Chereads / Back in Time: Through time and Space, Love Persist / Chapter 1 - THE OLD LADY AND THE DEAL

Back in Time: Through time and Space, Love Persist

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I sigh deeply as I finished the last surgery scheduled for today. I had to admit that working as a surgeon is exhausting however, once you see that smiles of the families after giving them the good news. Because their loved ones are safe is quite… satisfying? No delightful maybe? I'm not sure. To be honest however the idea of saving lives is worth giving everything I had.

Those thoughts remained as I walk along the white-painted halls of the hospital, to approach the parents of the little girl I just operated on. Even though I'm still a few feet away their stress is visible with crumple clothes and red eyes with bags underneath. I could feel their uneasiness, the anxiety, the worry, the horrible thought that their little angel might not see another day.

It was quite unfortunate really, one moment the family was on their merry way to the mall. Then out of nowhere robbers showed up, the police came and the next thing they know they are in a crossfire. And now their daughter was on the verge of death.

My steps became lighter and lighter as I draw near, I flashed them a small smile and in a quick moment, the thick atmosphere vanished. Their eyes glitter with hope, awaiting the good news.

I remained silent for a moment. Then said, "Hello, I'm Doctor Rachelle Heartford and I'm pleased to inform you that your daughter is now in a stable condition." They both sighed in relief.

"However we still have to wait, since she's still in post-anesthetic care. Also, we need to watch her close in case any post-surgery complications occur."

With that, the father said how grateful he is, while on the other hand, the mother is crying out as she keeps saying thank you.

All I did was nod and smile to them one last time before saying my excuses and leave, heading to finish more paper works.

As I turned my heel I caught a glimpse of an old lady, looking at with a smile. But it wasn't a warm smile nor is it kind, if anything it was like she was mocking me. However, when I looked back she wasn't there anymore, nothing more than a wide empty space and the couple making their way to the lobby.

I decided to shrug it off maybe I was just seeing things due to fatigue. I just finished a long surgery after all. Yes, maybe… I'm just tired.

The day went as quickly as it started, before I knew it my shift was over and I could finally go home and take some well-deserved rest.

After my final rounds, I went to the locker room to gather my things to head out in the parking lot.

As I was walking along the dark and dull parking place to find my car, I saw the security guard checking up on something. And as he finished what his doing, he raised his head and saw me. He nodded as he recognized my presence, while I smiled at him to return the gesture.

Reaching my car I was ready, excited even to go home and have some rest.

However, before getting any closer I saw the old lady again, the very same old lady I saw in the corridor outside the operating room.

I have to be honest I'm quite scared this old lady could be some kind of psycho for all I know, although still I gathered my courage and stepped a little closer. I asked, "Hello Madam, may I help you?"

She chucked "Absolutely not"

With a short pause, she spoke again "but on the other hand, I…can help you"

After saying those words she quickly took a step forward.

My heart jumped from the sudden movement and I was almost tempted to sprint from fear and shock. However, I gathered my composure and calmly ask "with what ma'am?"

"I can help you find the person you are looking for"

I knitted my brows in confusion.

"But I'm not looking for anyone-"

"But of course you are, he's missing after all", she said cutting me off before I have the chance to finish.

I hesitated for a moment, as I tried to make sense of her words.

But then like a train hitting a car, it occurred to me.

My father had been gone for a very long time now, could it be that this old lady knows something about his whereabouts.

I opened my mouth to speak but couldn't find the right words to say therefore I just closed it again like a gaping fish out of the water.

Then I relived the horrible memory twelve years ago, about the ship my father was working on sank. After the incident we never saw him again, not a shadow, not a body, not even a piece of clothing reached home. Just a piece of dreadful news, broken hearts, and tears stained eyes of his friend brave enough to tell us the events that occurred. However because my father's body was never found, my mother and I hold on… to the tiniest glimmer of hope. That my father is alive and is yet to find his way home, but after the years I knew everything was true and we are just yet to let go.

A small chuckle brought me back to reality, as I look at the old lady all my hope and longing from a past long forgotten one again resurface. She could be the answer we've been seeking, the miracle that we've been waiting for.

After a few more moments of silence, shock, and realization: I finally spoke again.

"Where is he? Is he alive? Is he alright? Why did you wait for this long to tell us?"

The old lady chucked once more as if testing my patience, then she spoke "His alive and doing quite well, TOO well if I may. However, I'm not telling you where he is"

At that moment I almost have had enough and snap "WHAT?! BUT YOU SAY YOU'LL HELP ME?!" I shouted furiously.

The old lady only wiggled her right index.

"Ah… but the help was by telling you his alright and that he is alive. His location however is another matter"

She's playing with me and I know it, therefore I decided to stay calm and wait.

"But of course I could lead you to him, for a price of course" she finished.

Of course, why am I not surprised.

"Name your price" I answered as I took out my check from my handbag.

She eyed me and said "Don't mock me, girl… Money is not what I'm after"

I scoffed "Then what? Ask away and I will give it to you"

"The payment is not to be collected at this moment, however in due time I will and when that moment comes I do hope you are ready," she said almost victoriously. She stepped closer and extended her bony right hand "shake my hand to seal the deal"

With helpless longing and a judgment clouded with pride and anger. I shook her hand.

I knitted my brows and said "It's a deal then"

"Here, take this locket and the person you're looking for have the same one" she handed me a locket with a red teardrop-shaped gem in the middle.

Confused I looked up to the old lady, only to find out that she was gone.

Suddenly the all of the cars in the parking lot started blaring and with their flashing lights and loud noise. I closed my eyes and covered my ears.

I felt myself collapsing...

And when I finally came to, I was laying on the ground.

As I stand back up, for a moment I stood in silence and shock. I can't help but think either I'm dreaming or am I drunk.

It took a moment for everything to register in my mind.

I… I'm in a totally different place.

I'm no longer in the parking lot. It would seem that I'm in a different country.

But something is telling me that, that wasn't the case. The people around me are wearing either a fine suit or an extravagant gown.

I could only bit my lips in confusion, worry, and a question in mind.

What in the world have I gotten myself into?