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The New Champions

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Chapter 1 - Happy Birthday Angel

Angel slowly stepped into the overly decorated room peering intently at the balloons and steamers strewn throughout.

"Happy birthday YOU," Novalee yelled, grabbing angels shoulder.

Angel stood still watching the decorations twist and turn. Her eyes began swelling with tears and her lip curled in disdain.

Angels eyes darted to the opposite side of the room where streams of multi colored lights began floating shaped like little angels.

"Happy B-Day Angie,," Angel began to chuckle as tears flowed down her face, "I didn't mean to make you cry I'm sorry I just thought you'd like a cool nickname or something-"

"Making girls cry like usual Malakai?" Vector stepped around the corner with a wide smile on his face.

"Wha-No-No I was just giving her a cool nickname because it's her birthday and a lot of change it happening and-

"Okay buddy," Vector interrupted gesturing for Malakai to calm down, "Angel happy birthday and I'm sorry I didn't know what to get you so I got you this," Vector said reaching into his pocket and pulling out a single bullet, "Tada, I mean it even has your name on it," Vector said showcasing the bullet, "I know it isn't much of a gift but if ya ever need it...well I mean if you ever don't want to be an angel for a day I guess."

"Okay okay enough of the lame gifts already  girly I got you something amazing," Novalee chimed, pulling Angel to the side and pressing her hands together. A small gift box appeared as her hands unclasped, "This my dear is the gift of all gifts." Angel grabbed the box and began unraveling the wrapping. The sides of the box flopped open and in its place a small floating light.

"Nova," angel gasped, "Is this?"

"The star you always stare at at night...yes indeed it is." Novalee playfully affirmed.

"How did you-

"Well I had to call in some favors with some astrologist and then find the exact coordinates and after all of that it was just a matter of grabbing it out of space ya know technically that things a pocket planet but I mean star sounds cooler right." Novalee smiled hugging angel.

"Thank you girly." Angel said softly embracing novalee.

"Always girly." Novalee responded.

"OH COME ON! , Vector yelled in defeat, "YOU CAN'T BEAT A DAMN STAR." Vector walked away throwing his hands up in frustration.

"I would've got a star too but I just slept through the night so I couldn't get one." Malakai folded his arms trying to hide his lie.

"Thank you all so much," Angel cooed looking around the room. A sudden look of confusion ran across her face as she noticed someone was missing, "Wait....where's Isaiah." Angel asked, scanning the room.

"Oh yeah he wanted us to tell you to meet him up top." Malakai said about to slice a piece of angels cake.

"MALAKAI," Novalee yelled, "Not until angel gets a slice."

"Wha-Dude she doesn't even like cake." Malakai says with a mouth full of cake. He looks at angel and immediately is filled with regret, "Wait now I feel bad."

"You should...jerk." Novalee barked.

"It's fine nova let him have some cake." Angel smiled as she began walking toward the steps.

"Don't forget I got you a star whatever he gets you won't beat my star." Novalee called.

"I won't forget I promise." Angel responded chuckling at novalee.

Angel slowly made her way up the stairs and as she reached the top step she looked over to see a empty table with lit candles scattered around it. The table had many beautiful flowers decorating it and two chairs sat off the sides.

"Awe...." Angel cooed as tears began to swell in her eyes again. Angel began towards the table that had been beautifully decorated. In the center of the table was the movik helmet. Angel picked up the helmet and inside was a note.

On a nearby rooftop Isaiah was sitting in the shadows watching angel as she pulled the note out of the helmet. He placed his hand over the small communicator in his ear, "She has the note guys," Movik muttered wiping sweat away from his head. "Don't panic you got this," Sasha max replied. "I gave her a star." Novalee responded. "You got this kid don't worry," Vector chimed. "I think I lost my damn book again," Malakai said. Movik rolled his eyes in annoyance, "Dude shes about to-

"Shhhh shes reading it," Novalee chimed.

Dear Angel,

I wanted to say happy birthday but you know how I get when I try to speak. You are amazing in every way and I really wanted to give you something special so here's my helmet. Well my old helmet but it still means a lot. You were the first person able to crack it. I don't entirely know where it came from or how it works but it's been with me my entire life and seeing it cracked finally made me realize something, and that something is that I am not immortal in this suit. Which is scary but after everything I've been through with you, almost dying, being exploded by a giant grenade, the weird pharoah people, it all made me finally get that It's okay to be vulnerable. I love you Angel.

