Chereads / Reading: The Ultimate Fruit / Chapter 6 - Interludes and Introductions 1 part 2

Chapter 6 - Interludes and Introductions 1 part 2

Pitch snaps his fingers and teleports every everyone to a seat as he waits for everyone to quiet down.

10 minutes later

Pitch: Now, has everyone got that out of their systems?

Everyone (in synch): Yeah.

Pitch (both hands folded behind his back): Good, so you are going to ask me question, (Looking at the Luffys) one at a time, and I'll do my very best to answer them. Lucas's Robin, you're first.

Robin: Why are there two of almost everyone?

Pitch: Okay, the others here are your counter parts, meaning that they are what you'd be like if you never met Lucas up to this point.

The UF crew all sweat at the thought of never meeting their friend that helped them so much more than they could ever hope for.

Pitch: *Sigh*... Yes, quite the revelation. A world where so many members of your friends and family had died.

OG Nami: ...Wait, aside from Robin's mom and the girl that looks like Tashigi, who else did he save?

Pitch: I'd prefer to that as a surprise, after all the best way to understand the present is to know the past. In all honesty I would've only brought the counter part of the ones that are here, but not everything goes as planned now does it? Which reminds me...

Pitch snaps his fingers as Kinnemon, Momonosuke, Kanjiro, Riazo, Jinbei, and Kohza disappeared. Just leaving the OG and UF versions, the pair of Laws, Kaya, Kuina, Lucas, Luna, and Olivia there.

Pitch: Before you freak out, just know that they went back where we found them. Who's next?

OG Nami: Since you didn't answer me, I'd like a redo.

Pitch (sits in front of the groups): Sure go ahead.

OG Nami (stares at her counter part): Now, WHY DIDN'T YOU USE PROTECTION!?


UF Nami (covers Luna's ears): A few reasons really; one is that the sex was incredible.

This made the Sanji's puke blood, OG Nami and Lucas to gain massive blushes, the UF Robin to get a small blush, OG Robin and UF Olivia to laugh a little, the Choppers and Laws were unaffected, the Zoro's sharing sake and smirking at the show, and the Ussops, Frankys, and Brooks each gave him a thumbs up.

UF Nami (shuffle the sleeping Luna in her arms to get a better hold of her as she give Lucas a pointed glare): The second is one that our host get into.

Lucas looks down in guilt at what his circumstance put his friend and lovers though.

UF Nami (smiles softly as she rubs her daughters head as she naps): But the biggest reason... was that if I were to have kid with anyone, I would choose Lucas every time cause there is no one I'd rather be with and I love him.

Lucas smiles as her moves closer to his wife and daughter looks at Luna's sleeping form before he gives her a peck on the cheek and can't help but think about how lucky he to a family like that.

Most of the audience the Choppers and Frankys cry while everyone else gives them soft smiles. Except for the Sanji's that are grumbling to themselves.

OG Nami (not finding any reason to rant): *Sigh*... Fine, (she stare at Lucas for a bit) it's good to know that I at least have good taste in men.

UF Nami smirks as she hands Luna to Lucas to go talk to her other.

UF Nami (whispering to her other): Ya know, I wouldn't mind sharing.

OG Nami (blushes): ...huh?

UF Nami: Seriously, not at all. And before you say you're not, let me tell you a few stories about Luna...

Pitch (smiles at the scene): Luffy, you're up.


Pitch: *Sigh* Anyone else want something?

Everyone nods and Pitch snaps his fingers and give everyone refills for both counter parts, except for the captains that were given self-filling plates of meat to the Luffys cause it would get annoying at some point.

Pitch: Now if that's all, I think we can move onto the next chapter of your adventure.

The screen lights up and spells out----Chapter 5: Peace----