Chereads / Daughter of Titan / Chapter 6 - Missing

Chapter 6 - Missing

After Carla wake up, she run down stair to see if her mother came back but to her disappointment she didn't

Carla fall on her knees and start sobbing, Armin herd this and he rushed to leaving room to see Carla crying on the floor "Carla?!" Armin run to her and she continued to uncontrolled cry "she..she didn't came back" she said while crying "she left me!!!" she screamed and Armin quickly hug her squeezing her like Mikasa used to do all the time to calm him down when he was upset "shh" he whisper to her "she didn't left you..just please don't cry little one" "I WANT MY MOM BACK!!" she screamed in loneliness, Armin picked her up and rubbed her back softly "daddy, why is Carla crying" little Ava asked while rubbing her sleepy eyes, Armin turn around and sand smile to Ava "good morning Ava, please eat breakfast and go study, I and Carla must go to capitan office" Ava nodded and went to dress "let's go Carla" Armin didn't bother to chang to his cloths he went straight to Levi's office with Carla still crying on his chest

in office there was short man and 6-year-boy sitting on the chair in front of man, arguing with his father

"but she hit me first!!" he yelled on the man "and tell me why did she beat shit of you!" man yelled back, Teo was now even more angry but he didn't answered, and man smirked at his son "see if you start first, other one will fight you back until you laying on the ground dead or live" he answered back then man return to his task "when I become next captain, that girl will pay for humiliating me like that...she's going to pay with her life and with small mistake she's going to be punished" Teo said blankly but man just chuckled about his son speech "your not next to be captain in military" he answered back witch made Teo even more pissed then before "then who is going to be 1st strong solider when you die" he asked "Mikasa Ackerman" "you mean Jeager" Teo corrected his father and Levi glared at him "no, she never married that man" he answered back and Teo let 'tch' sound "whatever", then they sit in silence in while "then who is going to be captain after her" boy asked which made Levi sigh and stand up from his chair and he grabbed his son by ear "au au au!" he said pain, Levi let his son ear free after 30 minutes, Teo was holding his right ear which was now red "what was that for?" he asked with bitter voice "for begin annoying brat" he said looking out through the window, he then continued " I didn't rise you to bullying your comrades" he turn around and sow his son is silent "why did you do it?" Levi asked calm, again nothing but silent then he Teo felt pain on his right cheek "answer me brat" he said with bitter voice now, Teo's eyes widen now

he never earn slap from his parents, since Levi had a lot of work to do and Hange was working on her research and no one dare to touch him or slap him because they knew they would be punished from his father and his mistake would slide without punishment, but this was something new this was fist time his own father hit him. He wanted to cry but he didn't let that happened

and with all anger he was keeping to himself he yelled at his father "BECAUSE YOU NEVER HAVE TIME FOR ME!! ALL YOU DO IS SITTING IN THIS SHITTY OFFICE AND DOING SOME BORING PAPERWORK AND WHEN YOU'RE NOT SITTING HERE YOU'RE AT SOME MISSION WITCH NO ONE KNEW IS YOU RETURN OR NOT!! AND MOTHER IS OBSESSIVE WITH THOSE BIG MONSTER AND I FELL LIKE I DON'T EXIST AT ALL!!! ALL I WANT FROM MY PARENTS IS TO BE LOVED AND NOTICED THAT ALL I WANT" and he earned another slap from Levi and this time he was yelling too "YOU THINK I DON'T WANT TO SPEND SOME TIME WITH YOU AND YOUR STUPID MOTHER WELL GUESS WHAT I DO!!! BUT I WON'T TOLERATE THIS SHIT YOU DONE THIS WEEK I LET YOU SLIDE EVERYTIME AND I SAID TO MYSELF YOU'RE GOING TO APOLOGIZE BUT NO!! I'M DONE WITH YOU AND YOUR SHIT IF YOU NEED TO LEARN TO BEHAVE IN HARD WAY THEN I'M GOING TO BEAT 10 TIMES WORSE THEN THAT JEAGER GIRL" Teo was in shock now...all those time he knew what he was doing but he didn't do anything about it, now Teo was feeling bad what he done " knew" he whisper and Levi glared at him even more "I DID, DO YOU REALLY THIS JUST BECAUSE I'M CLEANING OR DOING PAPERWORK IT DOESN'T MEAN I DON'T KNOW WHAT SHIT YOU DOING!!" Teo then looked down, Levi sight to calm down "I didn't rise you to become bully or some shitty person...and to answered you question after Mikasa die or something happened to her, then that place is going to her daughter and then after Carla your going to become captain" Teo didn't made eye contact with his father he was too ashame to look at him "but...why?" Levi sat on the chair "because of your behaving until then, your last on the list" he said and then that was time when they heard knock

"name and business!" Levi yelled and voice said "Armin Arlert and Carla Ackerman! we came here to talk to you sir!" Levi sant signal to his son and Teo sight and nodded "come in!" door opened revealing Carla sleeping on Armin's shoulder, Teo sow some tears on her face and he felt pity but he didn't know why "I'm apologize for interrupting sir but we have a problem" Levi looked at both of them, he sow Armin wasn't at his uniform neither was Carla they both were in pajamas

Levi know Armin would dress first before coming in his office, "Teo please leave" Teo stand up from his site and exit of his father office "splint it out why are you in my office in 5 A.M in morning" "Sir Mikasa is missing" when Levi heard this he almost split his tea which he was drinking "WHAT!" he asked "Mikasa was should came back yesterday in 11 p.m so Carla was sleeping in my house with my daughter and next morning Carla wake up and run to see If Mikasa came back but...she didn't" Levi quickly stand up from his chair and exit from his office "Arlert dress up and came in meeting room!" he started rising his voice when he was in middle of cabinets he yelled "WAKE UP BRATS AND GET RIGHT HERE BEFORE I KICK YOUR ASS" with that said all solider came out of cabinets and salut, because you know no one want to be kicked in morning "SIR!" they yelled back "GET DRESSED AND IN MEETING ROOM IN THIS SECOND" and then they run inside to get ready and so did Armin with Carla, Levi smile even in his 40this they still scared of him