Chereads / Motivations For Destruction / Chapter 10 - It's a shame, but she will take care of you

Chapter 10 - It's a shame, but she will take care of you

More than half a month passed without much news after Prince Kenton's accident. The days passed normally. A too strange and unsuspected calm had settled not only in the castle but in the entire country.

Today the royal doctors will be visiting to give the diagnosis on the health of the Prince.

The queen and her entourage will appear to verify that everything is still in order. On the other hand, very early that morning ...

-Hahaha, more than 20 days without news, or medical visits and today it occurs to everyone. Goodbye to my vacation! Since you have no notion of the situation, I will give you a beautiful surprise..Oh what face will my little dolls make when that day comes? .. fiuu ♪ -

Whistling a tune considered hideous among those condemned to death and that he had learned completely in his travels, he waits for the guests to arrive while rocking in a chair with his feet on the table observing an old world map of the continent taped to the wall that bears marks red and black in certain places.

At an hour and a half the maids arrive and prepare everything for her madame and the doctors to enter. When they arrived, the queen stood to one side, astutely observing the work of the medical assistant who was trying to remove the plaster with great care. Once everything was removed, the arm area was cleaned, the doctor studies the condition of the prince with a special rectangular transportable device for X-rays and resonances, he issues the opinion with a gloomy face:

-Your Highness I am very afraid that your arm ....- without being able to finish the sentence, he turns to look at the queen who is with a smile that is not a smile, then at the Prince. He ducks his head and moves it from right to left, disapproving of any diagnosis.

[If I say it they will kill me, I can't, I won't ...]

Both the doctor and the assistants are hesitant to speak when suddenly the queen brings them out of their trance.

-What's wrong with his arm? Hohem answer me now! -

Trembling with fear, the doctor answers.

-The arm ... has been deformed, the humeral trochlea is almost faded and impairs the ability to hold a sword in the future or make efforts, and not only in this arm but apparently it is also wearing out in the other but more slowly. I do not know if it is due to the fact of having been inactive a little more than 20 days that he reached that irremediable condition or for whatever reason but he was not like that when I examined him the last time. It is an atypical case I have never seen this in my more than 30 years of work, at this rate practically the prince no longer ...-

-It's useless! Are you telling me that he no longer serves as a swordsman, is he useless?! -

-Your Majesty! That..-

-Enough! What more bad news will you give me today Hohem! -

Gnashing her teeth, the queen becomes anxious with rage and wishes to torture the medic and his assistants as she slowly approaches them. Ashley stops her and urges her to hear the last thing the doctor will say.

-Your Majesty, it is true that the Prince will never hold a sword again or can perform heavy work, he will have to use a prosthesis to function and thus not overload the elbow, I doubt that when the saint appears he can heal his arms by then, reconsider that the Prince is young and can assert himself in other ways. I swear that I will do everything I can to make it possible-

-My lady may be right, although the Prince is deprived of a swordsmanship ability, it is still possible that he supplants that lack with magic or constant study, there are 2 years left for the judgment of attributes and we do not know what special ability he will obtain that is useful, What do you think? - A panting Ashley expresses her opinion.


The queen stops the hand that was on the doctor Hohem's neck and thinks deeply about the new role she will give to the Prince who has become useless. She comes to the conclusion that she will let it pass for today.

They all leave, but not before warning the medical group that this would not be the case, that their heads would remain on their necks depending on the good health of the prince from now on. Once the room was left alone with the queen and her entourage, Sofia approached the Prince to whisper in her ear:

-You better try to put all of yourself from now on if you don't want to end up with a much worse punishment than last time-

Swallowing in front of his mother, the boy panicked and exclaimed:

-Yes ... yes mother I will try harder from now on-

-You better-

Sophia rejoined to retire, she was going to get that anger out today. She called one of her maids and said a word to her. It was an almost imperceptible request for those present but the stoic child in bed heard it more clearly than anyone.



The bells of the Vatican can be heard in the distance, it is already ten at night. As soon as they left, after a nap, Ray went to his new underground residence to wash and eat. Standing in front of the full-length mirror is a tall, stocky, handsome boy. He stretched his arms and began to shape them as he pleased. Between skinny and bony to a more corpulent and meaty one. He spends his time playing games and testing the extent of the changes he can make to his body.

-Today was a productive day they bought the disability scam, too bad the witch got ahead of me but on the other hand she will save me the work of ending Fersa and dedicating myself to others. So better to practice with everything tomorrow because he will arrive soon-

With this said, a smile calmed the angry face he had and went straight to sleep in his new bedroom.

Tark Fersa, is the name of the only sword master in the continental south and commander of the holy knights of the kingdom. A handsome man who was appointed as an instructor to both Princes at the request of the queen with whom he was deeply in love, even giving the woman a vow of loyalty. Despite having a family, he became one of the many lovers Sophia had. She instead used him more as a mere puppet for her entertainment.

Fersa blindly followed every unbalanced request of her beloved, to the point that she pampered Prince Lucas and wreaked havoc against Prince Kenton when it came to training. Fersa got to transfer the hatred and disgust that Sophia felt towards Kenton based on beatings and blows. I wanted to create the perfect shield for Lucas to emerge from the attacks by brainwashing the poor boy, a perfect weapon for Sophia and Lucas exclusively use.

It was this instructor who faked his own death and let Kenton carry the murder charge with the motive of wanting to get rid of those who opposed him, he was also the man who personally transferred him to the prison that would become his underworld for 4 years.

Trochlea: it is the joint in the form of a pulley that allows an adjacent bone to rotate in the same plane.