Chereads / Scp Foundation / Chapter 204 - SCP-178 » File #178-E

Chapter 204 - SCP-178 » File #178-E

All experiments performed on SCP-178 are to be logged here. - Dr. ██████████

Experiment 178-e-1

Name: Dr. ██████████ with Dr. █████ and Dr. ███████ assisting.

Date: ██/██/19██

Procedure: D-class subject is to be placed in secured test chamber containing SCP-178. The test chamber is to be observed via bulletproof glass window to adjacent control room and via audio and video recording devices. D-class subject will be instructed to wear SCP-178 and report what it observes until told otherwise.

Results: Subject D-17831 (Male, 41, no discernible mental abnormalities) is placed in the chamber and told to wear SCP-178. Subject is not told of SCP-178's nature. Subject does as instructed, then immediately expresses distress by throwing SCP-178 away and covering its eyes while vocalizing fear. Research staff instructs subject to describe the source of its distress. Subject unresponsive. Research staff attempts to calm subject. Subject responds by uncovering its face and looking around, appearing to still be distressed. Research staff instructs the subject once again to describe the source of its distress. Subject responds by stating the presence of an unfamiliar entity in close proximity to its face the moment it wore SCP-178. Research staff instructs subject to describe the entity in detail. Subject responds by stating entity was "hideous" and "had too many eyes". Research staff instructs subject to describe the entity in greater detail. Subject states it did not manage to perceive many details before removing SCP-178. Research staff instructs subject to wear SCP-178. Subject uncooperative. Research staff repeats instruction. Subject uncooperative. Research staff threatens subject with termination unless it cooperates. Subject uncooperative. Testing is ended and subject placed under surveillance to test for long-lasting symptoms of exposure. Subject displays symptoms of mild paranoia for two days before returning to normal behavioral patterns. Surveillance ended after thirty days and subject terminated.

Note: Well, this wasn't very informative but at least it confirms we have an actual anomalous object in our hands.

Experiment 178-e-2

Name: Dr. ██████████ with Dr. █████ and Dr. ███████ assisting.

Date: ██/██/19██

Procedure: D-class subject is to be placed in secured test chamber containing SCP-178. The test chamber is to be observed via bulletproof glass window to adjacent control room and via audio and video recording devices. D-class subject will be instructed to wear SCP-178 and report what it observes until told otherwise.

Results: Subject D-63164 (Female, 31, no discernible mental abnormalities) is placed in the chamber and instructed to wear SCP-178. Subject is not told of SCP-178's true nature. Subject does as instructed and immediately begins emitting expletives and walking backwards towards the chamber's wall, looking intently at something to its one-o'clock. Research staff instructs subject to describe what it is seeing. Subject presses its back to chamber wall and describes seeing an entity standing halfway across the test chamber by the wall looking at the wall. Research staff instructs subject to describe the entity in detail. Subject states the entity is bipedal, possesses two additional upper appendages ending in large conical protrusions and a smooth head. Research staff instructs subject to provide additional details. Subject begins describing the entity and then suddenly expresses distress, stating "oh god it's looking right at me!" Subject collapses against test chamber wall, still staring in the same direction. Research staff inquires as to whether entity is exhibiting hostility or not. Subject states that it is not moving, but looking at it. Subject instructed to remove SCP-178. Subject refuses, stating that it does not trust the entity. Subject reminded that uncooperative behavior will result in termination. Subject removes SCP-178 and begins looking around the test chamber in distress, stating that it can no longer see the entity. Subject instructed to wear SCP-178. Subject complies and states that the entity is still looking at it. Subject instructed to report any changes in the entity's behavior. Two minutes and 37 seconds pass before subject states the entity is no longer looking at it. Subject states entity is looking at the wall again. Subject reports no further changes for 17 minutes and 55 seconds. Test ended.

Notes: It seems strange that the thing the subject saw was so disinterested, given the way the item came into Foundation attention. We didn't pick anything up in any of the recording equipment either, I wonder if this entity is really there or an illusion generated by the item.

