Chereads / why is everyone dead in this world too? / Chapter 1 - before the world is over

why is everyone dead in this world too?

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Chapter 1 - before the world is over

before I was just a stoner and a huge nerd I mean huge in two different ways. one being I was big into comics/anime/Korean dramas/video games

whatever if u can think of it I was into it.

way number 2

I was a giant at least that's how I see it.

really I was only 6-5 but I always felt bigger than that . I know it was in my head but I couldn't help it I felt like a freak.

so I was always hunched in a corner with my ginormous head in a book.

I never made freinds cause unfortunately my step brother Josiah was a wannabe skinhead racist asshole and I didn't wanna subject anyone to that level of stupidity.

around the time I'm telling you about I had just turned 17 and like I said before I was tall

i had long messy black hair,hazel colored eyes uneven facial hair which I tried to keep short,and my glasses were always broken (I was worse than harry potter) stupid glasses repair spell so jealous.

I usually wear cargo pants and some kind of anime t shirt.

anyway let's get back to the story.

at this point I didn't even bother going home cause since I was a big guy my brother would make me fight in the back yard while he and his loser freinds bet on me.

if I would lose they would get together,and beat the shit out of me.

but the last time I fought I got hit upside the head and went blind for a couple of minutes. it was so scary that I never wanted to fight again so I just didn't go home anymore and I slept outside on top of rooftops and under trees wherever I could find that I felt safe.

eventually I found this shed in the the woods not too far from my school it was really dirty and had a wasp's nest inside.i found out how to relocate a nest without hurting them(thank u YouTube) and cleaned the place up.

now I felt like I had my own little house .

it really shouldn't have made me happy as it did but that ramshackle little shed felt like the first good luck I had in awhile.

i survived on sour berries and barely edible mushrooms and food I dug out of the trash.

even though I didn't have to I still went to school as much as I could even though the kids said I stunk and my clothes were dirty and torn.

there was this one guy this annoying little Mexican kid named dimond like his parents wanted to name him diamond and,didn't know how to spell it right but he was small he only came up to my chest height.

he kept bothering me and bothering over and over.he was relentless so I grabbed the back of his head and shoved it into a locker.

i Immediately regretted it he was bleeding so much and balling his eyes out.

I'd never seen someone cry so much I felt really bad so I took him to the nurse's office.

when he told her I was the one who broke his nose I was suspended,but of course they called my "home".

my dad wasn't home(he hardly ever was )and my stepmom couldn't be bothered.

so guess who came to pick me up.

I thought I would get a beating but Josiah was happy I beat up a little Mexican kid he was being nicer to me than he had ever been

but I just wanted to get as far away from him as possible. I was thinking about opening the car door and rolling like they do in the movies ,but he pulled into a drive through and I decided against it.

after all it had been a while since I had real food(that wasnt half eaten trash) I ordered a link basket hot links and beans with fries toast and a drink.

while I was hunched over in his tiny car having possibly the best meal of my entire life. Josiah was talking about how he needed my help cause

one of his loser freinds some dude nicknamed sherlock dropped out of college and was wholed up in a crackhouse.

Josiah was worried that he would die there and none of his loser freinds would help get him out.

he knew I could fight and had been looking for me so when the school called he came running.

normally he wouldn't have bothered.

I didn't really wanna help him but he bought me food and I didn't want anybody to die even one of his loser freinds so I told him give me enough money to eat well every day and dont make me go back home and I would help.

he even smoked some weed with me it had been a while since I had smoked.

he said we would go tomorrow night as soon as it's dark. so I asked him to take me back to the school cause I was staying near there with a friend (I didn't want him to find my shed) after he left I made my way back too the shed. I didn't have much since I moved too the shed.some library books a journal and some blankets to sleep on it's not much but it was mine but when I got there I heard people laughing and making a lot of racket so I threw myself to the ground and crawled forward to se what was going on .

there was four guys and a black girl who looked maybe 15 or 16 she was crying but somehow she looked pissed off at the same time (if looks could kill) her hands were tied behind her back her clothes were torn and one of them was pulling her along by her hair.

she started to yell for help but one of them a redneck looking dude with a mullet pulled a knife out of his Jean jacket and said yell again and he would cut off her ear and with a quiet sob she shut up.

another of them a blond guy in sunglasses and a red hoodie

started to say man are we lucky to find this little shed in the woods now we can play with this bitch as much as we want and he started to reach for her tits but mullet wasnt having it and smacked him upside the head so hard his sunglasses broke.

he said she's mine you losers can have her when I'm done and he picked her up by the hair and dragged her into my shed.

