Chereads / 3034:Awakening / Chapter 51 - The fall of Caspia

Chapter 51 - The fall of Caspia

Solarious P.O.V.

As I descend upon Caspia and its pathetic life forms, my ship picks up a ping on an inbound vessel. 'Of course they would show,'  I think to myself. These Numirians are becoming a pain in the ass. 

These irritating peasants are on my final nerve and soon they will find out that there is no stopping me.  Caspia is within my grasp and I won't stop. This planet will bow before me. 

"Captain, make the order now is the time to attack."  I speak into the radio. 

A cackle comes back before I hear his response.

" Yes, my lord" he radioed back. 

The ships that flank my own to the left and right begin to maneuver to landing position. Within seconds the sweet melody of screams and shouts for mercy plays like a beautiful opera to my ears. 

A smile plays on my lips. Even with the Numirians' arrival they can't save them all. And they will watch this planet and its pathetic beings burn. 

Taking in one final view at the handy work of my troops, I press the button for my ship to jump and disappear. They won't be able to fight me that easily. No, they have to earn the right to challenge me. 

And if I predict this scenario correctly they will deploy now to the planet and fight my troops head on in a foolish attempt to save the Caspians. A sinister smile widens on my face, oh when they do, I can finally annihilate them once and for all.

Emily P.O.V. 

We land the pods in the middle of a wide city street. A strategic spot to offer co er from any blaster fire, and added cover for the civilians that are fleeing away from the Reptilians.

As the pod bay doors begin to open red laser fire begins to come streaking across the air directly at us. A bunch of red tiny beams flashing before us and sparking as they miss and make contact with the pods and buildings beside us. 

There is no time to counter as we rush to take cover behind the building walls. Backs pushed as far into the wall as it will go, as if we could be consumed by it.  Guns drawn we wait patiently as the reptilian troops begin to inch their way closer and closer to us. 

Z is in front of me blaster drawn and held in a aimed firing position. We all waited lined against the wall for her signal. The anticipation that builds within me, makes me feel like a soap bubble ready to burst. 

" When you see the reptilians shadows on the ground, open fire and give them hell." She whispers to all of us. 

We all nodded. Eyes glued to the single lane strip of sun that beamed above us. Our single advantage of knowing just where our enemy was without having to risk coming out of cover.

My heart was a raging thunder in my chest, pounding an aggressive beat in my ears. I would think by now I would be used to battles, and laser fire and killing.  But I am ashamed to say that I still become not afraid but nervous. 

Many scenarios can bombard my head at once on the what ifs and could be, how anything can go wrong. How a plan can quickly fall apart. How anyone standing next to me can be dead with the blink of an eye. 

It's a mind fucked game that is played on constant repeat anytime situations like the arise. But, ironically enough it is not enough to keep me from wanting to be in the fight. It will never be enough to. As long as I have Z and my friends, I will always be strong enough to overcome the doubts and nervous feelings. 

Elongated shadows slid into view on the ground, at that moment we all whipped around the corner opening fire. A squad of ten reptilians fell to the ground before they could take another step further. 

Quickly we moved positions , inching our way up towards the base point Solarious troops are using as a telecommunication base. If we gain control of their communications that will give us the upper hand on his invasion. 

In war cutting down communications between leaders and the grunts leads to chaos and the eventual failure of a mission. Cutting off communications is like cutting the head of a snake. 

Inch by inch we gain ground, careful not to become reckless in our venture forward. Always taking it one step at a time. Our eyes scan every balcony, every little noise and movement. To be caught off guard leads to certain death. And on this day the only ones meeting their end would be the Reptilians.

"Two blocks away everyone," Z whispers as we round a corner. 

Before, we can make it to our next area of cover. A massive wave of red beams streak across the air directly at us. My comrades to the left and right are taken down by head shots. An instantaneous death, they fall to the ground, their bodies limp, with blood pooling around them, staining the ground a crimson red.   

Z and a few others return fire. Rapid fire to retaliate against the small ambush we had found ourselves in. 

" Take cover!" She screams. 

Z manages to take down multiples of Reptilians as they pop up to the left and right. As quickly as one drops another three take that position.

" It's never ending Z," I call out to her firing off a few more rounds. 

Tapping on her comms Z gives the order.

" Those of you in our squadron, it's time to use the gifts you received," 

Instantly cheers come back on the comms as the squadron begin to unleash their full potential onto our dreadful enemy.  Within minutes enemy fire ceases and soon it begins to rain reptilian bodies. 

The reptilians either were scorched alive, tossed around the air like a little rag doll. Or crushed and then slung up in the air as some kind of toy missile.  The communications base is ours and everyone meets to secure our new location and celebrate a brief victory.