Experiment 178-e-3

Name: Dr. ██████████ with Dr. █████ and Dr. ███████ assisting.

Date: ██/██/19██

Procedure: D-class subject is to be placed in secured test chamber containing SCP-178. The test chamber is to be observed via bulletproof glass window to adjacent control room and via audio and video recording devices. A fractal blue and red image is to be placed on one wall of the test chamber and a plastic bin containing ten standard tennis balls is to be placed near the opposite wall. D-class subject will be told SCP-178 is an experiment in next generation "3-D specs" and that staring at the fractal image while wearing SCP-178 will allow it to see animated three-dimensional images. D-class subject will then be instructed to wear SCP-178 and report what it observes. In case the subject perceives any entities it will be instructed to throw a tennis ball at them.

Results: D-51441 (Male, 27, Arson, Murder, no discernible mental abnormalities) is instructed to stand at the end of the test chamber opposite the fractal image and wear SCP-178. Subject complies and expresses surprise and discomfort. Subject instructed to describe what it perceives. Subject states it perceives two entities standing in the room, one (from now on referred to as Entity 1) next to the fractal image with its back to the subject and the other (from now on referred to as Entity 2) crossing the room from left to right. Subject opines that the person who designed the "animation" is mentally unbalanced. Subject instructed to describe Entity 2's gait. Subject states it walks using both its legs and upper appendages. Subject equates Entity 2's gait to that of a gorilla "if someone put its skeleton together wrong". Research staff inquires whether both entities are similar. Subject replies that apart from size, they appear to be generally similar. Subject then proceeds to describe entities fitting the description of the entity in Experiment #178-e-2. Subject instructed to pick up one tennis ball and throw it at Entity 2. Subject complies. Both the research staff and the audio recording devices observe the ball moving uninterrupted until it hits the floor on the opposite side of the test chamber. Subject expresses surprise and distress, attempting to back away for 0.7 seconds before severe lacerations begin appearing on its body. Appearance of lacerations continues for 4.7 seconds until subject presumably expires from massive bleeding and trauma. Autopsy on expired subject reveals lacerations consistent with being slashed by three sharp objects, relatively thick and tapering to a point approximately 17 cm in length and 4 cm in maximum width. Analysis of ball thrown by subject discovers only trace amounts of human sweat, matching Subject D-51441.

Notes: Holy [EXPLETIVE REDACTED]! It would appear that these things don't like being disturbed. On the other hand, that ball sailed through the air like nothing was there and with the death of the subject we cannot know if it indeed passed where the entity "was" or not. This is still far from conclusive, but the pattern of laceration matches the findings at the item's recovery site so at least we've established beyond any doubt that it is dangerous. It's interesting to note that so far the entities are pretty consistent in appearance, despite variance between test subjects. I wonder if any non-violent interaction between the subject and the entities is possible.

Experiment 178-e-4

Name: Dr. ██████████ with Dr. █████ and Dr. ███████ assisting.

Date: ██/██/19██

Procedure: D-class subject is to be placed in secured test chamber containing SCP-178. The test chamber is to be observed via bulletproof glass window to adjacent control room, via audio and video recording devices, via infra-red cameras, electromagnetic radiation sensors and motion detectors. A fractal blue and red image is to be placed on one wall of the test chamber. D-class subject will be told SCP-178 is an experiment in next generation "3-D specs" and that staring at the fractal image while wearing SCP-178 will allow it to see animated three-dimensional images. D-class subject will then be instructed to wear SCP-178 and report what it observes. In case the subject perceives any entities it will be instructed to attempt to speak with them.

Results: D-84291 (Female, 19, no discernible mental abnormalities) is instructed to stand near the wall opposite of the fractal image and wear SCP-178. Subject complies and immediately expresses revulsion. Subject instructed to describe what it perceives. Subject describes one entity similar to those previously reported standing approximately two meters from it and looking at it. Subject instructed to attempt to speak to it. Subject appears confused as to why it would attempt to speak to an animated image. Research staff repeats instruction. Subject expresses irritation and says "Hello, weird thing, how are you today?" in a bored manner. Lacerations begin appearing on subject's torso and abdomen 0.2 seconds after subject finishes speaking. Subject's right arm severed above the elbow after 2.4 seconds. Laceration and subject vocalization stops after 8.4 seconds when subject presumably expires. Autopsy on expired subject reveals the same kind of lacerations, indicating sharp objects approximately 21 cm in length and 5 cm in width.

