Chapter 4 -

I didn't bother scurrying to school since i still have one hour before class starts.

I instantly froze when I saw Corbin walking towards school too. I ran towards him.

"I hate you!" as I pouted looking at him. He didn't bother looking at me nor reacted to what I've said. Seriously, did he not see me?

"Yohoooooo". I waved both of my arms before poking his cheeks.

"Stop acting like a child Ylluvia" he remarked staring at me with a cold gaze.

"Pfft. Where have you been?" I squeaked but I made sure that he heard it but I didn't hear any reply from him.

Everybody was staring at Corbin when we entered the school premises. I continued to talk and complain about him being a creep and not showing up for how many days. Speaking of him, he hadn't uttered something since we entered the school. I caught a glimpse of the roughly cemented ground and a single shadow was visible....just my shadow. I went red as a Chimpanzees butt when I noticed that I was alone.

"Hello, still there?" I asked while tying my long raven hair into a bun making everybody see that I am wearing a headset. '' I silently prayed and Voila! The pairs of eyes staring at me like am a weirdo slowly averted their gazes.I grinned while reminding myself to pluck those silky shiny wings of him later.

I went straight to my class... It is time to decode. A lopsided smile painted on my lips.

"" I wrote these numbers on a tiny piece of paper before putting it inside a bugs body...well..a robot bug then encoded in my phone the name of the recipient: CORBIN.


A single knock disturbed the whole class. I smiled triumphantly as the door vomited him.

"M-Ma'am YIIuvia please" The teacher looked at him with scrutinizing eyes and a huge question mark appeared just above her head because there is no Ylluvia in this class.

I'm trying my best to contain my laughter while looking at his helpless face.