A sudden gust of wind caused angels shirt to rustle. "I love you Angel."Isaiah said stepping up behind angel, "I'm sorry I could never say that before."

"This is perfect Isaiah all of this is beautiful," Angel said gripping Isaiah helmet slightly harder, "I mean it's just so much to take in", Angel began to breath harder and more rapid trying to expel so much sudden emotion from her body, "Its all such a lot and it means so much to me and I want to just say what I mean-

"Angel," Isaiah tried to interrupt before angel explodes.

"I just don't want to ruin anything and I want to just say it I need to just say it I don't know why I can't just-

Isaiah walked up to angel grabbing her tightly gripped hand, "Isaiah what I'm trying to say is", Isaiah suddenly pressed his lips against angels. Like a fire dancing in the wind the two went back and forth exchanging kisses.

"YES!" Novalee yelled through the headset. The yell was so loud it caused isaiahs earpiece to ring in a high pitch.

"Ah dammit," Isaiah cursed knocking the earpiece out, "My ear!"

Angel picked up the earpiece and then looked over to Isaiah grinning slightly. "Earpiece huh?"

"Angel no I was jus-

Angel put the earpiece in her ear, "Hello everyone." She said.

"Oh shit guys she knows CODE RED." Max yelled as angels voice cane through the communicator.

Malakai, Novalee, and Vector began squirming and running like chickens with their heads cut off. Malakai ran into a portal. Vector shot an zip arrow into the wall and leaped out the window. Max looked at novalee and she began to head toward the window vector leaped out of.

"HEY what about me?" Max asked.

"Oh uh can only hold one." Novalee rushed jumping out the window.

"Shit." Max whispered to himself gathering his things and rushing toward the door.

On the roof top angel is smiling at Isaiah. "You aren't mad...are you?" Isaiah asked in confusion.

"No Isaiah I'm not...I am a little concerned now about how they think I am when I'm angry." Angel laughed.

Isaiah smiled along with angel, "It's actually quite scary."

Angel and Isaiah laughed for a moment and a sudden burst of vibrations ran over angel. Angel looked up at Isaiah with widened eyes and Isaiahs movik suit instantly covered his body. From behind angel infernus appeared emitting a light so bright it blinded isaiahs eyes. "ANGEL MOVE!" Isaiah yelled using his shadow hand to pull angel forward just as infernus blasted him with a beam of fire sending him flying back into a wall. Angel stumbled onto the ground landing on her side. Movik smashed into the wall cracking it bad and hitting the ground on his stomach. Infernus charged toward movik but angels tendrils sprang from her back grabbing his feet and slamming him into the ground. Infernus was lifted into the air and slammed into the ground again and again until he pressed his fingers into the rooftop so hard he broke the concrete and gripped it. The tendrils tried to lift him again but it didn't work and infernus' hands nova'd the ground creating a blast of fire so powerful it destroyed the rooftop like glass causing angel, movik, and himself to fall through.

On the ground novalee, max, vector, and Malakai hear the explosion causing them to all turn to look at the building. The streets combust in panic as smoke began rising from the building and debris began to fall onto the streets.

"Are Isaiah and angel still up there?" Max panics running toward the building.

Vector grabs hold of Max pulling him back. "What are you doing." Vector asks sternly.

"Who could've found us?" Malakai yells running toward the building.

"I don't know," Novalee replies holding out her hand, "Malakai boost." Novalee yells as she makes a piece of debris fly toward Malakai.

Malakai yells a spell and jumps as the debris slides under his feet. He bounces off of the debris launching high into the air. Novalee holds out her hand and debris from the ground begins forming stairs beneath her feet as she runs up the building.

"Let me go isaiahs up there-

"And what do you plan on doing, huh." Vector asks pushing him back again.

"I can do this I can help LET ME GO-

Another giant piece of debris begins to fall onto the ground vector looks up and blast the debris into bits with his gun. Vector looks at max who is just shielding his body with his hands. "Just stay here kid please I don't want you getting hurt." Vector pleads as another explosion rings from the building.

Vector turns around and began running toward the building. He pulls his wrist down and a zip rope flys into the upper level of the building and he goes flying upward. Anger and fear washed over Max's face as he watched vector take off.