I was hesitant at first because there were four of them but after mulletboy took her in the shed the other three spread out to keep watch. So I steeled myself and circled around the shed one of them had gone around the back to take a piss an Asian looking guy in a striped tank top I snuck behind him and kick him in the middle of his back while he was still pissing on a tree he was knocked into it and immediately tried to pull his pants up and while he was doing that I pretended his head was a soccer ball and kicked it into the tree ass hard as I could and he was out cold with his pants still down(hopefully he wasn't dead)

so I circled back around keeping low to the ground. red hoodie was nowhere to be seen damn where did he go? the other guy was sitting by the entrance to the shed smoking a cigar he looked kinda asian too maybe pants down was his brother?

he was wearing shorts and a basketball Jersey and had a shaved head.

I still didn't know where red hoodie was but I thought oh well fuck it and I casually walked up to baldy bro and said hi

he saw me and dropped his cigar started yelling at me get out of here you fucking pussy

your not welcome here .

so I said actually this is my house and your trespassing

so baldy bro ran at me trying to throw a punch

and I grabbed his fist and and his forearm and swung him into the side of the shed (maybe that will make mulletboy come out)

as baldy bro was trying to get up I stepped on the back of his neck and told him I would break it if he didn't call out to his friends.

right then red hoodie dropped out the tree above me and landed right on my back

cruuuunch my foot when down into baldy bros neck(oh no I didn't mean to) red hoodie was trying to choke me but I flexed the muscles in my neck and reached up and pulled red hoodie down on to the ground red hoodie looked up at me and said hey I know you your Josiahs little stepbrother(of course Josiah knew these losers)I wont forgot this he said and he ran off as fast as he could.

I step over baldy bro(sorry dude)who was staring right through me like I wasnt even there. and opened up the sheds door(I hope I'm not too late) I walk in and the girl is huddled in the corner clutching on to a bloody library book.

she already covered up mulletboy with one of my blankets. I hold up my hand and say calm down I wont hurt u this is my shed your holding my library book. I bent down to look under the blanket and see mulletboys face is smashed in(I guess I am too late)I gather up my library books and journal and say to the girl come on we can't be here when I call the cops.

i ask her do you have somewhere to go cause I dont I was living in that shed and she nods her head yes and wearily makes her way out of the shed I try to put my hand on her shoulder to comfort her but she jerks away from me and trips over baldybro.

looks at him with her eyes wide but dosen't say a word and I say I didn't mean to I wasnt trying to hurt him that much.

i ask her name but she dosen't answer so I offer my hand to help her up.

she looks at it for a while before reaching up to take it.

as I pull her up she quietly so quietly I almost can't hear her she says my name is becca.

I say well becca is it okay if I come with u cause I have nowhere else to go and she just nods her head.

we start to walk away and I feel a sharp pain in my back I turn around and see pants down standing there(well I guess he woke up and he finally managed to pull his pants up) he looks scared out of his mind and has blood running down his face.

he has another knife in his hand and as hes standing there shaking

I try to reach around and pull the other knife out of my back but can't reach it.

I feel another sharp pain and turn to see becca pulled the knife out.

I turn back and suddenly pants down runs and jumps on me knocking me down as he slashes my arm.

I grab the hand the knife is in and just barely stop him from stabbing me again.

just as I start to think this is the end that I I'm going to be killed by pants down. im holding his knife hand with both hands and,he's punching me as hard as he can with his other hand.

suddenly he let's go and starts to turn around before going limp and slumps down on top of me .I see his other knife sticking out of the side of his neck and just as my vision goes dark I hear becca yelling my name(she knows my name?)