Notes: I guess that means we can assume that any attempt to interact with the entities ends in hostility. And nothing on any of the sensors either. We're establishing a pattern here, but the main question is still whether the death of the subjects is caused by the item or by external entities. I wonder if subjects not wearing the item can be affected by it.

Experiment 178-e-5

Name: Dr. ██████████ with Dr. █████ and Dr. ███████ assisting.

Date: ██/██/19██

Procedure: Two D-class subjects are to be placed in secured test chamber containing SCP-178. The test chamber is to be observed via bulletproof glass window to adjacent control room, via audio and video recording devices, via infra-red cameras, electromagnetic radiation sensors and motion detectors. Both subjects will have general knowledge of the properties of SCP-178. One subject (designated Subject 1) will be instructed to wear SCP-178 and will describe to the other subject (designated Subject 2) the location and appearance of any perceived entities in the test chamber. Subject 2 will then attempt to interact with the entities.

Results: Subject 1 (D-61955, Female, 35, Three counts of murder, GBH, no discernible mental abnormality) and Subject 2 (D-57321, Female, 27, no discernible mental abnormalities) are placed in the test chamber. Subject 1 instructed to wear SCP-178. Subject 1 expresses dislike for the research staff. Subject 2 concurs. Research staff reminds both subjects that uncooperative behavior is grounds for termination. Subject 1 wears SCP-178 and begins emitting expletives. Subject 2 expresses distress and inquires as to the reason for Subject 1's consternation. Subject 1 states that "There's one right behind you!" Subject 2 turns around and states that it cannot see anything unusual. Research staff calms both subjects by assuring them the perceived entities are harmless and instructs Subject 1 to assist Subject 2 in making contact with the entities. Subject 1 states that there is an entity "about a foot" in front of her, and that the entity's head is "about two feet" taller than her. Subject 2 inquires whether the entity is looking at it. Subject 1 replies in the affirmative. Subject 2 attempts to calm itself and proceeds to look where it considers the entity's head to be and say "Umm, hi there?" Lacerations immediately begin appearing on Subject 2's torso and face for 0.9 seconds before Subject 2's neck is severed. Subject 1 vocalizes acute distress and runs towards the test chamber door. Subject 1 attempts to bludgeon the door open unsuccessfully for 5 seconds before turning around and saying, presumably to a perceived entity "No! Get away!" Subject 1 begins suffering lacerations across the abdomen and torso. Movement, laceration and vocalization cease simultaneously after 17.3 seconds. Autopsy on expired subjects revealed two different laceration patterns. The relatively few lacerations suffered by Subject 2 are consistent with lacerations caused by three sharp objects approximately 27 cm in length and 8 cm in maximum width while the many lacerations suffered by Subject 1 are consistent with lacerations caused by three sharp objects approximately 14 cm in length and 3 cm in width.

Note: We still don't know whether the entities are actually there or are illusions caused by SCP-178, but now we know they can affect more than the wearer. This means that this object is potentially much more dangerous than we initially surmised. Interestingly enough, the two subjects showed different laceration patterns, as though they were inflicted by different entities. A shame we didn't ask Subject 1 about the number of entities in the room, we'll do better next time. It is also possible that subject wouldn't have been harmed if she hadn't addressed the entities herself. That's also worth checking out.

Experiment 178-e-6

Name: Dr. ██████████ with Dr. █████ and Dr. ███████ assisting.

