This battle is between you and me then?
I See...
So I'll fight myself then...
No matter what...
Even If it is agains't the flow of destiny...
Even if the odds are low...
Even if i die in the process...
I will stop you...
"I see..."
"So that's where you're after huh???"
"To kill me???"
Im Afraid...
You Can't...
We're the same after all...
We're in the same body...
But we're two separate consiousness...
From two different timeline...
Im in your mind Hurumi...
"Our" Mind...
I exist in your darkest and worst nightmare...
No matter what you do...
"I'll always stay in your mind."
"until you're driven into despair..."
"until yourr heart is filled with regrets..."
"until your faith fades ..."
"until you lost all hope in all of humanity."
"I'll be there..."
"Your worst enemy..."
"Your worst nightmare..."
"And also..."
" Y o u r w o r s t v e r s i o n "
" o f o u r s e l v e s "
"For now I'll call it a truce..."
B u t
d o n ' t e x p e c t
I ' l l g o e a s y o n y o u
I n t h e f u t u r e : )
"And also Just to remind you..."
"I can control your body..."
"Everytime you feel tempted..."
"and everytime you seek revenge"
Expect the table's to turn :)
And I'll destroy everything who's important to you :)
"We'll then..."
"Until we meet again..."
"In your worst nightmare..."
"Hurumi Dakedo :)"
"I-I won't L-let you!!!" "Take Over Me!!!"
"We'll see... :)"
Now i know... So this is what it's all about...
Somehow i got back from the original world... Laying on the road... As i wake up...
That weird experience... That weird dream... All of the things bugging me out... Now i know... Who's behind this...
And who is my true enemy...
"M y s e l f"
But how can i stop my other self???
I can't trust my other self... He's my enemy after all... And He didn't even tell me how can i use my powers...
All things i see huh??? All physical things... What i desire... We can create and destroy things... Money, Jewerlies, gaming consoles and other stuffs like that... But most importantly...
What is my deepest desire?