James , Lilly , snape , Lucius , Narsicca , tom are childhood best friends they were the golden 5 of the Hogwarts .
James Lilly and Lucius Narsicca got married immediately after they graduate .
All the friends always get together whenever they get chance they are always with each other no matter what .
Then and unfortunate thing happenes to them James Lilly are killed by Lilly's muggel sister petunia and Vernon for property as they come to know that how rich they are .
James Lilly's son Harry Potter become orphan and the dursleys try to get his custody to make him their servant and have all the property .
But snape caught their lies and prove in muggle court that they are the murderer so the dursleys went to jail .
Snape adopted harry and the story of his beautiful life being .
( J. k. Rowling is the only person who have the rights on harry Potter i just write a fan fiction on it )