Date: ██/██/19██

Procedure: Two D-class subjects are to be placed in secured test chamber containing SCP-178. The test chamber is to be observed via bulletproof glass window to adjacent control room, via audio and video recording devices, via infra-red cameras, electromagnetic radiation sensors and motion detectors. Both subjects will have general knowledge of the properties of SCP-178. One subject (designated Subject 1) will be instructed to wear SCP-178 and will describe to the other subject (designated Subject 2) the location and appearance of any perceived entities in the test chamber. Subject 2 will then attempt to interact with the entities. Subject 1 will be instructed not to speak or otherwise interact with entities at any eventuality. To ensure this, Subject 1 will be told that any attempt to make contact with the entities will result in termination.

Results: Subject 1 (D-83616, Male, 44, no discernible mental abnormality) and Subject 2 (D-36176, Male, 52, no discernible mental abnormalities) are placed in the test chamber. Subject 1 is instructed to wear SCP-178. Subject 1 uncooperative. Subject 1 instructed again to wear SCP-178. Subject 1 uncooperative. Subject 2 urges Subject 1 to cooperate for fear of punitive measures. Subject 1 wears SCP-178 and expresses surprise and disgust. Research staff inquires as to the number of entities. Subject 1 states "they're [EXPLETIVE DELETED] everywhere, Doc. There's nine of them here with us." Subject 1 then turns to look at the bulletproof glass window separating the testing chamber from the control room and states "and there's three in there with you, look, there's one leaning right over your [DATA EXPUNGED] See Incident Report #178-14-Alpha for more information.

Notes: Following the loss of all research staff in Incident #178-14-Alpha the containment protocols have been revised.– O5-7

Experiment 178-e-7

Name: Dr. ████ with Dr. ████ assisting.

Date: ██/██/20██

Procedure: D-class subject is to be placed in secured test chamber containing SCP-178. The test chamber is to be divided into two partitions in a 5:1 ratio with the smaller partition containing the chamber entrance separated by bulletproof glass with a small hole in the middle covered in steel mesh to allow the passage of sound from one partition to the other. The test chamber will be observed remotely via audio and video recording devices, via infra-red cameras, electromagnetic radiation sensors and motion detectors. Subject is to be told of SCP-178's nature and instructed to wear SCP-178 and attempt to communicate with entities on the other side of the partition.

Results: Subject D-13627 (Male, 52, Rape, Double Homicide, no discernible mental abnormalities) is placed in the test chamber and instructed to wear SCP-178. Subject expresses displeasure but complies. Subject instructed to describe what it perceives. Subject describes four entities in the other partition. Subjects states entities look docile, two of them jabbing the walls and the other two looking at it through the glass. Research staff inquires whether any entities are present in the subject's partition. Subject looks around and replies that none are present. Subject instructed to attempt to communicate with the entities. Subject expresses desire to "get this over with". Subject says, presumably towards the perceived entities "Hello, can you hear me?" before recoiling suddenly. Research staff inquires as to the reason the subject recoiled. The subject replies that the entities have begun pounding the glass with their upper appendages. Research staff inquires whether they are succeeding in causing any visible damage to the partition. Subject replies that they are not. Audio recordings fail to pick up any sounds apart from those emitted by the subject. Research staff inquires whether the subject can hear the entities pounding on the partition. Subject appears perplexed and replies to the negative. No changes occur for ten minutes and 14 seconds. Research staff announces the end of the experiment. Subject expresses relief and removes SCP-178, placing it on the floor. Testing chamber door opens and two security personnel (Agents [DATA EXPUNGED]) demand that subject comes with them, presumably to D-Class cells. Subject turns towards door and begins complying when lacerations begin appearing across his face, torso and upper arms. Subject vocalizes distress and both security personnel recoil and emit expletives. Agent [REDACTED] radios a containment breach. Agent [REDACTED] begins firing his weapon into the chamber, hitting and killing the subject after 2.1 seconds of being lacerated. Containment teams are mobilized to the testing area and the sector goes into lockdown. Searches are concluded after an hour and 4 minutes without any findings or further incidents and lockdown is lifted. SCP-178 is found where Subject D-13627 dropped it.

