lia was gesturing at and saw several white banners charging behind the Night Wolves: the White Crusaders have arrived from North Point Keep. Lia made a gesture and ice fell from the sky: weakening the Night Wolves' rear. This allowed the reinforcement to crash through the Night Wolves' ranks and broke their formation. Johann, Eric and Matthias yelled to their soldiers to follow them and fought more valiantly and desperately. With the Night Wolves between the Canaleodon's Forces and the White Crusaders, Avencus' men lost their will to fight. Soon, the Night Wolves numbers was reduced to less than a hundred and those men, seeing they were outnumbered and outmanoeuvred, threw down their weapons and surrendered.

The Canaleodon's soldiers rounded the surrendered Night Wolves and marched them to the nearest garrison while the White Crusaders' cavalry stood in formation as three riders broke from the main group and brought their horses before Johann and the others. They dismounted and removed their helms: one was a young man with short black hair; the other was another young man with red hair and the last rider was a young woman with long black hair.

Johann smiled at the three riders. 'Glad you can join us, Daniel.'

Daniel Cavelier, Grand Crusader of the White Crusader, smiled back and clasped arms with Johann. 'We had to stop anymore of the Night Wolves from coming into Tanelic through North Point Pass and increased the defences before we can come to your aid. But looks like you guys were handling it well before we came in.'

'We were almost a goner until you guys bail us out.' Eric grinned as he and Daniel also clasped arms.

'Speak for yourself!' Matthias arrogantly boasted. 'I was hacking those Night Wolves left and right and would had broke through them if you guys hadn't interfered!'

'You show off!' Lia snorted at Matthias and she smiled and embraced Kara Cavelier, Daniel's younger sister and Commander of the 5th Company of the White Crusaders. 'It's good to see you again, Kara!'

Kara smiled and returned the embrace: both girls being the closest of friends. 'It's been too long, Lia. Your skills in the arcane arts certainly improved. We saw your display at the distance.'

Lia blushed at the compliment while Johann addressed Daniel. 'Did you manage to stop any more Night Wolves from entering Tanelic?'

'Sure did!' Angus Ward answered for Daniel. He was now the Commander of the 2nd Company in the White Crusaders. 'The other companies are sealing the other three passes. Avencus won't be stepping onto Tanelic's soils for quite a long time.'

'Excellent!' Johann said. 'Another victory for us!'

'Indeed.' Daniel agreed and he looked at the Night Wolves being marched towards the nearest garrison where they will be imprisoned for lives or be executed. 'Once everything is settled, we head back to Canaleodon to report our victory to the king.' He grinned. 'Then we can have our own celebration.'

'Like the sound of that!' Eric beamed, hefting Boar Killer. 'Some appetiser before the main course.' He was referring to the celebration feast that King Arald will hold for them.

'And some pre-drinking too!' Matthias added with a grin.



Everybody clinked his or her wooden mugs, making a soft thud and splashing a bit of mild ale onto the ground. They raised the mugs to their lips and drank heartily: Matthias and Eric downing the entire bittersweet content in one gulp. They laughed as they refilled their mugs with more ale while Eric helped himself with more meat pies.

After their return from the battlefield, Arald Tendehaul commended their deeds on driving the Night Wolves away from Tanelic and ordered a feast to be thrown for their honour. While they wait, the seven heroes were having a small celebration of pies and ale at Clarity View: the hilltop that overlook Canaleodon and where Daniel first showed the place after their victory over the Night Wolves and the traitor Simmor Audemar.

Daniel finished his ale and looked at the city and then looked at his friends. 'Seven years have passed in a flash. How much have changed.'

'How much we changed!' Matthias amended Daniel's statement, a bit tipsy. 'We're now top notched generals and commanders of the King's army! Heck, you're even the Grand Crusader of the White Crusaders!'

Daniel gave a small smile. 'That was something I was not expecting.'

'Why not?' Johann asked. 'You're the late Grand Commander Davin's grandson so it is right that you should succeed him.'

Daniel only nodded. 'True.' He can still remembered his grandfather's demise four years ago when he, Argus, Kara and along with the other commanders accompanied Davin on a crusade against a cult called the Black Scythes in Uberon: a continent East from Tanelic. Davin was leading the charge when he was shot by a poisoned bolt and fell from his horse: forcing him to withdraw from the fighting. Daniel had to take command and led the White Crusaders into battle, forcing the Black Scythes to retreat. When Daniel returned to camp, the poison had already penetrated Davin's heart and knowing that his end was near; Davin appointed Daniel to succeed him as Grand Crusader and to lead the White Crusade. After Davin passed away, Daniel led the White Crusaders and defeated the Black Scythes: restoring peace in Uberon.

