In the realm of the demons, during one of their light skirmish games.
The crowd roared!
Two sides in the vast arena clashing with sheild and fist!
The thwaking of fist against wood and flesh, the spilt blood from battered foes! Oh how delightful it was to the crowd, they roared with partial anger and greed for more!
How could they not?!
The favorite sport of the demons in this region was field wrestle! A series of formations deployed with shield and fist. Some games had blunt, sharp or magic. Most of the time it was a brutal beat down. The other game modes were just to freshen up the crowd before the real brawls between great powerful demons began.
The Strung Jaws and Willy Whack Legs really went at it.
Punching down their enemy in a mad rush for the other end!
During the second quarter the Strung jaws drew clubs! But the Willy Whack Legs put on steel boots!