Note: [EXPLETIVE REDACTED], that could have been catastrophic. First time we get to experiment on SCP-178 and the whole sector goes into lockdown. The brass aren't going be pleased, I think we should come up with some lower-risk experiments for the foreseeable future. I guess any wearer that attempts to establish contact with the entities can die even after removing SCP-178. It's interesting to note that Agent [REDACTED] suffered no ill effect despite firing "at" the entity. I estimate it is because he had only very limited knowledge about the entities observed by those who wear the item.

Experiment 178-e-8

Name: Dr. ████ with Dr. ████ assisting.

Date: ██/██/20██

Procedure: D-class subject is to be placed in secured test chamber containing SCP-178 and a video camera connected to monitor. The test chamber is to be observed remotely via audio and video recording devices, via infra-red cameras, electromagnetic radiation sensors and motion detectors. Subject is to be instructed to hold SCP-178 up to the camera and report what it sees on the monitor. The camera is both connected to the monitor and to an external recording device. Pending the success of the experiment, the research staff will submit a request to view the recording.

Results: Subject D-61286 (Female, 28, fifteen counts of GBH, Two counts of murder, no discernible mental abnormalities) is placed in the test chamber and instructed to pick up SCP-178 and hold it up to the camera. Subject complies and holds SCP-178 approximately twenty centimeters from the camera. Subject instructed to hold SCP-178 up to the camera so that it "sees" through it. Subject inquires as to which lens it should hold it to. Subject instructed to hold the red lens up to the camera. Subject complies. Research staff inquires whether the monitor displays anything unusual. Subject replies to the negative. Subject instructed to hold the blue lens up to the camera. Subject complies and reports that the monitor still does not display anything unusual. Subject instructed to put down the camera and wear SCP-178. Subject complies. Subject vocalizes acute distress, stumbling backwards while staring at the monitor. Research staff inquires as to the source of the subject's distress. Subject reports three entities crouched in front of the monitor, looking at it. Subject instructed to remove SCP-178. Test ended.

Notes: It would appear that either the item functions similarly to ordinary stereoscopic glasses and requires two "eyes", or that the effect isn't merely optic. There's a way to test that.

Experiment 178-e-9

Name: Dr. ████ with Dr. ████ assisting.

Date: ██/██/20██

Procedure: D-class subject is to be placed in secured test chamber containing SCP-178 and a special mount containing two small video cameras simulating a pair of human eyes connected to monitor that splices both images together in real time to create image, similar to the way stereoscopic sight works. The test chamber is to be observed remotely via audio and video recording devices, via infra-red cameras, electromagnetic radiation sensors and motion detectors. Subject is to be instructed to hold SCP-178 up to the camera and report what he sees on the monitor. The camera is set to record. Pending success, the research staff will submit a request to view the recording.

Results: Subject D-87325 (Male, 32, no discernible mental abnormalities) is placed in the test chamber and instructed to pick up SCP-178 and hold it up to the two cameras. Subject complies and holds SCP-178 approximately 20 cm from the two cameras. Subject is instructed to view the monitor and describe what it sees. Subject complies and vocalizes distress, dropping SCP-178 and backing to the chamber wall. Research staff inquires to the source of subject's distress. Subject states "they're [EXPLETIVE REDACTED] watching me". Subject is instructed to hold SCP-178 to the two cameras. Subject is uncooperative. Research staff threaten Subject with termination unless it complies. Subject complies and holds SCP-178 to the two cameras. Subject is instructed to attempt to communicate with the entities. Subject says "Hello?" in the opposite direction of the monitor, presumably in the direction of the entities. After 0.5 seconds, lacerations appear on Subject on the torso, face, and right arm. Experiment is concluded and SCP-178 is recovered. Autopsy on expired Subject showed consistent lacerations approximately 27 cm in length and 8 cm in maximum width. Analysis of the recorded footage shows three separate entities with varying sizes observing Subject. When Subject attempts communication with entities, two grow three sharp claws and lunge at Subject.

Notes: They look more hideous than we imagined. We are going to need to analyze the footage more and calculate the speeds of the entities before we do any more experiments.