On my way back to the girls' tent, I saw my boyfriend sitting on a bench, legs are crossed as always and a book in his big hands. This man is such a bookworm, he does not even mind how dim the light from the bulb was as long as he can read each word out from his favorite novel. Pulling out the phone resting inside my pocket, I sat beside him with a loud thud.
Seven looked at me shortly then back down to the book, "Where have you been?"
"Were you waiting for me?"
"Why else would I be sitting here reading this stupid old book?"
I could not hold my laughter in, he is mad but it definitely sounds like this book is the only thing he could think of for the others not to get too suspicious of him, waiting outside of the girls' tent. If he did not pretend like he was only passing time and reading is what he does before bedtime, the women will thought of him as a creepy teacher. I am glad Seven is smart.