Kara, knowing what her brother was thinking, quickly change the subject. 'Hopefully after the battle at North Point Pass, Avencus won't be attacking any time soon.'

Daniel stopped his mulling and frowned at his younger sister's statement. 'I won't be too sure about that. Avencus won't give up so soon. I'm sure that he is plotting another attack against us.'

'Agreed.' Johann said. 'He and his army almost broken through into Tanelic: they can do so again.'

'There's also an increase in their warlocks.' Lia added in. 'There were a dozens of them today. I only needed to fight three of five of them at the last battle. Where is Avencus getting all these warlocks from?'

'Who cares?' Matthias burst out. 'Let them come! We just blow them away! Right big guy?'

Eric, whose mouth was full of pies, nodded enthusiastically. Daniel smiled and raised his mug to his friends. 'Why are we having such a serious talk after our victory? Come, let's have another drink before washing up before the feast.'

Everybody agreed and refilled their mugs. They clinked mugs and drank their fills again.


Night came to Canaleodon as it was filled with celebration in the city. Arald Tendehaul have contributed kegs of mead and beer and have four fire pits roasting lamb to give to the common folks and soldiers: so that they can partake in the victory celebration. The citizens of Canaleodon laughed and ate and drank to their heart's content while some of the soldiers, who were on duty, kept an eye out for any signs of troublemakers or drunkards who could disrupt the festivities. There were some families who have lost loved ones in the battlefield and were at home mourning softly or raising a mug in their memory.

In Lion's Heart, the castle within Canaleodon and where the royal family resided, although it was manned with patrols and defensive mechanism, was covered in colourful banners and loud music and laughter can be heard from the great hall. The hall was filled with nobles and other royal families laughing and feasting happily while musicians tried to play as loud as possible so that they could be heard over the joyful din.

Overlooking the banquet was King Arald Tendehaul, king of Canaleodon, who was sitting on the high table where he can see his subjects enjoying themselves. Arald was now approaching his sixties: his skin was getting wrinkled and his brown hair was greyish. However, his blue eyes still spoke of wisdom and strength and his posture still have that kingly aura for the past fifty-eight years of ruling. Sitting on his right was his nineteen years old daughter, Princess Charlotte. Her long, blonde hair was flowing and her blue eyes sparkled with youth and mischief. She was slim with white skin and freckles on her face. She wore a beautiful red dress befitting her status as the heir of Canaleodon. Known for her rebellious and tomboyish behaviours, Charlotte will hang around either with the castle guards or in the White Crusades' garrisons where she learnt how to wield a blade and talk about strategies rather than learning embroidery and history. Despite her behaviour, the people of Canaleodon adored her and sometimes Charlotte will mingle with the common folks: under the protection of Lia or Kara.

Like Kara, Charlotte was one of Lia's closest friends and Charlotte will dragged either Lia or Kara into all sort of mischiefs and adventures in the city: Lia using her magic to cover up both Charlotte's and hers misdeeds no matter how small they were. She and Charlotte were giggling and laughing together.

On the king's left was Kelvin Talbot, the king's chamberlain. Plump, clean-shaven and with short brown hair, Kelvin barely goes outside of the city but spent his energy in making sure taxes were collected, crops were planted at the correct time, and the laws were kept. He wore a brown silk robes and leather boots: showing he was a noble. On his left were Daniel and Johann, who were the top military officers in Canaleodon, were allowed to eat at the same table with the king.

Daniel tried to strike a conversation with Johann but was surprise that Johann was moodily picking on his food. Puzzled, Daniel looked to the table where his friends were feasting and was even more surprise that Matthias was drinking more than usual and Eric was stuffing his face with anything he can get his hands off: both of them not enjoying the feast. The only two people who were having a great time were Argus and Kara who were talking to each other and laughing: obviously enjoying each other's company.

Lia controlled her laughing and turned to the king, serious this time. 'Your majesty, Archmage Aaron sent his apologies that he could not attend tonight's feast due to his old illness.'

