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Mysterious Within

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Naomi Jones, a somewhat typical teenage spy, is fighting to uncover the mysterious murders of her parents and fellow best friend. Time is wasting, Villians are at a large, and Betrayal is deep! Unusual is to be awakened and unraveled, and Trust is to be gain and broken. Join her as she uncovers all of the past, present, and future Mysteries Within! Japanese Translation (Sorry if I get anything wrong, Im frankly only a beginner when it comes to kanji and hiragana, but I've been practicing. If you're Japanese or you're a different ethnicity and happen to know the language, don't hesitate to commute and correct me.) やや典型的な10代のスパイ、ナオミジョーンズは、両親と親友の謎の殺人事件を暴くために戦っています。時間は浪費され、ヴィリアンは広く、裏切りは深い!異常は目覚め、解き放たれることであり、信頼は益を得て壊されることです。過去、現在、未来のすべてのミステリーが明らかになるので、彼女に加わってください!

Table of contents


Chapter 1 - Prologue

The sirens wailed in the distance as the Ten-Year-old young girl stood there motionless, clutching her black scarf with one hand. Detectives and Cops swarmed around the crime scene as if it were a rebellious protest. Naomi Jones was the little girl's name. Her blood-stained nightgown told the tails of the horror that recurred this night. Even now, as the sounds of the sirens blared in her ears, all she could visualize was the sound of her mother's scream. And her father screaming for her to run, as the assassin murders him—the snarky smile on the killers' face as he and his compatriots stare her down. "Don't take it personally, kid, your parents, were bound to be annihilated one of these days. It was only a matter of time before it happened, and you the same. And as much as I would hate to kill you, too bad, your fate lies the same." The shaken Naomi stood, listening to the man's toxic voice. The Criminal motions to one of his cronies, which causes the other to pull out a pistol. He pinpoints it in her direction; the red laser darts her heart as if it were a target.

"Na- Naomi? 実行してください(Jikkō shite kudasai) (Please Run!)" She hears her mother say. Her voice barely above a whisper, as she tries to pronounce more words. "Eh? So the Japanese Bitch is still alive? I would've thought you would've been dead by now." The leader states, walking over to where her mother laid. He takes a puff of his cigar and lets out a massive breath of smoke before grabbing a handful of her mother's hair. She lets out a whimper as the blood drips from her chin. He forcefully turns her face to face his own and tells her, "It's such a shame. A beautiful bitch like you met with such a horrible fate." He then turns his head back to Naomi, who's looking at the scene before her. One of his affiliates has moved in behind her blocking the door, so her chances of escape were dim.

Naomi scans her mother, the gunshot wound, and the stain print of blood that pooled out of it. She watches as the Man forcefully drops her, and she lets out a painful grunt as she lands. "Please! Don't kill my daughter!" Her mother pleas. Her voice booms as she bows her head praying, "神に彼女を生きさせてくだ(Kami ni kanojo o iki sasete kudasai) (Please God don't kill my daughter!)" The man pulls out his pistol, pointing it towards her Mother. "神はあなたを助けることができませんあなたの信仰はすでに封印されています(Kami wa Anata o tasukeru koto ga dekimasen Anata no shinkō wa sudeni fūin sa rete imasu) (God can't help you. Your faith is already sealed.)" The shots are detonated. The brains of her mother scatter over the walls.

"Mommy!!!!!!!!!" Naomi screams as she tries to rush to her mama's side. However, the man behind her grabs her. She thrashes and kicks him, but it doesn't hurt him. He just laughs at her until she bites him, then he throws her to the ground. "You damn Bitch! You bit me got damn!" He roars and kicks her in her side. The kick has so much force behind it that it causes her to roll. She could hear the leader laughing, making fun of his subordinate.

The distraction was all Naomi needs to make her move as she rolls under the table, making a run for the door. "Hey, stop the blasian bitch! She's making a run for it!" The leader screams, and she could hear the yells of the subordinates behind her. "Get back here!" One of them shouts.

She goes into the kitchen, grabbing the nearest knife, and hides in one of the pantries. She could hear the heavy footsteps approach as she clutches the knife closely. "Hey, I believe she went in here." One of them let's out. Naomi grips the blade, and even though she was scared. These bastards we're going to pay. All the training her father gave her wasn't going to waste. They were going to pay!

