Presidential Palace, Chechnya-11.00 AM MSK-Bismarck
All Russian unit has been on the frontline alongside their ammunition. 5 minutes passed, some of the soldiers began to throw smoke when our sniper and machine gunner started blasting the enemy. Our commander then gave a clear order to us.
"Всем подразделениям!!! Вперед!!!"
(All units!!! Forward!!)
All of our units moved to their position as fast as we can do. Blast and explosion sound can't stop what happened in no man's land. Blood, tears, rage, everything stumbled upon and caused more terrifying situations that never happened in modern history.
When the Russian army tried to occupy the first floor. The blast from the mortar shells hit several of our soldiers, followed by another shell impact and many other impacts. This attack was supposedly targeted the presidential palace, but miscalculations and false directions make this tragedy happen. Killing several soldiers and injuring a lot of them in the process.
On the battlefield, Mayor Viktor's army was circled by the enemy. I tried to protect Mayor Viktor because he's the commanding army. Suddenly, Morozefa came to us with some help. Making a crack for our unit to escape and retreat before the enemy can capture Mayor general.
"Где ты, блядь, находишься?!"
(Where the fuck are you?!)
"Я был в другом отряде, и их лидер держал меня рядом с собой. Я не могу уйти, пока не найду людей, которые отправятся к вам. С мэром все в порядке?"
(I was in another squad, and their leader kept me close to him. I can't leave until I find people who will go over to your location. Is the mayor all right?)
"Он в порядке. На первом этаже есть враги. Я думаю, мы сможем оттеснить их на второй этаж. Но эта блокада мешает нам. Есть ли способ добраться до них?"
(He's okay. There are enemies on the first floor. I think we can push them back to the second floor. But this blockade is getting in our way. Is there any way to get to them?)
"Подождите, посмотрите туда. Некоторые из нас могут пройти через этот туннель и убить врага сзади. После этого мы можем двигаться и открыть путь для других."
(Wait, look over there. Some of us can go through this tunnel and kill the enemy from behind. After that, we can move and open the way for others.)
"Хорошо, давайте сделаем это."
(All right, let's do it.)
Morozefa and I decide to split our unit to concentrate our plan. My unit will move through the tunnel then kill the enemy secretly. Morozefa unit will open the barricades and protect the Russian main army to push and seize the first floor. Things went smooth until I gave a signal to Morozefa.
Yes, they open the blockades and let our army seize the first floor. This moment suddenly swift the entire condition, the Russian soldiers got high morale while the Chechen militant more scarred and panic.
"Где находится Морозефа?"
(Where is Morozefa?)
"Я вижу, как он отступает со своими командами. Я не знаю, что с ними случилось, но они, кажется, покрыты потом."
(I can see him retreating with his teams. I don't know what happened to them, but they seem to be covered in sweat.)
"Что? Что ты имеешь в виду?!"
(What? What do you mean?!)
"Ах! Вот оно! Это все, что я знаю! Мне жаль!!!"
(Ah! That's it! That's all I know! I'm sorry!!!)
"Черт побери! Куда он опять делся, у меня было плохое предчувствие."
(Damn it! Where did he go again, I had a bad feeling about it.)
Seeing this opportunity, Mayor General Viktor Vorobyov leads us to clear the first floor. We check the building section by section, making sure that there's no enemy left behind the lines. Unexpectedly, many grenades start to fall off from the second floor. Killed a lot of Russian soldiers and Mayor Viktor Vorobyov itself. The impact from those grenades gave a terrifying situation where every single person never wanted to be here. The raid is over, leaving a quiet ambiance like a ghost town. Rain begins to drop, indicating that the war must stop.
The current situation is unclear, 50 Russian soldiers including me on the first floor must defend this place from the enemy on the second floor. However, we can't leave or move to the second floor. All of us are stuck in here with injured soldiers.
On January 9, the Russians declared a ceasefire, which proved to be a lie. Two hours after the ceasefire started, on January 10, the Russians launched a heavy bombardment of the Presidential Palace and manage to position three tanks around the building, firing at point-blank range. Towards the middle of January, there was heavy fighting within 100–200 meters of the palace. As the Chechen resistance fell low on ammunition, food, and water, resistance proved ever more difficult for them.
On January 18, Russian forces launched a massive air and artillery attack; by Chechen estimation, rockets were hitting the palace at a rate of one per second. Sukhoi Su-25 close air support aircraft dropped two bunker busters into the Palace. The bombs fell through all 11 floors and fell into the reinforced bunker below the building; one landed 20 meters from the HQ of General Maskhadov but did not explode. Before midnight, the Chechen command left the Palace in three groups, Maskhadov being among the last to leave. These groups retreated to a hospital on the south side of the Sunzha River, while Russian helicopters flew over the city calling on Chechens to surrender with no effect. That indicates the occupation of Chechnya Presidential Palace.
Hawaii, USA-09.00 HST (Hawaii–Aleutian Time Zone)-Fatih a.k.a Bismarck
"So... what happens when you leave the frontline?"
"I disguise as Chechen militant, get inside their base, convincing them to covert as Russian soldier so that they can escape. I only get 10 people, so I think to split our team. 5 people follow me, and the rest retreat as injured soldiers."
"So, 5 people that open the barrier is Chechen militant."
"After open that thing, you leave us? Without any hesitation or something?!"
"Uh... y... yeah."
"Do you know how desperate I am?! Getting stuck in a dangerous position and bombarded by your ally, as well as others. Huh??!!"
"Well... I didn't know that."
"You son of a bitch."
"Oi! What's wrong with you?!"
"Nothing. Let's move on to the second discussion. Why your army tries to attack Indonesia."
"Excuse me, but what army?"
"Your army from Rebellion V, more than 2500 soldiers are attacking Yogyakarta and this shit making a lot of problem to us."
"First off, Rebellion V isn't my organization. My organization is 'The Movement' which is located in Berlin. Also, I don't know anything related to that Rebellion V organization."
"What the actual fuck?"
"Yeah. Wait, where is M?"