Arald sighed and put down his goblet. 'Is his illness serious, young Lia?'

Lia solemnly nodded, sadness tinged in her voice. 'Most of the time, Master Aaron is bedridden and could not teach some of the classes. Robin Bostel is always tending to him.'

Arald nodded slowly. He had known Robin as Aaron Wentworth's apprentice for the past nine years. Robin maybe a slow-learner but he was a good lad and was always there for Aaron. Arald shook his head and said. 'Let's hope that Aaron will recover soon.'

Lia nodded sadly before standing. 'Please excuse me your majesties and my lords. I wish to retire early today.'

'Of course my dear girl.' Arald nodded, understanding Lia's need for solitude. Lia bowed and left the merry-making. As she left the table, Charlotte gave her father an accusing glare: as if it was his fault that Lia have to leave the party.

Lia walked out of the great hall and hurried through the corridors until she found herself in one of the royal gardens where there was a golden fountain of a hero pointing a sword skyward and surrounded by a small pond. She sat heavily on one of the benches and sighed heavily. She looked up at the statue and she smiled: the statue bringing up a memory from her part.

When she and Johann were running away from the Night Wolves who attacked their village seven years ago, Daniel and Argus who brought them to King Arald to hear about the raid in Dallen Moor rescued them. While Daniel and Argus were organising their units for war, Matthias brought them to the royal bath and to this very garden before bringing them to the great hall to eat.

Lia looked at the statue again and marvelled that it still remained the same: wishing it was true to what was now happening around her. She and all her friends were grown up and were fighting a war that could determine the fate of Tanelic and to its people. They have lost many people who were dear to them: the soldiers who fought in the war and the innocents who were caught in the crossfire. Both Daniel and Kara lost their grandfather and some veteran commanders from the continued onslaught by Avencus. Soon, she may lose Aaron who was not only a teacher but also a father figure or grandfather to her. She was not too certain whether she was ready when his time came.

And then there were today's personal events that she could not even dissolve…


Lia jumped when her name was being called. She turned around on her seat and saw Daniel standing there. Smiling and tapping on the bench she was sitting on, Daniel took the invitation and sat next to her. They both looked at the statue of Leon the Valiant, a past hero who fought with the courage of a lion and could hold off an army at the mere age of eighteen. Daniel broke the silence.

'I know you wanted to be alone but I was worried that Master Aaron's state maybe too much for you to bear, so I thought I keep you accompanied.'

'Don't get me wrong, Daniel.' Lia said. 'It's not only that I'm worried about him, tt's something else.'

Daniel raised an eyebrow and spoke carefully. 'Could it have something to do with Johann, Matthias and Eric's moody and distracted behaviour at the feast today?'

Lia looked at Daniel and he looked back at her, waiting for a reply. Lia blushed and turned her head away. 'I hate it when you do that. You always catch up on anything.' She said, not meaning it.

Daniel smiled and bowed his head. 'Forgive me, Lady Lia.'

'And that too!' Lia fumed. 'You're so infuriating!'

Daniel grinned and Lia, who tried to stay angry, grinned as well before both of them laughed softly. One thing Lia liked about Daniel was that he was understanding and always managed to make her smile. He was also a good listener and will always try his best to help her when she could not solve anything by herself.

They stopped laughing and Daniel asked, 'So what happened between you and those three? Matthias I understands but you, Johann and Eric get along nicely.'

Lia sighed. 'After our pre-celebration, I was approach by them in order: Matthias in front of the Three Kegs, Eric in this very garden and Johann in my room. They… Confessed their feelings to me and wanted to marry me.'

Daniel was silent for a while before asking. 'So what was your reply?'

Lia sighed and looked troubled. 'I'm not too sure whether or not it was the best reply or not but I told them that now was not the right time for marriage. I told them that when Avencus is defeated, then I can think more about it.'

Daniel nodded as Lia's answers make sense but he knew there was more to it. 'But that's not the only reason why you rejected them, isn't it?'

Lia was about to protest but slowly nodded. 'Daniel, you, Johann, Matthias, Eric, Argus, Kara and the Princess Charlotte are my closest friends. My only family in Canaleodon: I love each and every one of you. If I were to pick anyone of them, the other two will get jealous and will hate each other: just because of me. I do not want that to happen.'