She could hear the cabinets and the other pantries open as they search for her.

She figured they would search this one too, so she hid between some boxes. While she was back there, she notices a box that wasn't meant to be in the kitchen. It was a bedroom box. She crawls to it, trying to make little to no commotion. When she reaches it, she opens the box and looks through it. She rummage's throughout the container; nothing was really in there except a few family pictures.

Then she notices something at the bottom of the box, a metal case, and she pulls it out. She unlatches the lock and opens it. The 34caliber shines as she pulls it out, and the bullets lay in the case. The gun was precisely what she needed—Daddy's firearm. She cocks the gun, and the loud noise shoes through the storage. "Hey, I think I heard something!" one of them says. He approaches the closet in which she is hiding. Naomi awaits behind a box as her target opens the door, and as soon as he does.....BANG! The bullet soars through the sky, blasting right through his temple. His body drops to the floor—Naomi steps over the dead body, but not before kicking him in the face.

Her eyes dead and expressionless as she was out of the storage. "Go, I heard a gunshot come from this way!" Naomi quickly hides behind the door, as one of them walks in. The knife which she had earlier, she grabs out of her pocket and slices his back ankles. He tumbles forward, gasping in pain as he clutches his ankles. "Son of a bitch!" He screams before he could regain the senses to look around the room or pull out his gun.

Naomi is already at his side; the knife pointed at his neck. "Don't, you'll regret it." Her voice is stone-cold as she tells him this. The man initially starts to laugh, telling her, "Little girl, you brought a knife to a gunfight. I can easily pull out this pistol and kill you." He continues to laugh, and Naomi presses the knife against his skin enough to draw some blood. "I wouldn't talk if I were you. Your gun is still in your pocket, so before you could even reach into it. I can honestly slit your throat. Don't underestimate my intelligence, scum." She says, pressing the blade even further profoundly. The man groaned in pain. "Who sent you? なぜあなたは私の両親を殺したのですか (Naze Anata wa Watashi no ryōshin o Kinoshita no desu ka?) (Why did you kill my parents?)" She asks.

When he does not reply, she steps in front of him. "Why do you not answer? Are you scared?" She says mockingly. This is the same man who had just been bragging about himself. Now, look at him, pitiful to her sight.

"I have no idea why we were sent to kill; you or your parents. The only thing that we were informed was you guys dispositions, nothing else." He says, glaring at her as he proceeds, "You and your parents were scheduled to perish. Your faith has already been decided; there's no running away from it."

For a few moments, the room was quiet. Naomi thought about his words, (Was there any truth to them? Were my parents that bad to the point where their lives had to be taken? No, no mistake that my parents were, in fact, good people, and they were set up by whoever hired these guys.) Her thoughts clouded her mind as she spoke to him, "There's no way our faith decided this for us! The person who chose this type of Faith for us was you, and the people who assisted you. I'm not going to let you guys get away with this! I'm going to kill every last one of you! I have decided your FAITH is already sealed. Now Die By The sword you put out!" Before the man could utter a response, Naomi glides the blade across his neck, slicing it open. The man takes ahold of his open wound as the blood leaks onto the floor. Some blood even managed to get on the girl's white gown and her cheek. She was out of the room, leaving the man struggling to stay alive.

(There's one more their leader the last one didn't seem to no much, but maybe this guy could tell me.) She thinks to herself as she's walking through the halls. She's trying to be silent as not to alert him. She would sometimes hide behind the walls when she would hear noises. As she continued to walk, she started to listen to voices. Had the Leader alerted back up? The thought alone made her chuckle. Was he that much of a coward? He must've sensed his two components hadn't returned and got worried. However, as she got closer, she could hear what seem to voices asserting. Except one seemed to be more petrified then the other.