General Adkins begins to download any information he can off the computers that the Reptilians had placed. Z and I maintain a tight perimeter on our new location as Warren and his troops take up the higher ground on the buildings surrounding us. 

Sola P.O.V 

A few hours go by without any word from Warren and General Adkins. I only hope that everyone is alive and okay. Soon they will be able to evacuate the civilians onto the ship and back home to Numir. 

Its hard to see such a beautiful planet burning and even harder when innocent lives are being murdered just for the mere fun of one cruel over lord.  It disgusts me to think how one being can be so heartless, so full of malice and hatred. 

"  Captain Sola, it's General Adkins for you ma'am." 

My comms administrator shakes me from my thoughts. I feel a cool wave of relief wash over me. 

"Finally word from the ground,"  I responded, picking up the radio. 

"Yes, General?" 

"We have managed to take over the communication base. The next move will be civilian evacuation. I need you to land at these coordinates, L75, W56." 

" But sir, what about Solarious?"  I replied.

"Worry about him later, Captain, right now civilians take priority."  General Adkins' voice changes almost to a low growl. 

Despite my objections about it, I can't disobey an order. I confirm their location and order my pilot to begin descending.  Low and slow we carefully navigate down alongside the buildings. A smooth descent or at least that's what I thought before a loud explosion erupted. 

My crew began to scream and shout as the ship spun around out of control. Smoke began to fill the cockpit. Sirens began whining and the flash of red lit up our faces. There was no time to recover. I looked out the windshield to see a skyscraper building in our view and we were heading right into it. 

Glass shattered and exploded into our faces, the hot red burning flames were at our back sides and the building we had collided into hailed heavy stone upon us. The ship acting as a cutting knife collapsing further and further dividing the building in two. 

A giant cloud of dust surrounded us and the rubble fell and settled on top of us creating a stone tomb.  My vision became blurry, blood streamed down my cheeks and forehead. Various things lay on top of me from the waist down. 

" Ragnar, Declan, Sasha,is… is anyone."  

Darkness. So much darkness, there is no fighting this. I'm too injured, I have lost a lot of blood and everything has faded from me. 

Solarious P.O.V.

One heavy missile attack was enough to send that pathetic Numirian ship to the ground. A very satisfying victory for me, the death of those weaklings, brings a savory flavor to my mouth. With each drop of blood spilt at my hands, I only grow more and more satisfied and yet, the urge to seek out more blood devours my core. 

"That's right, fall beneath me, lifeless and limp. May your life force fill the air and allow me to consume it. Feel my belly and nourish me. " I cackle at their expense. 

A flaming cloud of black smoke whirling around the air out of control. Causing even more chaos and destruction on the way down below.  There is no greater sight than of those that perish. And with them out of the way, those on the ground are now mine to pick off, one by one. 

" Tell the ground fleet to find those worthless life forces and kill them, there shall be no mercy." I ordered. 

My Lieutenant looks at me hesitantly. 

" Speak," I growl.

" My lord, what of the girl, the incell?" His voice shakes. 

" Ah, yes, the girl, that is right." I place a finger to my lips thinking for a brief moment. 

" Bring her and that Lycan bitch to me, the others you can kill." 

"Yes my lord," he says as he scurries away. 

Soon, my victory over this planet will be complete and I will be able to move on to the next.  Once I finish the girl and that lycan scum, there will be no one left to stop me. And every planet that has defied me will fall and kneel beneath me.

General Adkins P.O.V 

The ground shook beneath our feet, and a large mushroom cloud of black smoke filled the air a few miles away from us. Giant gusts of wind bombarded us as a giant Tsunami wave of air. 

" What was that?" Emily asked, gaining her balance back. 

" Let us hope that was not our ship for evacuating these civilians." I replied as sweat trickled down my face. 

Looking around we all already knew the answer. We knew what had just happened. Sola's ship had been blown out of the air by Solarious and now an already semi desperate situation has gotten far far worse. Our whole plan has fallen apart. And now all we can do is try to fight off the incoming Reptilians and evacuate as many in one trip as we can on Warren's smaller ship. 

"Sola, come in." Nothing but static.

"Sola, if you copy, push a button on your comms," There is no pause in the static noise, no whisper or harah breath.

Our heads bow down, our comrades had fallen, just mere miles away from us. And there was nothing we could do but let our hearts break. Grief would have to wait. Tears cannot fall, that'll be for later. But, the shattering of a heart can't be stopped, it can't be undone. 

Some of my troops begin to weep. Sucking in a breath I lift my head back up. How can I expect my soldiers to maintain a level head and composure if their own General can't. 

" Save your tears my comrades, there will be time for grieving later, right now we have a mission to complete, lest we let them die in vain."  I keep my voice at a steady level stern enough to let them hear my resolve, but gentle enough to let them know I am hurting too. 