Daniel nodded along with Lia's answers. 'So that was why you rejected them? I see...' Then he shrugged. 'I'm sure that those three will get over it sooner or later, especially Johann. But I'm surprise that Matthias will ask you to marry him: I thought he was more of a lover boy. That idiot can never decide which girl to fall in love with.'

Lia laughed. 'That caught me by surprise too.' She smiled at Daniel. 'Thanks for listening, Daniel. I feel much better right now.'

Lia did not notice but Daniel only offered a ghost of a smile. 'Your welcome.'

All of the sudden, a figure appeared before them being surrounded with magical runes. Once the runes disappeared, in which Lia knew that those runes were used for teleportation, Lia recognised the figure as Robin Bostel, her fellow mage and apprentice to Aaron Wentworth.

'Thank the Light I found you!' Robin panted. 'I've been looking all over for you!'

'Robin.' Lia quickly stood up. 'What's wrong?'

She was shocked to see tears in Robin's eyes. 'It's Master Aaron!' He babbled. 'He's… He's… Dying…'

Lia covered her mouth as tears threatened to flood her eyes. Daniel quickly stood up and gently placed his hands on Lia's shoulders, as a way to comfort her.

'He's not going to make it.' Robin continued on, tears now flowing down his cheeks. 'He… He said he must speak with you… Now.'

Lia nodded and dried her eyes. She turned a tearful look at Daniel who nodded. 'I will inform the king right away. You go see Master Aaron.'

Lia nodded her thanks and she and Robin cast a teleportation spell, leaving Daniel to inform the king of Aaron's critical state.


Like most mages, Aaron Wentworth's chamber was filled with magical tomes and unusual ingredients that he used for potion making. The chamber was tidied thanks to Robin's maintenance and the oil-lamp provide illumination to the room. A window was opened so that the Archmage can look at the constellation through his telescope. However, tonight will be Aaron's last night.

In the middle of the chamber was a bed, made from ancient wood and with the softest mattress and pillows, where Canaleodon's Archmage laid: drawing irregular breaths and having difficulties in opening his eyes. His eyes were now wide opened as Robin and Lia teleported into his chambers. He heard Lia's footsteps approaching at his side and her gasp of shock. He let out a small chuckle.

'Do not be alarm child.' He told her. 'I have been far worse, believe you me.'

'Master…' Lia tried to say something but found it difficult. Aaron's hair was snow white and his tanned skin was wrinkled as a prune. Dark bags were under his eyes and his face was sunken. The energetic and spirited Aaron Lia remembered seven years ago was now gone and Aaron warm chuckles were replaced with whispers. Lia could only do but placed her hands gently on her mentor's hands, who gripped it softly.

'Nothing can be said or done about my condition now.' He whispered hoarsely. 'I have consulted the stars a few days ago and it tells me my time has come. I will be leaving this world and I will be entering the unknown, I have no regrets.' He coughed slightly before he continued. 'Before I go however, I'll need somebody to succeed me as the Archmage of Canaleodon and I wish it to be you, Lia Moonreaver.'

Lia was startled at Aaron's request. 'Me? But master… I'm… Master Aaron, it was already an honour being your apprentice when I first came into the Wizard School. You taught me personally and I have used your teachings for the greater good. But, I'm still young and inexperience. The other senior mages won't accept it and for good reasons: they have more experience and they have master more spells than I ever had in seven years.'

Aaron let out a chuckle, livelier than ever. 'Hearing you said that shows that you have great insight.' Seeing her confusion, Aaron continued. 'My dear girl, mastering many spells or casting them for goodness know how many years does not make a good wizard. A good wizard's strength comes from the strength of his or her mind and how to use the spells effectively. You, my dear girl, have been the most promising student from the first day you came to this school and you have continued to surpass every tests and trials we can ever throw at you. You easily mastered both arcane and elemental spells as well as technical ones: better than I was when I was your age.' He smiled in memory before turning back to Lia. 'Do not worry about the other mages. They have already given their consent and have agreed that it should be you who should replace me and in my heart, I know you will be up for the task.' He smiled again. 'Your parents would have been so proud on how much you grown and I, as a teacher, am very proud of you.'

Now tears were pouring down her cheeks as Lia humbly bowed her head. 'Then I, Lia Moonreaver, daughter of Hugo and Lana Moonreaver, will become the next Archmage of Canaleodon. I will use my power to protect all of Tanelic, to vanquish evil and to end this war at the best of my ability. I will not let you or my parents down.'