"どのようにして少女に指を滑らせたのですか?(Dono yō ni shite shōjo ni yubi o subera seta nodesu ka?) ( How did you manage to let a little girl slip your fingers?)" She leaned behind the wall as she listens in on the conversation. Whoever was in the room with the man must be the one who set her family up. "申し訳ありませんが,私を殺さないでください(Mōshiwakearimasenga, watashi o korosanaide kudasai!) (I'm sorry, please Don't kill me!)" The man who's voice had been vile to her ears was now shaken to the core. "You know the rules, Blanka. You took the boss's money, blew it, and let one of your targets escape. You've broken your vow and smashed the boss's trust in you. I'm sorry, Blanka, but I can not allow you to live." Blanka pleads with the guy who Naomi learns is not the boss; however, he works for him.

"Wait!?" he screams to late Naomi hears the shots go off! (So, it goes way deeper than I believed.) She hears a door open, but still stays hidden. She didn't know if the guy had friends with him or not, so the smart thing was to hide until he leaves. "ええ,それは私が思ったよりも長くすみません.(E e, sore wa watashi ga omottayori mo nagaku sumimasen) Yea it's done, sorry it took way longer than I expected)", she hears the guy speak into the phone. He nears the corner where she's at and luckily, there are some stairs next to her. "いいえ,申し訳ありませんが,彼らはガキを逃がすことができましたが,心配する必要はありません.彼女は遠くに行くことができなかったでしょう" (Īe, mōshiwakearimasenga, karera wa gaki o nigasu koto ga dekimashitaga, shinpai suru hitsuyō wa arimasen. Kanojo wa tōku ni iku koto ga dekinakattadeshou.) (No, Sorry, They manage to let the brat escape, but don't worry. She couldn't have gotten far.)" She hears this as she makes her way downstairs. The house that she and her parents resided in was a five-story; an average person could go missing in a place like this.

She hid under the stairs. The dark side will do her some justice until the person leaves, or she comes up with a plan to escape. The person walks down the stairs and halts. Naomi was beginning to become nervous. (Why did he stop? Had he noticed me? No, that would be impossible. It's too dark!)

She almost sighs in relief when he starts to head for the door. However, before he turns the doorknob, he turns around again. Only this time, he's staring straight at the darkness in which she resided. Naomi, for some reason, felt as if he could see her right through the dismal. The only thing she could make out where the moonlight shined was his eyes. The dark blue blocked out all of the moon rays. They were soulless and dark and screamed the words of a natural-born killer.

"I already know you're there. I can sense you, so there's no point in hiding. You can come out now, " The man states, a voice so deep, so dark, and so demanding. Naomi shook off the fear and clutched her knife in one hand, and the other a gun and walked out. They stood there, eyeing each other. "あなたは誰?なぜあなたはここにいるのですか?誰があなたを送ったのですか?どうして私の両親を殺したの?なぜあなたはこれをやっている?(Anatahadare? Naze anata wa koko ni iru nodesu ka? Dare ga anata o okutta nodesu ka? Dōshite watashi no ryōshin o koroshita no?) ( Who are you? Why are you here? Who sent you? Why did you kill my parents?)" She questions the man, tears in her eyes as she points the gun towards him.

The man just stands there, not saying anything. Naomi flicks the clip, but for some reason, her finger didn't pull the trigger. (Why? Why won't my finger pull the trigger? I could kill so prosperous with the other two, so Why am I hesitating? He's one of them! A murder! A monster! So Why?) Her thoughts are waving throughout her mind. The room was like a silent gray. She gasps as she feels her hand slowly being push to her side. The man was now in front of her, kneeling on one knee. He takes the gun out of Naomi's hand.

In defense mode and finally able to grab a little revenge, she directs the knife towards his neck. However, he sensed it coming, so he moves his head so that the blade only slices his cloth.

Naomi grits her teeth as she's pushed backward. She lands on her back, hitting her head in the process. She lets out a painful grunt and tries to get up. She yelps in pain as the man's foot pressed against her bruise. He's holding her down with his foot. He aims her gun at her. (I'm about to die. Mom? Dad? I'm sorry! I'm sorry I couldn't get revenge! I'm sorry I'm not strong enough; forgive me.) She thinks as she prepared to receive an impact.