Isaiah began coughing as he came back conscious from the fall. All around him debris and fire cluttered his blurry view. He slowly rolled on his stomach to see infernus covered in smog slowly walking towards him. Isaiah began trying to rise up on his arms.

"Down dog!", Infernus yells slamming his foot into isaiahs back making him drop back onto the ground, "You won't be walking away from this." Infernus spat menacingly.

"Get off me." Isaiah puffed through his heavy breathing.

"Or what?" Infernus said slightly grinning.

"Yo!" A voice yelled from behind infernus.

Infernus turned sharply only to have a foot slam into the side of his face making him stumble over himself. Flames engulfed Infernus' hands as he blasted fire around the room and another kick came seemingly out of no where.

"Where the hell are you!" Infernus barked turning in circles looking for the mysterious attacker.

"Sup fire boy." Vector stood behind infernus tall and confident with his mask on.

Infernus turned quickly to face vector blasting a cluster of flames at him. The flames plumed against vector and dispersed like they were blasting against a mirror. Vector stood untouched.

"Oh you thought I'd actually just stand there what is this a superhero movie?" Vector said jokingly.

In a corner novalee is picking up debris off of angel who is starting to recover from the fall. Isaiah is also beginning to recover.

"Of course you couldn't face me like a man." Infernus growled.

"Hmph." Vector shrugged punching the air making the mirror shatter in front of him.

Infernus blasted the broken mirror but hit nothing and from behind him vector punched his back making infernus tumble forward. Infernus turned around just as vector was sending another massive punch toward him and he dodged. Vectors fist sailed into the wall next to infernus as he swiftly stepped out of the way making the concrete burst into tiny bits. Infernus grabbed his hand and slammed vector into the wall making it crack. Infernus' hand began to engulf in flames as he charged his super nova. Infernus' hand began to sail into vectors chest but was stopped abruptly. Infernus turned around to see angel holding his arms back.

"The look on your face right now infernus is priceless." Vector chuckled as novalee ran to the side of infernus holding both of her hands up and in one swift motion sent him flying into a wall. Bricks began wrapping around infernus like water and burying him in the wall. Malakai appeared in front of infernus smiling. "Hey buddy I actually just learned this little thing a couple of minutes ago it's from a movie crazy right?"

Infernus supernovad the wall making the bricks burst and slam into Malakai sending him flying backward and landing on his back. Infernus saw novalee begin walking toward him so he launched himself toward the ground but was seamlessly picked up by novalees powers. Angel charged into infernus tossing him through the building into the street.

"Good to see you're back in commission." Vector said popping his shoulder back into place.

A whirlwind of smoke swirled up from the floor and Malakai appeared on the side of angel. "Nova where's movik." Malakai asked.

Angel looked around and then suddenly was almost knocked down by a gust of dark wind.

"Isaiah..." Angel whispered holding out her hand as the shadow floated out of her hand like sand.

Novalee, Vector, and Malakai all leaped out of the building to see Isaiah standing in front of infernus holding max by the back of the head.

"INFERNUS!" Isaiah yelled as his body began to slowly become smoke.

Vector, angel and Novalee all walked to Isaiahs side. Novalee stepped forward clenching her hands together.

"Infernus if you fucking hurt him I will RIP YOU IN HALF!" Novalee yelled while tears began to swell in her eyes.

"NOVA NO!" Max yelled as he saw novalee rise into the air.

"Go ahead and try sweetheart I'd love to dance with you next." Infernus replied.

Novalee rose off the ground but was stopped by  Isaiah. "Stand down nova." Isaiah asked.

Novalee concentrated her eyes on infernus as she lowered herself to the ground. Vector trained his gun on infernus' head, "Yo kid can you do some sorta magic trick." Vector asked. "Yeah I just-

Malakai began to reach for his book but it wasn't attached to his hip like it usually is.

"My-My book." Malakai gasped.

"You all wanna know what really makes for a good show?" Infernus asked, "Fire Magic."

Isaiah faded into shadow as he rushed toward Infernus. Vector began shooting directly at infernus' head and angel launched herself at full speed in his direction. A giant cyclone of fire swirled around infernus and max and then bursted sending a wave of flames out making the entire team fly backward.

Isaiah shot up from the ground using his powers to make the smoke clear. "Max." Isaiah said noticing that max and infernus had vanished.