None of us did a thing, as if we had not even heard what he had just said to us in the first place. In fact, not even he had made the first move to start to run up the hill in the first place either. We all stared at each other, wondering who it was that was going to grow a pair, and then run up the hill.
I sat there as well, myself, thinking that it was a trick, and maybe he was going back to tell the other 2 that he had seen us as well. That did not seem to make very much sense to me though, as I knew that he was smart enough to know that we would just run into the woods.
I knew that he had not seen us, and even more than that, if he had seen us than I would have another one of those visions as well, that told me that we were in danger. I closed my eyes for just a few moments, as I wondered what it was that I should be doing right now in the first place.
It then all came back to me at the same time as well. As I opened my eyes, and I looked around at the surroundings. It would not be smart for us to keep on sitting here all day after all, if we did that than at some point a dragon probably would find us.
I looked over at John, who was just staring up at the sky, at the area that the dragon had just came from. He then noticed me staring at him, and he nodded to for me to go ahead and speak my mind to him. I nodded back to him a bit grateful, and then I spoke up to the others.
"We need to go... They know we are near by, so they will be searching all over for us for a long time... The best place to be right now, is the woods... Black dragons hate the woods." I said to all of them. They turned their heads to me as a bit of a surprise that I was the one that had decided to step up this time.
It only made sense for me to do that as well. As John had told me that I soon would need to step up as the leader for the legion. It was how they all viewed me as already, and hardly any of them had even met me in the first place. It was all so scary to think about at the same time as well.
I had never had to take over the role of leader in any way my entire life, and I had never hoped to have that role assigned to me at the same time either. But now, it was all coming back to me, that was what I had to do... The whole world was looking up to me right now, whether they knew it or not.
I noticed that all of the others had turned their head over to John after I had just spoken to all of them, as they were clearly looking for his confirmation on whether or not that was the plan to be done in the first place. It actually confused me a bit, because I knew they were not dumb, so why were they looking to him, for his confirmation on it.
As I looked at all of them for just a few moments longer, John then realized that all of them were looking at him, for him to tell them that it was okay to go ahead and go with the plan that I had just put into place. He knew what they were thinking about as well, as he shook his head as he began to speak.
"Why are you all looking at me? That is going to be your leader that just spoke to you... Listen to him for now, if I do not say anything than you know that means I am okay with it." He said to all of them. They all looked at him a bit surprised for just a few moments at the same time as well.
They then turned their heads over to me, as they looked at me, as if they were waiting to hear the go ahead to start to run up the hill which was at least 300 meters of uphill running that was ahead of us... I shivered, trying not to think too deep into it at the same time as well, as I then took the first steps up the hill.
Once they realized what was going on, I heard them begin to follow up from behind me, as I heard their loud foot steps as well. I looked back at them to make sure that they were all doing alright, and to also make sure that there were no dragons that were just waiting for us to go ahead and run up.
I saw a glimmer of black in the sky, and I knew that to be the dragon that we had just seen a few moments ago, but he was so far ahead of us by now, it really did not matter at all anymore. Even if he did look back, he would not see us, because I knew how bad the vision was of dragons in the first place as well.
I looked back a bit confused, as I also did notice at the same time as well, that John was no where to be seen at all. I looked around a bit confused as to where it was that he might be at, as we had not been running up for that long, so he could not be that far out of sight.
I also realized that me looking back was slowing me down quite a bit at the same time too, and I could not see where it was that I was going either. I turned my head back to my front side, and to where it was that I was running in the first place as well.
I then noticed that John was already in front of me, as he was in a lot better shape than the rest of us as well as him being well built too. He must have just gone past me right as I had turned my head the other way. I shook my head as I knew that was not what my thoughts should be focused on either.
We kept on running, as it had already felt like we had been running for years on end as it was. I saw that the woods were less than 50 meters ahead of us at the same time too. I was so tired, once we were in, I just wanted to fall on to the ground, and rest for a few minutes too.
It was not at the fact that we had ran so far, it was more at the fact that we were running up hill, and I hated running up a hill, I knew that was one thing that was a fact for sure. It would wear you out, just even walking up a large hill like this one that was ahead of us.
I heard the loud and heavy breathing of the others that were behind me at the same time as well, as I knew that they were probably even more worn out than I was. At least I had tried to stay in shape over to last year... My father, and Uncle had seemed to get fatter and fatter as every day went past.
I felt a bit bad for them as well, but I also knew that it would not be a smart idea if we were to just slowly walk up the hill either. We should have planned on running up the hill in the first place. John had told us that it was a bad idea for us to be out in open areas like these in the first place.
I shook my head, as I landed my first step into the woods, as I knew that we needed to keep running just a little bit further, in order for it to be actually safe for us. It would not be smart for us to be standing on the edge of the woods, that would be the first place that a dragon would look.
We kept on running for just a bit longer, until it seemed like we were at a fairly safe distance away from the clearing, which was at least a hundred meters behind us now. As soon as I saw John stop, who was way ahead of us now, I dropped myself straight to the ground, and it felt like I was about to die.
I heard the others all flop to the ground behind me at the same time as well, as they seemed to have the exact same idea that I had in the first place none the less. I turned my head over to them, as I heard their heavy breathing them become more and more quiet by each passing moment as well.
Once we were all okay, I then was the first one to lift myself up, and once they saw me do it, they all thought that it would be a good idea to do the same thing as well. They all then looked over to John, as it seemed as though they had completely forgotten what he had just said to them a few moments ago.
He rolled his eyes at them, as none of them seemed to notice it at all either, as they still just stood there, staring at him dead in his eyes. I looked around, as I realized how exhausted it was that I had felt right now. I kind of wish that we had in fact just stayed behind and not gone into that clearing either.
It was too late now, and I was actually quite a bit happy that it was over with as well, even knowing how scary it had been. I shivered, and then I looked back at where the clearing had been, though we were too deep into the woods to even see it.
I shook my head, as I then looked back over at John, as I noticed that he had began to speak to us, and I was quite interested to hear what it was that he had to say, and whether or not he would congratulate me for making the right call at the same time as well. As I looked at him dead in the eyes.
"Alright you 4... We are going to go a bit further into the woods for tonight, and then we are going to set up camp... Once we have done that, than we can sleep then, and tomorrow afternoon we should be at the farm..."