"ボスはあなたを殺すために送られた奴らを殺すために私を送った!私は彼にあなたは走ったかもしれないが,あなたは遠くに行かなかっただろうと多分言った.彼はあなたの後にいるので,もし私があなただったら,丘に向かって走ります.私の使命は終わりました!私は子供を殺すことに興味がありません.(Bosu wa anata o korosu tame ni okura reta yatsura o korosu tame ni watashi o okutta! Watashi wa kare ni anata wa hashitta kamo shirenaiga, anata wa tōku ni ikanakattadarou to tabun itta. Kare wa anata no nochi ni iru node, moshi watashi ga anatadattara, oka ni mukatte hashirimasu. Watashi no shimei wa owarimashita! Watashi wa kodomo o korosu koto ni kyōmi ga arimasen) (The boss sent me to kill those who were sent to kill you! I told him you might have run, but maybe you didn't go far. He's behind you, so if I were you, I would run towards the hills. My mission is over! I'm not interested in killing children!)"

He says while he throws the gun on the floor, turning around and heading towards the door. Naomi rolls over, grabbing the weapon, and points it at his back. She fires off a warning shot sending it towards the doorknob. "Wait! I'm not finished with you yet! You expect me to run for the hills and not go after revenge? Are you crazy?!" she screams at him. "Sometimes, in life, the best thing to do is run, kid. No doubt about it, and especially if it's a situation where you know you can't win. In this situation, to me, you're just a weak-ass little girl who got lucky. Face facts, kid, talk about revenge when you've got the guts to pull the trigger. With this type of revenge, you're after hesitant once just as you did with me, and your life could be over before you know it." And just like that, he's out the door while Naomi just watches.

She closes her mother's eyes and does the same with her father. "ごめんママ.ごめん,お父さん. Jはイムがあなたにこれをした人を見つけて殺すと約束する.誓うよ!(Gomen mama. Gomen, otōsan. J wa Imu ga anata ni kore o shita hito o mitsukete korosu to yakusoku suru. Chikayu) (I'm sorry Mom. I'm sorry, Dad. J promise I'm going to find whoever did this to you and kill them. I s-swear!)" She cries. She sits in between both of them: both Mother and Father, Husband and Wife side by side. Mitsuki Ugestu, and Arthur Jones, may you both rest in peace.

Naomi notices her mother's hand was holding on to a scarf father had given her the day they met. The scarf was very special to her. She never took it off unless she had to take a shower. Naomi smiles and grabs hold of her mother's hand. " Sorry, mom, I'm going to have to steal your scarf. That's the only way I'll be able to relive your scent." She speaks as she unlatches her mother's fingers, removing the scarf. She wraps it around her neck. And the scarf was so warm, but her mother's body was so cold. The warmness of the scarf brought tears out of the girl's eyes that wouldn't stop flowing.

"Naomi?" A voice snaps her back into reality. A woman with some long box braids was staring her down. Naomi looked at her clothes to see if she was a detective, but she was not. "Who are you?" Naomi asks her. The woman looked surprised for a second; then she goes on to say, "I didn't think you knew English that well! Last time I saw you, you were barely six, only knowing how your name in English. You've grown so much." The woman smiles at her. Naomi was confused. She'd never seen this woman a day in her life. She puts her sweater over her nose, "Who are you?" She asks again. This time the woman who had a smile turns it quickly into a frown. "Seriously, NAOMI! You don't know who I am as much as I took you out when you were growing up until six!" She asks, hoping for the girl to at least think back. However, Naomi just shakes her head no. "IT'S ME, AUNT VIENA!" she screams, and Naomi covers her ears.

"Aunt Viena?" Naomi says questionably? "Yeah, but just call me V. Im your father, Godsister." Aunt V's eyes become depressing as she watches the scenes unfold before her. Cops are swarming around her Brother's and Sister-in-law's house. They both were slaughtered. She's lost both of them! However, she looks towards Naomi. Tears are wailing in her eyes. She hasn't lost all of them.

"I'm sorry! I'm Sorry! Naomi, Im going to take good care of you now. I promise you!" V tells her, leaning down to hug her, she picks up the little girl hugging and kissing her forehead while crying. (Warm..So Warm. Just like mama and papa. She's warm, and Im growing colder.) And with that, Naomi drifts off to sleep.