" What is our next move, General?" Z breaks the silence that had fallen between us. 

" Right now our goal is to get the civilians that are  left to Warren's ship. Some of us will have to provide cover fire as others work to hers everyone on the ship. Once that is done we will retreat back home." I replied. 

"And what of Caspia, do we just let that bastard take it for himself, we just let it fall?!" One of the men shouts angrily. 

" Look around you, soldier!"  I grab his collar and jerk him forward. 

"Caspia has already fallen, there is nothing we can do until Solarious is dead!" I push him back, sending him stumbling a few steps back.

Anyone else have any further objections, any further opinions?!" I raise my hands. 

Everyone stays silent and shakes their head no.  

"Then, let's get moving," I ordered. 

Z P.O.V.

With the death of the comrades we left behind on the ship. We work as a single unit gathering the survivors of the first brief assault.  Many are bloody and burned. Limping and holding onto one another as they stumble on weak legs towards the safety of the ship. 

It won't be long before Solarious and his men are hot on our heels. The moment he finds the location of our last standing ship, he will blow it out of the sky just as he did Sola. 

Hundreds of survivors gathered as herded sheep, filing a single line to what they hope to be a place to find peace and rest amongst the hell that they have encountered. 

Emily walks beside a woman as she holds a crying child in her arms. The mother does her best to try and soothe her baby, but after all the hell that has rained down upon them it will take much more than soft kisses and a tight hug to ease the frightened heart of a newborn baby. 

I don't know how much more of this sick war I can take, Solarious just doesn't stop and he won't stop. My people, my wife, my home suffered because, no one came for us, no one came to fight alongside us. But, even with our help the people of Caspia are forced to flee and leave their home to lay in ruin. 

With gritted teeth and clenched fists, I know certain sacrifices must be made. This final battle will come down to his destruction or our very own. I cant let anyone else die, anyone else suffers such a horrendous fate. 

"You okay?" I hear a gentle voice and feel a warm hand wrap around my clenched fist. 

" Ask me after we are off this planet." I responded. 

"Z, you know we did everything we could. Caspia might not be saved fully, but at least we are here to evacuate the ones who need us." She replies, tightening her grip. 

" You always know how to find some kind of light at the end of this dark tunnel." I open my fiat to grasp her hand. 

She doesn't say anything, a simple nod and a silence falls between the both of us. It has been a long day, a long day of fighting and heartbreak. The rest can wait for when everyone is back on Numir safely. 

Sola P.O.V.

This rubble is beginning to weigh down on my body. My lungs cannot fill fully with air. And I know deep down that my comrades believe us all to be dead. Perhaps soon we all will be. There are only a few of us who haven't succumbed to our injuries and I fear that we are running out of time. 

"Captain," I hear a small whisper almost like a wheezing. 

I can barely move my head to make out the figure of Ragnar  a foot or two away from me. He is pinned between two giant boulders. Blood spills from his mouth dyeing his teeth crimson red. He's badly hurt and I can tell he doesn't have long either. 

" Ragnar, save your breath," I replied. 

Talking will only make him weaker, draining what little bit of energy he has left to stay awake and aware. 

" Heh, It's too late for that Sola, I know I'm going to die, I can feel it," He drops his eyes. 

" Don't say that-" 

" Sola, it's the truth, there is no hope for me. I'm weak, my visions are blurry and I already feel cold. Please, when you make it back home, because I know you will. Will you tell my baby brother that I'm ...." 

His voice fades and with one last exhale his head drops lifelessly. My comrade and friend are gone and I can't fight the tears that fall from my eyes. 

Buried alive and having to see your friends die right before you, unable to help them, what kind of cruel torture is that? A mental fucking torment of the mind and soul. 

"Don't cry Captain," I hear a familiar voice above me. I can't move my head to see, but I can tell it's Sasha. 

"Sasha you're alive? How are you feeling? Any major injuries?" I panicked. 

" I believe I got lucky, Captain. I think I may be paralyzed from the waist down but, I don't feel any blood and I'm not light headed." 

"That's a relief." I sigh. 

" I fear you to be in much worse shape, judging by the view of how bloody your head is and the fact you have lost consciousness multiple times, I don't think you have much time left." She replies. 

" Agreed," I say, finding it harder to keep talking. 

The rubble that binds us to our places begins to shift and more debris falls down upon us. It seems the remainder of the building we struck finally collapsed burying us further down. 

Ack. The weight has become even more unbearable and slowly I feel my airway constriction as another heavy boulder lands on top of the one that has my abdomen pinned beneath it. 

Is this how I truly die? Buried alive and left behind on a foreign planet to never return home to my family, to my people? 


Chapter 36, Back to Square one