"So..." said the guy.
"How did you do that?"
What are you talking about?
"Don't be cocky we've seen it..."
I guess i can't runaway now huh?
But please believe me for what will i say...
"And also drop that gun in your hand..."
"There's a hundred gun pointed at you right now..."
"Don't mess with us, we're not the bad guys here..."
Okay... Hurumi said while materializing a bullet-proof chest in his body.
"So... Back to the question, how did you do it?"
I think about it...
I materialize it...
Voila! that's it...
"Where did you get those powers?"
I dunno... i knew i just had it.
So can i leave now?
"Not so fast..."
Cmon, i have school you know?
I can't just break my attendance streak!
Hurumi Dakedo continues to build a plan, while thinking a lot of things he need to do to get out alive...
You know...
I can create a nuclear bomb here right now...
Release me right now!
"Nuclear bombs won't explode without detonator you know?"
I have one right now...
The guy turns back and whispered something...
Not so fast!
Hurumi immediately materialized a knight armor, strong enough to defend against a tranqulizer, and the room is in chaos...
Bullets everywhere that if a normal human being entered those death room, he'll immediately vaporized...
Hurumi dakedo did everything he could to escape without killing anyone...
To his success he succeded and quickly fled to the forest...
"This is Group A-1 Frontier battalion, reporting no casualties with minimal injuries..."
"This is Group Z-34 Nightmare battalion in pursuit to the target..."
Sir! your orders Sir!
Said by a young soldier...
"Z-34 Nightmare Battalion halt in pursuit, all hands return to base..."
Sir we have tracker implanted in him, he's moving south-east away from this area to the nearest town!
"We'll wait for the Orders from the higher-ups..."
Activate Code 3 "Failed Simulation", and notify the japanese goverment...
This is getting interesting...