After the fruitless search of the greenhouse with the weird koi pond Z searched nearby houses for anything that might be useful. Sadly there wasn't much and the things he found were not in great condition. That was the weird thing was things in his house were fine but these other places are deteriorating quite quickly. After all its only been over a month since he woke up. Right?
Anyways Z used the time it took for him to heal to practice using his bow with the rabbit horn arrows. Mainly by hunting rabbits to get more horns to make more arrows. Well self-sustaining while getting more rabbit pelts did help him practice making more things. Basically, he was just trying to get it where he did not need to raid buildings as much if at all in the future.
* * * * * *
After another month and a half had past Z finally recovered. This rate of recovery was just shrugged off by him as the fact that he is a monster now, so yeah. After this our favorite skeleton decided it was finally time to try and hunt more than rabbits. This time, however, Z decided to try and hunt some pack based monsters and not the lone ones since they were obviously all going to be power houses. Lesson learned from the crab.
Travelling toward the northeastern part of town, since it was the opposite side from where his house is and away from the crab, Z began to search for something to hunt. This is also because he always saw more of the dog monsters in this direction whenever he first woke up. Oddly though, Z has not seen more than one or two dogs since right before he fought the crab. Also death bird has been weirdly nowhere to be seen since he awoke. His gamer sense is setting red flags that these things were not a good sign.
Of course if he is right there is one useful thing that this will lead to, hunting grounds. To be precise a hunting ground for him since these would be the monsters' territories. There is also the chance that there are other people that have been living in the other end of town which is why he never met them. Long shot but still a viable option and Z is trying to make preparations for as many things as he can.
Slowly sneaking his way across town Z decides to hold off on searching the businesses along the way. This is more so he can be as stealthy as he can plus he can just search on his way back. Once he crosses the center of town Z began feeling weird. It was a combination of scared, angry, excited, and calm. Something is ahead that will make him stronger while at the same time it could kill him if the is reckless.
"Slow and steady Z rushing nearly got you killed when you got confident last time." Z mumbled to himself. He slowly goes forward taking it even slower having left at daybreak it is now late afternoon. "I am gonna have to find a place to hide out for the night first time as a skeleton. Heh"
Z decides to go further a little more halfway through this section of town before the sun starts to go down. Z decided to instead of going through the door of a house he found he climbed through a window that is buried under a branch that fell from a nearby oak tree. It looks like is has been here a while so Z concluded that is was knocked off either right around the time he woke up or even before that. This was further reinforced by the fact that this house had nothing in it at all. Well it was a nice place to stay and watch the outside while not being easily seen.
That night passed with nothing of much interest happening outside. This made Z more nervous though because he honestly hasn't even seen a rabbit since he crossed the center of town. So with the first light of day approaching Z decided to leave early, not like he needs light to see anyways. The reason he even bothers with leaving during the day is the gamer in him telling him monsters get stronger at night. That was also complimented by the fact that he also felt more energized once the sun went down.
Making his way towards the edge of town that weird feeling getting stronger as he goes. He finally sees monsters when he gets near the very edge only a few houses out here. Three horned wolves carrying rabbits in their maws. These wolves resembled his first kill except the color of their fur was different for each one. One was mostly grey with patches of black on between its ears and on its chest with a strip on its tail. Another was just various shades of green similar to camouflage. The third was red with orange streaks on its sides and yellow around its eyes its tail resembling flames as it is a mix of all three colors.
Instead of trying to kill these Z decided to see where they were taking this food following them as the started to leave town. When they passed a two story house Z just glanced around the corner seeing a field full of horned wolves of roughly the same size. Z immediately decided to climb onto a tree near the house he looked out and begin trying to count all the wolves. Z decided to call them wolves instead of dogs just so his conscious won't hurt him for what he will do.
Looking through this pack doing his best to count Z managed to figure out there are roughly 16 wolves in this pack and he even figured out the source of that weird feeling he has been having. A wolf twice as big as the others with four horns on its head that are all connected at the base. Its fur was black with streaks of purple its horns all purples and seemed to be crystalline. It was lazing about as the three Z was following presented the rabbits they had towards it.
Z knew he found his target and that he had a shot of hunting these things though he managed to get about 26 arrows ready before now. So he also knew he had to take out most of these wolves with just one shot otherwise there would be a problem. Z also wasn't sure how smart this alpha was but it was clearly smart enough not to waste energy on hunting rabbits. The biggest question though was why death bird hasn't killed them all yet. Well only one way to find out and so Z resolved himself to taking more than just one day away from home.
So with that Z decided to actually sneak into the house from the second floor using the tree he was in. It is weird how many of trees have grown right up to or into houses now that he thinks about it. Z never did come on this side of town so he has no idea how it is normally and he already knows that things are growing at a weird pace. Anyways time to gather information and make plans before he whittles down the pack.