Aaron smiled and beckoned Robin forward. Lia stepped aside as the tearful Robin knelt besides Aaron. 'Master Aaron…'

'My dear boy.' Aaron began but his voice weaker. 'You have been my apprentice for ten years and you are another bright student. Although you may not surpass Lia in the mastery of spells, you are still a good mage in your own right. Also, you're good instructor in the ways of magic. Therefore, I'm appointing you as the new Headmaster of the Wizard School. Future mages and wizards are now under your care. I hope that you and Lia will work together to bring up the next generation of mages.'

Sobbing, Robin nodded. 'Thank you master; I will use your teachings to guide my students and apprentices. I will not let you down!'

Aaron nodded, content. Just then, the door knocked. 'Come in.' Aaron croaked.

The door opened and King Arald walked in. Behind him were Kelvin, Charlotte and Daniel. Arald kneeled on the left side of Aaron's bed and gripped his frail hands. 'My loyal friend and mentor, you have followed me for fifty years and you stayed loyal to me even when you're Avencus' teacher. You shared your wisdom with me and because of your teachings; Canaleodon and the whole of Tanelic prosper and remain protected thanks to you. With both you and Davin gone, I have lost a left and right arm.'

Aaron placed his other hand on the king's. 'Take heart your majesty, even with Davin and me gone: we're always with you in the forms of the new Grand Crusader and Archmage. I have served you with every being in my body and it is an honour. Remain strong and just for your people needs it more than ever.' Aaron tiredly leaned into his pillow. 'May your servant have one final request?'

Tears in his eyes, Arald asked. 'Anything my old friend.'

Aaron coughed and spoke. 'I was a commoner before I became a wizard and both my parents were farmers, owning a small farm on the Isles of Doves Haven. I would like to be buried on the cliff that overlooks the sea. No special ceremony, no royal sending off. Just a simple burial rites arranged by Lia and Robin, that's all I ask your majesty.'

Arald nodded his head. 'It shall be done.' Both Lia and Robin voiced their agreement. It was the least they can do for their mentor.

Arald stood aside and looked at those who followed him wanted to say farewell to Aaron. Charlotte, no longer her usual self but her face covered in tears, approached and kissed Aaron on the forehead. 'I will miss you dearly, Aaron.' She choked tearfully.

'And I too your highness.' Aaron replied sadly. 'You have become a strong woman and I know you will become a good queen to your people in the near future. Stay strong and fair to everyone under your rule.'

Charlotte nodded and stepped aside and allowed her father to hug her. When Daniel knelt besides Aaron, the Archmage gave a hearty chuckle. 'I've never dreamt that the Grand Crusader of the White Crusade will visit me on my death bed.'

Daniel, despite Aaron's dire state, smiled. 'Times have change, Master Aaron. I wish to let you know that if my grandfather was still alive, he would be here too.'

Aaron smiled weakly. 'He and me have many disagreement and barely get along but he is still a good man. I always respect him. When I see him in heaven, I will tell him of what you become.'

Daniel nodded sombrely and stepped aside while Aaron beckoned Lia and Robin to come closer to him. As Lia knelt on his right side and Robin on his left, he placed his palms on their foreheads and blessed them.

'Stay strong and use your powers to protect those in needs. Never be selfish or arrogant and never let the darkness in both your heart and minds overpower you. Be strong and stay true to your paths. Never despair at what the future throws at you and know that you are never alone…'

Lia raised her head and realised that Aaron's hands were no longer raised but were lying limp on the bed. His eyes were closed and his mouth was slightly gaped. His body was ominously still as it showed no signs of breathing. Robin checked for his pulse and turned a horrified look towards Lia.

Knowing what it meant, Lia covered her face with her hands and wept while Robin kept holding onto Aaron's dead hands and sobbed freely. Charlotte buried her face into her father's robe and cried while Arald did his best to comfort her. Kelvin and Daniel's heads were bowed, giving the deceased Archmage a moment of silent amidst the crying in his chamber.

Aaron Wentworth, Archmage of Canaleodon; Headmaster of the Wizard School; advisor to King Arald Tendehaul; friend to Princess Charlotte Tendehaul and to Daniel Christiansen; and mentor and father-figure to Lia Moonreaver and Robin Bostel, passed away at the age of eighty-one and his chamber was filled with mourning from those who were very closed to him.