Philip traveled for 3 hours this way but it turned out that at some point whole plain is cut off by big canyon. "So my only way is through forests? But sunflowers on outskirts were already deadly for me, how can i survive inside?". Psychical and physical burden created feeling of tiredness in Philip so after getting back to a starting point he choosed to rest for a while before thinking of ways to keep himself alive. "Creating complicated weapeons is impossible but if i could sharpen a stone and bound it to a long branch is good idea to keep animals on distance and another end of this "spear" can be used to poke weird things checking if they are dangerous.This should be enough for fighting since I'm from modern era I don't have any experiences in things like that. But how can i sharpen stone to become my spears head?" After taking in consideration everything abd rejecting most of the ideas, new one emerged in his mind. "Sharpening those rocks is out of consideation in short run but what if i choose one of this sunflowers spike as a spearhead?". Picking one of the spikes Philip came closer to branch he took fruits from and cut around 1m of it to use it as a body of his spear. Now was time to find something that could help him tie body and head together. It wasn't something hard to complete. After checking plants with sturdy looking stalks and testing their durability he choosed best one and used it to finish his weapon. Even tough idea of danger appearing when he's not on on guard after thinking for a long while he still didn't found any ideas of preparing against it now. Gathering everything and making preparations took him so long that sun was already disapearing in horizon. "It's time ro try this spear out" . Philip came closer to one of those sunflowers but was far enought to don't touch roots. Of course spear was long enough or makin it would be stupid without taking in consideration most common enemy for now. As expected one swift move was enogh to make damage and after three attack sunflowers stalk was cut in half making it possible to get another branch with fruits. After eating part of them for lunch Philip trained his skills with spear for a while before going to sleep. Getting up together with sun was impossible since he used much more energy than usual and he woke up only when sun was on it's highest. After getting up he put on his "backpack" made from part of skin and took spear to right hand before going deeper into forest. When he heard the sound of the river he was really happy because washing until now was impossoble without water. Following noise he saw big river whith clear blue water in it, so clear that even fishes swimming through this point could be seen from long distance and it made Philip think of something. "Maybe I should pierce some fishes with spear and finally eat something else besides these fruits, they are driving me crazy after these days here". He cautiosly came closer and tried everytime any fish was close but unsucessfuly so he decided to go deeper and his legs were in woter to his knees now. It wasn't good idea, as soon as water was deep enough he felt piercing pain in both his legs so unbearable that it made him kneel, then another source of pain appeared-his tights only thing he could think about was to how to get out of the water and desperatly used his hand to come out of the river but before it happened he was bit two more times. Only when he came out did he looked into water and saw two silhouetes unmovingly staying in water deep to his knees. They looked barely visible and it was impossible to be natural camouflage. He wasn't in state bad enough to be dead in modern world but here being bit six times by big fish with probably extreamly sharp teeths seemed to have only one ending. Philip searched for anything that could stop extreme bleeding but it turned out to be impossible in short time and after few minutes he was close to passing out, probably for the last time. Suddenly folderlike thing appeared with one change.
-race:Undead (preaviously human)