Chereads / ANCESTRY / Chapter 3 - Chapter 2

Chapter 3 - Chapter 2


Jack stood over the burning body of Vivian. Her screams as her flesh turned into burned meat was serenading to Jack's ears. He stood poised, pouring more gasoline to the untamable flame that was Vivian's body. His sinister smile reflected his soulless eyes, slightly glowing, void, like he was far away from this world.

"You should count yourself lucky that he chose you as his living sacrifice, your life has served a greater purpose" Jack quoted mechanically to the writhing Vivian.

"He considered it symbolic to be burned at the altar, in front of the image of Christ you devotedly worship" Jack laughed, an empty laugh, different from his lively healthy laugh.

As the flames that consumed Vivian's body died down, the empty church was embraced by shadows as it formerly was. As the last cries of Vivian were released, the doors of the church burst open.

"Jack, what have you done?" Chris and Max surged forward to check on their friend lying lifeless. "You're too late. Her soul has been gladly accepted".

Max rushed towards Jack and punched him square in the face, drawing blood. Jack fell to the floor, his sadistic laugh filling the church. "Chris, call the police" Max counted his words as he spoke as if he was trying to tame his surfacing anger, he glared at Jack as he continued his laugh.

"They are on their way, she called them as I chased her inside the church" Jack said in between sinister laughs. "What is wrong with him? He's acting so strange", Chris said looking at Jack quizzically. "You call burning someone alive strange!? He's a psychopath" Max shouted at no one in particular.

The only source of light in the church being the doors left ajar was suddenly flooded with flashes of red and blue lights and the familiar police siren. They rushed into the new crime scene.

The look of disgust as they glanced at Vivian's roast body was too obvious. Their line of sight shifted from the smoking body to the three boys. A firm muscular officer who wore the name tag Hank walked towards Jack on the floor as he drew forth his handcuffs. He wrapped it around his hands as he lifted him from the floor.

As Hank moved towards him, his empty, soulless eyes were filled with an emotion that was hard to miss, fear.

"What did I do? I demand to know what I did to be cuffed". They all stared at him like he had lost his mind. Jack screamed for their help as he was dragged out of the church by the remaining officers.

Chris and Max were ushered out of the church by the police as they taped the premises with yellow bands signifying a crime scene. Max and Chris stood in confusion as Jack was thrown into the backseat of the car.

The only question in both their minds was how could someone switch from empty and sadistic to fearful and scared like he was possessed.