I finally slip into a deep blissful sleep with a smile on my face.


chapter one

part two


naeus renaud? NAEUS RENAUD!!!

becca dewulji yells hoping hes not dead

(please dont be dead) she went to the same school she was actually only two lockers away when naeus slammed dimonds head in the locker that was why she knew his name after that everybody knew his name.

it's no use he's out cold(what I'm I going to do)

she dragged the dead asian guy off him.

he was still bleeding from his forearm so she ripped off some fabric from her dirty dress.

she wrapped it around his arm and tied it tight. (if he'd hadn't come alond she probably wouldn't have been able to get away from those other lowlifes.)

the guy with the mullet had heard the commotion outside . he had just untied her.

he was holding down both her hands with one hand and licking her neck(creepy fucker)while starting to lift up her dress with the other.

when he heard what was going on outside he let her go so she grabbed the closest thing she could a thick hardback book about tips for wilderness survival.

she kicked him in the balls and he fell over right then she heard something slam up against the shed and got scared so,she wasted no time set up and brought the heavy book down on the bastards head.

she didn't stop until he stopped twitching,too afraid to go outside. she tried the get as far away from the door as she could but the shed was small and this didn't do her much good .

she still clutching the bloody library book

when the door opened and out of nowhere in walked the gentle giant(which is what kids at school were calling naeus because he took dimond to the nurse's office after breaking his face.

now in the forest wrapping up his arm she couldn't help but wonder who the hell is this guy?

when he said he accidentally killed one of those asswholes there was a look of deep misery in his eyes .

but when she killed that other guy to save him

she didn't feel a shred of remorse for the worthless punk.

on the contrary she felt powerful when she stabbed the guy in the neck.

right as she was thinking about this

naeus started flailing around and talking in his sleep( I can't see I'm blind please

somebody help I can't see he mumbled over and over again.)

she lifted his head held him in her arms and ran her fingers through his messy black hair he immediately stop tossing about.(she thought to herself he seems so strong but i guess everyone has nightmares)

after he calmed down she got up and grabbed his under arms proceeding to drag him away from the shed and all the bodies.(man he's fucking heavy)

once she was far enough away becca called her friend tansy to come pick them up,she said the gentle giant helped her with some peice of shit punks but he got injured and passed out.

she couldn't go home in the state she was in all banged up with her dress torn( her dad would never let her leave the house again)

and she definitely couldn't bring home an unconscious boy with knife wounds.

so she called tansy) her was name was

short for tantsija which is Russian for dancer.

her parents were rich and they were almost never home she had red hair and pale freckled skin.

she also had a rare condition where her eyes were two different colors one was blue and one was green.

tansy said why dont you call ambulance?

let them deal with it.

no he was going to call the police before he passed out but I decided against it .

I wanna deal with it myself u know if my dad finds out I was attacked hell probably lock me in a tower.

tansy said yeah I get you your dad is way too overprotective let me change clothes and I'll be there soon.

becca said they were at the edge ofthe woods near the school hung up and sat down pick up the unconscious boys head placed it her lap and went back to stroking his messy black hair.

about twenty minutes later tansy vinderwaden pulled up in her van it had a bunch of different shirtless musclebound dudes painted on the side.

she had specifically asked her parents for a van even though they offered to get her a convertible.

she even painted it herself every time her mom and dad saw it she took pleasure in the pained look in their eyes.

she got out of the van to help becca with naeus

with her she brought a first aid kit she had stopped and bought at a pharmacy but the first thing she did was was start teasing becca about the fact she was holding a boy in her arms.

she even started to sing the sitting in tree song

before becca started to pick up pine cones off the ground and throw them at her.

easily dodging them with a smile on her face (she thought silently to herself good I got her to smile )becca looked so worried for naeus when she walked up that it hurt her heart to see her like that.

though tansy was small for her age at only

4 ft 7 she was older than becca in fact she was only a couple of months from turning 18.

worried about becca she started to check her freind for injuries but becca pushed her away saying help him first .

rolling her eyes tansy obliges first unwrapping the dirty dress bandage and cleaning the wounds.

becca says he was also stabbed in the back

tansy tries to turn him over but hes too heavy so she asks becca to help her do it.

she goes to left up his shirt but sees its matted to his back with dried blood so she has to cut his shirt off seeing the muscles of his back she whistled while running her dainty little hands across his back (damn I should paint him on the side of my van).

TANSY! a flustered becca yells at her shameless friend .

she snaps out of it and goes back to cleaning the wound.

after cleaning the wound she and becca just barely manage to get him in the van and proceed to go back to her house.