A swirling swish of nine rising liches arced across the static. Events and memories blending rapidly before fading out as another replaces them.
Thunder rumbled as foreign images came to mind.
The afterlife shifted with terrible quakes, souls shattered, pushed back from the veiled walls.
Three figures desperately standing against an endless black. Distorted muffles chilled the static, slowing their roll as the statix grew clear. Billions of symbols echoed and blured into static, their meaning lost to the tempest of the oncoming dreams.
With lost clarity the static roared back up in silent twirl, symbols blured into greyed color.
For which time felt conceptless and measurement lost.
An echo even greater than the static rumbled. Pushing the shifting blurs into the background as a blurred outline pressed against the tempest.
"×@_÷ \£, =÷?÷?,÷= \$.."