The Shadow Walker landed in the parking lot of the hospital on the third level as the band hurried to get off they found themselves surrounded by reporters
Yongjae immediately got on the mic in the cockpit asking them to clear a path as Daisuke and the boys surrounded the girls to move through the crowd to enter the doors of the hospital
"my gosh they are acting worse than pigs out there!" Zane said disgust as they safely made it inside leaving the noisy reporters outside
"if this were anyone else it wouldn't be headline news," Melody said
"it's only because Sienna is involved, the baby and the mother they aren't celebrities"
"anyways let's go find out where she is," Sienna said
calling her dad as they stood in the hospital lobby nurses and patients coming and going around them, the smell of a sterilized medical facility was the universal antiseptic chemical scent that irritated the senses,